Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2004: In pursuit, the last beauty

Gui Zang was ecstatic, and at this moment, there was an endless rumbling sound behind him, which was exactly where Luo Tinglan and others were.

The huge Promise Field keeps shrinking.

The blood glowed inside, almost reddening the sky.

Yang Qingxuan's heart beat wildly, and under his fiery eyes, he only saw a dead silence without the slightest vitality.

Lin Yuzhi was afraid that he was already dead, and most of the thousands of realm kings had also fallen. Thinking of this, his heart trembled.

That was thousands of realm kings, all of them were just a force running across the universe, they were all dead!

Not only in nearby star areas, but also in the entire universe, it will cause huge shocks.

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes jumped, and he immediately saw Luo Tinglan's figure, as if still smiling at him, and suddenly convulsed: "Run! That woman is chasing you!"

Needless to say, at the moment when the passage was formed, Gui Zang turned into a sword, and took the three of them into the sky.

Sword Qi kept tearing through the tumbling energy layer, and several people turned thousands of miles away.

In an instant, a white figure appeared in the void, it was Luo Tinglan, and all five of them appeared beside him.

X was surprised: "Master, they escaped!"

Luo Tinglan raised her head and looked at the void, her eyes flickered. On that peerless face, she raised a slight smile and chuckled: "Little ants, can you escape? Even if you chase the void universe, I will take you Packed up."

As soon as the figure swayed, he wrapped up all five of them and chased them directly.

After Gui Zang split through the layers of void resistance, he quickly rushed out, and there was a vast universe in front of him. The endless starry sky, like a world studded with gems, was so beautiful.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly shouted: "No! That woman is chasing me!"


Gui Zang was taken aback, and quickly sensed his breath, and cursed, "Damn it!"

Green lights flashed in his eyes, as if hesitated.

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "I don't want to run, what are you thinking?"

Gui Zang licked his lower lip and said, "There were thousands of realm kings killed here just now. If I can swallow all the souls of these realm kings, it would be enough to rush to the three-star thousand realms and kill this woman."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly and said: "It's not time for me. There is no chance now. Let's escape this disaster first."

Gui Zang sighed, drove up his sword, flew toward the void of the universe, and soon disappeared into the vast sky of stars.

Luo Tinglan chased after him, and the two of them were in tandem with the endless streamer, and they couldn't tell whether it was a figure or a meteor.

A few days later, on a deserted planet, there was a sudden "bang" loud noise.

The powerful force shuttled through the meteorite layer, causing a huge riot, and a brilliant light suddenly fell into it.


A piece of uplifted mountain, under the force of the fall, pressed into an endless sinkhole.

Amidst the energy, a ghost hidden figure emerged, staring at the sky fiercely, and said coldly: "Damn bitch! Chased me for three days and three nights, don't think I am afraid of you!"

"Hey, if you are not afraid, what are you hiding?"

In front of the ghost house, countless snow fell down, and Luo Tinglan and the five Shizuo appeared out of thin air.

Luo Tinglan looked like a peach blossom, looked at the ghost hiding, looked at Yang Qingxuan, and then looked at the fat man Yu An who had passed out, covering her mouth and laughing, obviously in a good mood.

Gui Zang said angrily: "Because you are a woman, I won't hit you. You have to make an inch!"

Luo Tinglan leaned forward and backward with a smile, and said: "Oh, come and hit me, don't pity me because I am a Jiaohua."

Gui Zang roared: "Since you are looking for death by yourself, you can't blame me!"

At the moment, the swords slammed together, and they rushed over.

The ghost fire in the pupils was compressed to the extreme. Although angry, his heart was extremely calm, even cold.

There is almost no life in this battle, and it is impossible to cross the realm of two stars.

The Lord of the Thousand Realms is about to be close to the end of the martial arts. Every star is infinitely far away. Not to mention touching, you can't even see the edge.

The ghost hidden sword power is running to the extreme, and countless ghosts tore through the air, spiraling over the planet.

The entire world's potential energy trembles, and the plane continues to shatter.

Luo Tinglan's eyes narrowed slightly and smiled faintly: "It seems that you are not an ordinary ghost cultivator, are you like me, who fell into the realm of the once strong?"

As he spoke, the beautiful jade hand stretched out and patted the Hyakki Yexing lightly, the white brilliance shattered, and all the ghosts were overshadowed, and they kept shrinking back.

Gui Zang's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "If this seat can restore the power of Peak Eleven, kill you like a dog!"

"Oh, ah, if the hero doesn't mention the courage of the past, can you only live in the glory of the past? At this moment, you are the most real you."

Luo Tinglan smiled faintly, and patted her jade hand again. The big ghost light shot from the Hundred Ghost Nightwalk, and the sword body couldn't help shaking.

Behind the ghost hiding, the huge ghost phantom also broke apart.

Gui Zang has a hideous face, gritted his teeth, but kept backing away.

Suddenly, a figure shot out, and Yang Qingxuan held the blade in both hands, cutting down wildly.

The two blades of Shayue intertwined and attacked.

Luo Tinglan chuckled lightly: "This elementary tool is interesting. I can only condense a handle by killing me, it's really hateful."

However, there was no expression of hatred on her face. With a slap of her hand, the ghost was shattered by the shadow behind her, Hyakki Yexing almost broke out, and the ghost was directly shocked. Luo Tinglan slammed his palm again and slashed directly on Yang Qingxuan's two Blades of Moment.


The invincible, almost unrivaled brilliance of the Blade of the Moon was blocked for the first time. Moreover, two lanes were blocked at the same time and cut off in the air.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, suddenly took out ten handles again, suspended in front of him, and was about to slash them all out.

Suddenly a magnificent force was pressed down and turned into a Tai Chi Pisces pattern, which restrained the space in Yang Qingxuan's body. The true essence in Yang Qingxuan's body was instantly depleted, and it was able to maintain the sky without falling. Where did the ten-handed blade of the moon be inspired .

Luo Tinglan came to Yang Qingxuan at once, flicked her jade hand, and the sleeves crossed Yang Qingxuan's face, and said with a smile: "You have no conscience, I'm so beautiful, you can't give up, you say, how am I How about punishing you?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Just punish me to stay away from you, I can't see you again forever, and I will suffer from lovesickness forever."


Luo Tinglan laughed and trembled with nympho, and cursed: "Smelly man, if you want to be beautiful, don't think about living, let's think of something else."

Yang Qingxuan's face was extremely ugly. He took out a scarlet jade box and opened it suddenly. The golden light burst out from his pupils. Then he pinched the Jue with one hand and said something in his mouth.

Luo Tinglan didn't care, and smiled contemptuously: "At the last minute, what tricks do you want to play? Still struggling? It is better to enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of you, the gorgeous starry sky, the universe, and the beauty in front of you. Isn't it all your good memories on Huangquan Road?"

In that jade box, following Yang Qingxuan's pinch, an unremarkable hair slowly flew up.

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