Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1966: Giant mountains shake, infinite treasure

Countless pairs of fiery eyes stared at the last-day radius, and they all turned red with jealousy, but Yang Qingxuan and Gui Zang stood there, and no one dared to look up.

Under the seal of Yu'an, the circle of the last days began to shrink, and finally turned into an exquisite bracelet and fell down, which was put on his wrist by Yu'an.


With countless swallowing sounds, the crowd began to move around.

Although the ten nine-star realm kings all returned with fate, this is the core of the entire Zotto Temple treasure. God knows how many shocking treasures there are.

The Yuhai Rock under the control of Yang Qingxuan is infinitely valuable.

Yu'an smiled with joy, nodded lightly, and said, "Okay."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay, let's go."

After a glance at the crowd, a large thunder talisman was turned into a large piece of thunder talisman, which immediately covered the three of them, then flashed with a "crack" and disappeared in place.

More than five hundred realm kings watched them flee, clenching their fists one by one, but did not dare to chase them.

"Should you let them escape?"

Finally someone couldn't help it anymore, with a loud voice, "I'm not convinced!"

"Not convinced? Huh, why didn't you say at first, everyone came out and said?"

"Don't complain to each other at this time. There are more than 500 of us. Logically speaking, even if the three of them are the Lords of the Thousand Realms, they all have to hang on here. It's not that we are not united enough."

"The wealth in the secret treasure, I guess, is probably comparable to a star field."

"Hey, I'm so unwilling! Why don't we catch up?"

"Okay! I missed this order, I'm afraid I will hate it for a lifetime!"

As the number of people grew, they quickly gathered a wave of morale, and broke free from the previous fear, and the large group of warriors immediately turned away and chased Yang Qingxuan.

Zhuo Fan looked at Tang Shu and asked, "Brother Tang Shu, can we chase after?"

Tang Shu said with a sullen face, and said coldly: "You must chase after it! This wealth is too great to be estimated. But Yang Qingxuan and that ghost repair strength are placed there, even if they chase now, they are just cannon fodder. On our side. Chase and fight, bite the three of them, and finally find a chance to kill them."

Zhuo Fan said: "It makes sense."

At the moment, the two of them also turned into escape lights, following everyone behind.


After a long time, in the dark abyss where the circle of the last days disappeared, a weird laughter suddenly came out, which was very pleasant and invigorating.

Numerous heaven and earth auras, as well as various chaotic forces, suddenly trembled desperately and gushed into the black hole.

The void was torn apart, broken and collapsed continuously, but a huge energy was slowly born and recovered within it.

This breaking force began to spread in all directions.

Not only the temple of Zuda, but the space of historic sites outside the temple, has also begun to be affected by this destructive force and continue to be annihilated.


Beyond the stars, the top of the giant mountain.

A large number of sect powerhouses received the information sent back from the inside, all with solemn expressions, various discussions were heard everywhere, and the information they obtained was sorted and sent back to the sect.

Song Yan and Cang Yunweng's faces were even more frosty.

The Song family's disciples were all gone, and of course they couldn't receive the news. They could only watch the news from other people's homes eagerly.

"What? Ten nine-star realm kings have all lost together?!"

"The three people finally got the secret space and left?"

"The hidden space is in a bracelet?"

Various news burst out from time to time, making the already chaotic mountain top even more messy.

Song Yan was full of murderous expression, staring at the six huge vortexes running slowly outside the giant mountain, and said in a cold voice: "Yang Qingxuan! When the celestial phenomenon of the turbid dragon returning to the house appears, it will be your death date!"

Many martial artists around, felt the chill on Song Yan's body inexplicably, and they avoided it from a distance, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body inexplicably.


In the land of break nirvana.

On a plain, scattered Shizuo flooded from all directions, at a glance, there were more than thirty.

They all leaned quickly toward a field on the plain.

Suddenly, the golden light flashed in the field, transforming into a halberd, and stab at these Shazuo quickly.

The speed of the halberd was extremely fast, almost passing by in a flash.

In an instant, there was a big scream of Shi Zuo, and then it exploded in the field, turning into chaotic energy and dissipating.

Then a hand protruded from the void and collected all the Shi Yanshi.

Yu'an also jumped out and clapped his hands in praise: "This method is really good, and I have gained 36 more."

Yang Qingxuan smiled in his eyes, looked into the void, and said with a light smile: "It's very good, but it's annoying to be stared at all day long."

Yu'an said: "Those cowards dare to follow from a distance. With the strength of Qingxuan and Master Guizang, I am afraid that they are invincible under the thousand realms. In the land of broken nirvana, even if there are real thousand realms, it must be extremely Few, most of them are hidden somewhere to practice. So we can rest assured to collect Shi Yanshi."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and continued to sit in the circle of elemental decay and practice.

Half a month has passed since the collapse of the Zuotuo monument.

Those Wu Xiu who chased him from all directions, after hundreds of people died, finally did not dare to chase them, and they all followed from a distance. After the tracked person reaches a certain level, such as two hundred or three hundred, another attack will be launched.

Yang Qingxuan is not afraid. First, as Yu'an said, unless it is the Lord of the Thousand Realms, it will be difficult to help them, and the other is just as experience, these strong are all super strong from the major star regions. There are countless supernatural powers and magic methods, and they have experienced many battles.

Under the fight, Yang Qingxuan made a qualitative leap in understanding of his own battle and supernatural powers.

And he swallowed Shi Dunshi all the time. The second pubic pubic area the size of mung bean in his body quickly turned into the size of a thumb, and it was steadily increasing with the supply of large amounts of Shi Dunshi.

During this period of time, unless there was a large-scale martial arts attack, it was Yang Qingxuan and Yu'an who were only fighting against Shi Zuo, and the ghosts hid in the Taixuan days to cultivate and digest those souls.

In the words of Oni Zang, it is possible to step into the Thousand Realms at any time.

After all, he used to be a thousand realms, and in this realm, he has stayed for endless years, and his understanding of the thousand realms is far beyond ordinary martial arts.

So as long as the energy is accumulated, it can break through anytime and anywhere.

During this period of time, Yu'an continued to study and organize the things in the apocalyptic circle, as well as the apocalyptic circle itself.

According to Yu'an, this last-day radius itself is an extremely terrifying sacred artifact. It was the ancestors of the Yu family who stayed in the Zuotuo monument in order to suppress the first generation of Shazuo. Yu'an came here to experience, and one of his thoughts was to find the apocalyptic radius.

But it was just a thought, and didn't hold much hope, but it happened.

The objects in the apocalyptic circle are so dazzling and astounding. Even if half a month has passed, they still haven't been able to sort out clearly how many treasures there are.

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