Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1943: Absorb and crack, the secret garden

Zhuo Fan said, "In that case, I might be able to guess one or two. The white light that this kid showed just now is still the true light of the magnetic pole, but compared to the current one, the quality is far worse."

The people around were extremely intelligent, and their expressions changed.

Zuo Yundao said in a shocked voice: "Master Zhuo Fan means that this kid is absorbing this true magnetic light?"

Zhuo Fan said: "It's very possible. Even if it's not, it's at least tempering your own way. No matter what the situation is, it's a bit weird. You must know that this vortex is full of elemental decay, and it is extremely exhausting. Minshi said, God knows if there are other weird powers. It would be too unwise to put him in danger like this."

As if to confirm Zhuo Fan's words, the white light rolled down and began to shrink continuously, shrinking slightly in the middle, revealing a slender black robe figure.

Tang Shu and the others were all dumbfounded, watching Yang Qingxuan completely accept the true light of the magnetic pole.

At this moment, Yu'an has successfully reached the opposite bank and waved desperately: "Yang Qingxuan, come here!"

Everyone was startled, they all secretly said: It turns out that this kid is called Yang Qingxuan. Made such a huge reputation, but just learned his name.

Many people secretly recite "Yang Qingxuan", hoping to dig out a little bit of memory from their minds.

Yang Qingxuan's complexion was full of surprises. He was delighted that he completely absorbed the true light of the magnetic pole. What was shocked was that the true light of the magnetic pole entered the body. It mixed with the original one, but could not be merged. It constantly impacted the meridians and acupuncture points, and was very uncomfortable. , If it cannot be refined as quickly as possible, it is still very dangerous.

But at this moment, he can no longer take care of this much, and the Shi Yanshi in his hand is immediately exhausted.

Immediately took out two more, held it in his hand, the figure shook, and shot towards the other side.

In the entire vortex, apart from the chaotic power and elemental decay, it seems that only this magnetic pole light is dangerous. Now that the magnetic pole light has been collected by Yang Qingxuan, the danger is greatly reduced.

Although everyone was shocked by Yang Qingxuan's collection of the true light of the magnetic pole, they were all ecstatic in their hearts, holding Shi Mingshi in their hands one by one, preparing to cross the vortex.

When Tang Shu's figure flickered, he rushed into the whirlpool first, immediately plunged into dumplings, and jumped in one by one.

Yang Qingxuan quickly arrived on the other side, saw the temple at a glance, and the shot Xu Guanghui couldn't help but shook his heart, saying: "Let's go!"

At the moment, they rushed to the temple with Yu'an.

Tang Shu and the others were in a hurry, but they couldn't help it. The vortex was a huge obstacle to the true essence. Although it was faster than Yang Qingxuan and the others, it still took time to cross the past.

Yang Qingxuan and Yu'an rushed to the front of the hall, and they disappeared completely as soon as they flickered.

The next moment, he appeared directly in a garden.

"This is the garden?"

Yang Qingxuan stayed for a while, and then realized that this was already inside the Zuotuo Temple.

The garden is very wide and exquisite.

In the middle is a rockery and flowing water. The water does not know where it came from. It divides the garden like a flower field. Each area is planted with different exotic flowers and grasses.

Yu'an pointed to a flower field and exclaimed: "Mi Tu! Five flavors!"

Then he looked around and kept saying: "Zi Yinghua, Yunzhu, Ningyuange... Oh my God, these are all precious treasures of the world without a market!"

Yang Qingxuan also felt the extraordinaryness of these exotic flowers and plants, and said in surprise: "Come all away!"

Yu'an hurriedly stopped and said: "Don't mess around. Some flowers and plants cannot be picked. Special methods of sacrifice are needed to refine them on the spot. Otherwise, once they are picked, they will be discarded unless they are eaten immediately."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said: "So troublesome? What should I do then."

Yu An stood there blankly and said: "I don't know what to do for the time being. And I only recognize a very small part of these exotic flowers and weeds. If you just pick them all, you will definitely waste most of them. The people behind it are cheaper."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "If this is the case, then eat it all."

Yu'an was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Don't mess around, if you eat casually, is it toxic and not..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Qingxuan had already arrived in a flower field, uprooting a long vine planted in it, sending it directly into his mouth, and then swallowing it.

This long vine has maple-like leaves and red thousand-petal flowers, which exudes a strong aura.

Yu'an opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a while, and said, "You stop quickly, be careful of poisoning, you really can't eat randomly."

Yang Qingxuan said as he ate, "The taste is pretty good, very fragrant, refreshing, and full of aura. If you eat up this flower field, I feel that you can directly make it to the eight stars. You can eat too, we don’t have the relief. Stone? This thing can neutralize all abnormal conditions, even if it is poisoned, can't it be solved with a piece of stone?"

Yu'an was taken aback for a moment, and indeed it made sense. Shi Yanshi was one of the most peaceful energies in the universe, which could resolve all abnormal conditions, and even the decay of the elements could be resisted. If these flowers and plants are really poisonous, it is nothing.

After thinking about it, I don't know how to store these things. If you pick it up, it will inevitably waste a lot of money. If you don't pick it, people who come later will not let it go. Thinking about it, it is indeed the safest to eat.

He was the body of the realm king, although he did not come from a body refiner, he was also considered a powerful person, and there was no better container than a physical body.

He also hurriedly swallowed it now.

No matter what flowers are uprooted, they are sent to the mouth, and the whole person almost rushes on the flower field, eating even more ugly than Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan not only eats it himself, but also pulls up a lot of flowers and plants, throws them out of the star ring, and lets several stars eat together.

Soon, Yu'an's face changed drastically, and she yelled, "No, oh...full..."

The whole body stiffened, lying on the ground unable to move, and the lower abdomen was bulging like a pregnancy.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at her with fiery and golden eyes, only to support it, and the aura of various flowers and plants swelled, and it was quickly impacting Yu'an's body, making it unable to move.

Yang Qingxuan went all the way, cultivating both the law and the body, plus the Azure Dragon Saint Body, the physical strength was far better than the same level.

The amount of flowers and plants eaten was four to five times that of Yu'an before he began to feel extreme bloating.

Not only that, the true light of the magnetic pole surging in the body has finally reached an unignorable level and must be suppressed.

Only then stopped eating flowers, sitting in the void with both hands pinching the tactics, running the Qingyang Wujing, digesting the power of the flowers and plants in the body, and at the same time reconciling the true light of the magnetic pole.

The entire garden became extremely quiet, with only trickling water constantly pouring out of the rockery.

The strange thing is that after a long time, no one has entered here.

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