Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1988: Fight Li Gonglin hard, all three swords

Yu'an was pinched by his neck and struggled desperately. The double thorns in his hands were cut out suddenly, but even Li Gonglin's defense could not be broken, and there was no harm at all.

Li Gonglin didn't even seal her true vitality. It was obvious that the confidence was so strong that she was indeed treated as an ant. Seeing Yu'an struggling, he laughed, his five fingers pressed harder, trying to draw the ghost out.

Yu'an's face immediately began to turn purple and fell into a state of checkmate.

"Damn it!"

Yang Qingxuan shouted, holding the halberd and rushed forward, and the figure disappeared into the void. When it reappeared, it was already behind Li Gonglin, slammed into the sky.

Ji Beiye also gritted his teeth and slashed away with a knife. He didn't know that the ghost was hiding in retreat. He thought that there was still a half-step support from the Thousand Realms, so although facing Li Gonglin's pressure, he did not despair.

Li Gonglin didn't care at all, and coldly snorted: "Go and die!"

With the five fingers of the left hand close together, using the hand as the blade directly, he cut into the void, making two moves in a row.



First, it smashed Ji Beiye's domineering sword art, and then smashed the halberd with a palm, shaking Yang Qingxuan's whole body trembling, and spouting blood again, but still standing still, holding the halberd with both hands, on the contrary, it was even more pressed. Come up.


Li Gonglin was shocked in disbelief. Under the two moves just now, Ji Beiye's attack was just an understatement of shaking the sword, but Yang Qingxuan was more powerful and directly imposed the killer.

After all, Ji Beiye's identity is there, even if he is a half-step Qianjie, he does not want to provoke the Ji family.

However, Yang Qingxuan can kill it, so he directly added a little more strength.

But it never occurred to him that the Seven-Star Peak Realm King actually resisted his own move, not retreating but advancing!

Li Gonglin was inexplicably startled with a trace of fear, is this still the King of the Seven Star Realm?

Suddenly I understood what happened to the Wu Xiu who died in Yang Qingxuan's hands. Li Gonglin instantly discovered that the man in front of him was even more terrifying than the ghost repair!


At the moment, the killing intent was violent, and Yu An was slammed away, and his right hand turned into the sky, and a shocking chill burst out between his five fingers, and the world turned pale at this moment.

Although Li Gonglin had a killing intent, he still didn't dare to do it with all his strength, and most of his mind and strength were on guard against that ghost repair.

A palm severely slashed, straight into Yang Qingxuan's head.


Yang Qingxuan turned into a raging fire, and was split open by Li Gonglin's palm on the spot, exploding countless flames, spinning around in the air.

Li Gonglin looked gloomy, and said coldly: "The great elemental body is not dead!"

He clenched his hands with five fingers, making a "cracking" bone pop, obviously his heart was extremely unstable.

Even if he only used a small amount of power, he couldn't handle it at all.

The countless flames turned into lotus flowers in full bloom, and after a breath, they turned into rows of Yang Qingxuan's figures, which were shot down from all directions.

Li Gonglin sneered and said, "Is there no cohesive strength, the struggle at the end of the crossbow, or think that such a trick can win me? If it is the former, I admire a bit, if it is the latter, it would be too naive."

His hands were stagnant, and he stroked the void.

Yingying's fingers condensed into a halo, scattered around, shattering those fire clones in a few blows.

In the void on the left of Li Gonglin, the golden light flashed, and Tianxu pierced out.

Li Gonglin did not move, raised his hand to pat it, and shouted, "Dead!"

Under this palm, the vast nebula condensed, but half of the power was used.

Li Gonglin's face was very gloomy, and his divine consciousness expanded to its maximum in an instant. He was on guard from all directions. If he couldn't kill Yang Qingxuan, and if such a stalemate was consumed, he would eventually reveal his flaws and be attacked by the ghost cultivator of the same level.

Therefore, Li Gonglin believes that his situation is very critical, and that the danger may be hidden in any place in the void, and he cannot be careless.

At any time, there is at least half of the power left to guard against that ghost repair.


Tianxu handed it out from the void, revealing the whole picture, but it was not Yang Qingxuan himself who grabbed the Tianxu, but the law of fire, heaven and earth.

Under the huge palm wind, before the halberd approached Li Gonglin, the image of the fire continued to shatter, and it was difficult to save any trace.

Li Gonglin's face sank, and he roared: "It's so difficult! Where is the real body? Come out and die!"

The dark green pupils shrank and looked in all directions.

Suddenly a little fluctuation in the air in front of him dissipated, and the figure of Yang Qingxuan appeared. He didn't avoid it, and he appeared directly in front of him, grabbing into the void with both hands, a large piece of the Moon Blade appeared in front of his palm, violently shooting Come.



Li Gonglin was shocked. It was actually more than 30 Blades of Shaking the Moon. He dodged and dodged.

Yang Qingxuan's figure shook and waved again, and another thirty-odd handles came out like a hidden weapon.

These Shayue Blades were spinning in the air, controlled by Yang Qingxuan, and hit Li Gonglin again from all directions.

"Huh, I'm making mystery!"

Li Gonglin's pupils flashed, and he immediately saw through the more than sixty moon-shaking blades, all of which had not been completed. He immediately raised his palm and patted it.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flickered, ten fingers pinched the tactics, and the 60-odd Shayue Blade split instantly, shooting into the void, avoiding this palm.

But in the void in all directions, a large number of fire clones appeared at once, and each clone grabbed a blade of the moon and cut it at Li Gonglin.

"This trick again, isn't it annoying?!"

Li Gonglin's face was extremely ugly. He had already used half of his power to actually kill a Seven-Star Realm King. His anger kept surging in his heart. He raised his hand and pointed his fingers again and hit the fire clones.

"Boom! Bang!—"

A large avatar of fire was shattered by the shock under the circle formed by this finger.

But the Blade of Shayue was flying in the air.

Suddenly, Li Gonglin's heart trembled inexplicably, and he shouted, "No!"

I saw a fire clone in front of him, raising the blade of the moon and slashing it down. When he touched his finger light, although his identity exploded, the blade of the moon burst out with earth-shaking light, directly smashing the sky. Down!

"Hey!" Li Gonglin took a sharp breath and shouted sharply: "Zhuzi, **** it!"

The whole body suddenly turned, and dodged around.

At this moment, he could no longer retain his strength, and desperately avoided.

The figure swayed, and directly moved a hundred feet across forcibly, but the same terrible slash fell from the sky as the body just moved across.


Li Gonglin was shocked, he thought it was the ghost cultivator at first, but when he fixed his eyes, it was Yu'an, who also cut a blade of the moon.

"Damn it! There are actually two full moon blades!"

Li Gonglin gritted his teeth fiercely, and could no longer beware of any ghost repairs. The momentum of his whole body instantly exploded to the extreme, he slammed his five fingers and slashed.

In an instant, the world was pale.

But it was Li Gonglin's face that was paler than the heavens and the earth. Yang Qingxuan's voice came faintly, directly in his ears, "Not two handles, but three handles!"

Ten feet away, Yang Qingxuan appeared in the incarnation, holding blades in both hands, cutting straight.

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