Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1937: Fight alone, one person is enough

Li Cong and Zhuo Yueran both changed their faces.

Including some Wu Xiu who was watching and listening around, he seemed to understand something, and all showed amazement.

She Ganqing said: "I won't talk too much nonsense. You and I understand what this huge barrier means, we should quickly solve the two people and divide the property. Although this little **** is in the early stage of the Seven Stars, since it can kill Song All the disciples in the family, even Song Hongze died in his hands, there must be a dangerous place for him."

Zhuo Yueran frowned and said, "Did he kill Song Hongze independently?"

She Ganqing said: "This is not important anymore. The important thing is that Song Hongze is dead, but he is not dead. Whether it is luck, cunning, or other things, this kid is a dangerous person, so let's get rid of the troubles first."

Yu'an is very anxious. The three people in front of them are all the pinnacles of the younger generation. They are all famous in the hundreds of star regions nearby, and they are all powerful beings that dominate their own star regions.

With these three people here, those Wu Xiu who wanted to fight Yang Qingxuan's idea all died down and did not dare to move their minds.

Yu'an shouted: "Do you three still have a face?"

She Ganqing's figure flashed and appeared next to Yu'an. He stretched out his hand and wiped off Yu'an's chin, provoking: "Face? What is that? Can I change meals?"

Yu'an was furious and furious, turning his hand over was a stab, cutting She Ganqing's wrist.

"Haha." She Ganqing laughed and grabbed a backhand. He grabbed a single thorn from Yu'an and chuckled with his bare hands. He laughed and said, "Tsk tsk, it's a good element."

Yu'an kept sinking, looking at Yang Qingxuan, but did not dare to call him.

She Ganqing bullied herself one step further.

Suddenly, a burst of thunder came violently, causing him to stagnate, and his figure turned in the air before hiding.

Yu'an was overjoyed. I don't know who came to the rescue, but after seeing the person who did it, his face became gloomy again.

The countless thunder and lightning are like snakes, and Li Cong's figure is transformed into it, and he grinned and said: "She Ganqing, this Nizi is also one of the belongings, I want it."

She Gan smiled faintly, then closed his hand, and said, "It's up to you. Since you have taken this Nizi, then this kid, let you take care of it."

Li Cong laughed and said: "I want to lend my hand, hum, but this kid has such a huge reputation, I have long seen him not pleasing to my eyes, I will kill if I kill it. An ant is nothing more than a palm. "

He immediately raised his hand and patted Yang Qingxuan directly.

Countless thunder energy rings flickered, forming large and small thunder circles, forming a field, directly blasting towards Yang Qingxuan.

Yu'an was anxious and wanted to resist, but was held down by Li Cong's other hand with thunder light, unable to move.

"It's really annoying!"

The aura in Yang Qingxuan's body was extremely unstable, and the true essence in his body began to become disordered under the influence of this thunder and lightning.

At the same time, the sword mark on the center of the eyebrow flashed, turning into a green glow, but then disappeared.

Gui Zang's surprised voice came, and said, "Why, don't I need to act?"

Yang Qingxuan said in a voice transmission: "I am enough to deal with this little pawn."

Gui Zang said in shock: "But you are still breaking through!"

Yang Qingxuan raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and said, "What about breaking through? It's not about having a child. Who has stipulated that you can't kill during a breakthrough?"

Gui Zang was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes violently, a golden light leaped, and the violent aura in his body seemed to shoot out through his eyes.

With his right hand grabbing forward, a sea of ​​fire spread, forming a huge barrier.


Countless thunder snakes hit the sea of ​​fire, and the force of the two elements churned, shaking out boundless waves.

Yang Qingxuan sat in the void, pinching the tactics again, and three profound flags flew out, transforming into enchantments and blending into the sea of ​​fire.

No matter how powerful that Lei Guang was, he couldn't break through.

Li Cong's face changed drastically, yelled, and his palms changed again, ignoring his control over Yu'an, his figure flickered, followed by a palm of his body, and slapped him fiercely on the Fire Sea barrier.


The entire enchantment deformed, pressing out a huge palm print, which continued to extend inward.

The pulsating golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes suddenly condensed into shape and shot away. At the same time, he grabbed with both hands, and the halberd slashed out.

"Shocked to the sky!"

The entire sea of ​​fire broke open suddenly, three profound flags instantly fell into the body, and the power of the halberd smashed through the void thunder and lightning, and instantly appeared in front of Li Cong.


Li Cong was horrified, his unbelievable eyes flashed in a hurry, turning things around and hiding.

This time avoiding the fatal cut.

It's just that the sky is thundering, and the momentum is plummeting.

Both Zhuo Yueran and She Qianqing were shocked. From their eyes, it was natural to see that Yang Qingxuan was still in the sudden level. He couldn't get up and his breath was extremely chaotic. In this state, he could still fight?

Yang Qingxuan ignored the two of them. As soon as the halberd shook, he stabbed Li Cong and sneered: "Didn't you kill me as a pawn? Come on."

Li Cong was frightened and angry. He was extremely embarrassed by his dignified eight-star peak. In the early stage of the Seven Stars, he still dared to take the initiative. To him, it was a great insult. He shouted angrily, "Looking for death!"

The thunder exploded again, and countless lightning rays spread, forming a ring of thunder energy, pressing down wildly.

"Thunderstorm Donuts!"

Under this move, even Zhuo Yueran and She Qianqing changed their faces, and their figures dodged.

Purely on the power of power, the three of them have the eight-star peak at the same time.

However, the lightning element is extremely harmful, and the lightning field energy is also an extremely powerful energy that can destroy most of the chaotic evil energy.

As soon as the thunder doughnut came out, within a thousand miles, all the martial artists had a surging aura in their bodies, affected by the thunder field, they would be sucked away.


After several screams, several low-level realm kings flew over in horror, and directly hit the thunder energy ring, exploding their identity to pieces.

The whole body's essence was absorbed by the thunder energy ring, and it became a little stronger.

Yu'an also desperately displayed defenses, resisting the power of absorption, and retreated in small steps in the minefield.

She Ganqing rubbed Yu Ruyi in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Li Cong was really angry when he moved, and he shot this huge killer move. It seems that I am afraid that I will suffer a loss in the confrontation just now."

Zhuo Yueran sneered and said, "With his mind, isn't it normal to suffer a loss?"

Although it was a mockery, his eyes were so solemn.

The three of them shine in their respective star regions. Even in the hundreds of star regions nearby, they are the deciding geniuses of the younger generation. They are hailed as the mighty powers who will dominate the universe in the future, and their strength and supernatural powers have reached the peak of the eight stars. It depends on who rushes to Jiuxing first.

The three of them knew each other's strengths and knew everything well, and it was hard to tell the outcome after three days and three nights.

In other words, Li Cong will suffer, and if they are both of them, they will also suffer.

This inference was extremely difficult for the two to accept.

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