Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1979: Super Dorayaki, a fierce counterattack

Dudu's face sank, and a "dudu" sound was made in his stomach, and he took a step forward, and his whole body became hundreds of times larger horizontally, and he directly flicked his stomach towards Guizo, shouting: "Super Dorayaki!"

The ghost is surprised, what kind of trick is this?

But under the ridiculous weirdness, there was an extremely terrible feeling, and he didn't dare to be careless at the moment, suddenly turned around and left.

But that belly expanded extremely fast, and it bounced on Guizo, swallowing it.

Dudu's whole person turned into a circular flying saucer, but the size of his limbs and head remained the same. With two small hands folded in front of him, the whole body flew up, hovering in the sky, and countless symbols flashed in the void around him. All illusory.

The ghost is trapped in the belly of the gongs, like a world, with countless red lights shooting down from all directions to refine it.

Qom exulted: "Haha, I am trapped by Dudu's super gongs. As long as the ghost repair does not have the power of a thousand realms, he will definitely die!"

Bart shouted: "The worries have been removed, quickly kill this kid to take the pill and get the soul!"

Yang Qingxuan was furious. After Guizang entered the Super Dorayaki, he became calm from fierce resistance, narrowed the scope of activities, and began to turn offensive to defensive. Obviously, he discovered the power of this Super Dorayaki. He knew for a moment. Can't get out, immediately respond to all changes without changing, wait until the super dorayaki appears flaws before making a move.

Instead, Yang Qingxuan calmed down, raised his hand to pinch the sword tactics, a series of divine swords appeared on the whole body, rotating, and chopped in all directions.

"Haha, aren't you afraid to laugh generously when you use such tricks?"

Qom laughed wildly, and after several palms, he easily slapped the hitting sword into the air, while facing the ten thousand swords, bullying himself up.

Bart and Jess are the same, constantly shrinking the circle of besieging Yang Qingxuan.

Suddenly the three of them were shocked, and they felt uncomfortable inexplicably. An almost death breath came, and suddenly there was a sense of alertness and death in their hearts, as if they were about to step into the door of a ghost in the next moment!

"Hey! How could this be?!"

The powerful martial artist's instinct caused the hearts of the three of them to stop suddenly, and their pupils magnified several times, staring at the ten thousand swords, in the lower layer of the three great swords, sticking to a strange blade, slashing.

There was a faint green flash on the blade, and it was urged to the extreme.

"No! It's the Blade of Shayue!"

Qom screamed, his entire face turned pale.

The other two also found the Blade of Moment. In amazement, they all gasped, and their hearts contracted violently. They used their moves to the extreme, their defenses to the extreme, and their body skills to the extreme.

All three of them had their life potentials exploded to the extreme at this moment.

The beep hovering in the void, the pupils suddenly shrank, turning into countless grid lines, full of panic.


The terrible energy was finally cut out, and the three blades of the moon, like the power of three strokes of a thousand realms, blasted towards the three nine-star Shizuo.

The huge power that can smash the star dome, after a little block, penetrated without any suspense, and shattered the attacks and defenses of the three Shazuo.

Under this majestic force, the sky was split into several pieces, and even the chaotic energy in the sky was torn apart, and the passage was vaguely visible.

At this moment, another slash blasted in and went away.

It turned out that Yu'an slashed at Gao Li and directly smashed the body of the Nine Star Realm King.

The beep hovering in the air, looking at all of this with a dull face, the situation that was still a winner was completely overturned in the blink of an eye, and the four companions were all cut by the blade of the moon, and their life and death were uncertain.

These two... how come there are so many Blades of the Moon...

Dudu's brain was short-circuited, and he couldn't think about it completely, but soon vaguely thought of something, it should be the power brought to them by the apocalyptic radius and the countless Shi Yanshi before.

But fortunately, as long as Shi Zuo doesn't lose his stone, the broken body can be made up for with chaos at any time.

In addition to using their attacks and defenses to their extremes, Qom, Jess, and Bart also used their physical skills to their extremes. Knowing that they could not dodge this blow, they were still desperately twisting their bodies to dodge, all avoiding the place where Shi Yanshi was. The Blade of Shayue was completely out of shape.

Jace even had only one leg left, and Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly. Jace’s Shi Dunshi was in this leg. From that leg, the blue luster continued to rise, and the chaotic power from all directions condensed, once again Turn into Jace's body.

The other two were also repaired.

It's just that the realm of strength has fallen greatly, and the three of them are full of horror and survivors.

However, Gao Li is not so lucky. One is that Gao Li is not as strong as the three, but has a nine-star elementary level. The other is too close to dodge and defend, and the third is because of dealing with a six-star Xiaoni Zi, directly underestimated the enemy, and never dreamed that this little Nizi had a second blade of the moon.

When I thought my hand was coming, I was directly cut to pieces by this little Nizi with the blade of the moon, a nine-star Shi Mingshi, suspended in front of Yu'an, and was directly put away by the overjoyed Yu'an, and then raised like a demonstration. fist.

Dudu, Qom, Jess, and Bart were all dumbfounded, staying where they were, not knowing what to do.

I don't know if there is a Blade of the Moon on these two people?

In the current state of several people, if the other party still has a handle, they can't stop it at all, and their confidence drops to the extreme.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan's figure flickered and appeared beside Qom. The speed was so fast that the few people who were losing their minds were overwhelmed, and he waved his hand and slashed it with a blade of the moon.


Qom gasped, his heart was about to jump out of his mouth, and he shouted in horror: "No!"

The defense of the whole person broke out to the extreme in one fell swoop, and his face was full of grief and despair.


The fist struck the blade of the instant moon, and did not burst out the terrible power in the imagination, but the blade was directly shaken off, and the blade-wielding Yang Qingxuan was broken directly with the void, turned out to be just a Dao Can shadow.

Qom was taken aback for a moment, looking at the trembling Blade of the Moon, it turned out that it was an unfilled one.

And at this moment, a scream of toot came, "Qom! Be careful behind!"

Yang Qingxuan did not know when, appeared behind Qom, a 100% energy-shaking moon blade, cut his head immediately, his eyes burst with scorn and sarcasm, and said coldly: "If you want to kill me, all five will stay. Right!"


A huge slash passed across the sky, slashing the sky open again, and Qom was instantly swallowed by the huge light.

The world fell into a dead silence, leaving only the strong light that shattered the sky, and rushed into infinity.

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