Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2012: Suppress the audience and fan into pigs

"Bold, stop!"

The hall master reacted first, seeing Yang Qingxuan taking a step, he approached Yuansan and hurriedly shouted.

If Gakizo was injured here, he was afraid it would be a serious crime.

The guardians of the two Seven Star Realm Kings immediately flashed out from behind, attacking Yang Qingxuan one left and the other right.

The man on the left held the sword in his right hand and pinched his left hand. The sword power was drawn in the air, and the powerful sword energy waved away without any reservations, and went straight down.

The person on the right raised his hand and the cover fell down.

Both of them are in the realm of Seven Star Realm Kings. Together, they completely blocked Yang Qingxuan, and wanted to kill him with one move.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed both hands, and the powerful energy spread out and turned into a nebula vortex, completely absorbed the power of the two people, and directly dissipated invisible.


The two of them were shocked, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and said in shock: "Your cultivation base..."



Before the two of them reacted, both felt a sharp pain in their chests, and the nebula directly pressed on themselves, and the internal organs and ribs were all broken.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "Being a tiger, leaving you just two more rubbish."

The two of them hadn't realized what was going on before, and there was a loud bang, which was crushed by the power of the nebula, exploded into countless pieces of meat and broken bones, floating above the hall.


The hundreds of people in the hall were all dumbfounded.

The hall master even took a breath, hurriedly swiped a palm, and slapped it fiercely, trying to suppress Yang Qingxuan's ferocity, and at the same time shouted angrily: "Stop! Do you know what you are doing? In front of you , But noble Lord Protoss, if you dare..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Qingxuan's figure fluttered gently, hiding behind him, leaving only the afterimages being shattered by the palace owner.

The hall master is an eight-star elementary cultivation base, no different from Yang Qingxuan. He immediately judged under a palm that he was not an opponent of this person at all. He was very anxious and shouted suddenly: "If you dare to offend the Lord Protoss, you will surely suffer The chase of all the power in the entire Luofu Realm, and the entire Southern Universe, there will be no place for you!"

"Oh, isn't it? It's strange, why do you care so much about me? Is there any place for me? What's up with you? Everyone is really strange now. If you don't take care of yourself, you like to take care of others? And I Killed your guard, shouldn't you be happy that there is no place for me? Do you want a place for me?"

Yang Qingxuan looked surprised, and said: "You mentioned me like this. Could it be my good friend, what's the secret collusion with me?"

Yuan San suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, kid, interesting, interesting. My God appreciates you very much now, and to be my loyal servant, I can give you..."


Suddenly a crisp slap in the face rang in the hall.

Time and space seem to have stopped, and the slap is more like a slap on everyone's face, even in their hearts.

The hall master shivered, his soul frightened.

Yang Qingxuan didn't say a word, so he slapped Yuansan in the backhand.

The attacker Genzao couldn't believe it. He covered his face before reacting for a while, and then he screamed like a pig, "Dead! Die! Kill him, kill him for the god!"

"Original God?" Yang Qingxuan snorted, and slapped it again with a slap in the face. He flew out Yuansan and slammed to the ground.


All the martial artists around were trembling with fright, and hurriedly dispersed, for fear of affecting themselves.

Beating the Protoss is a heinous crime that afflicts the nine races.

Yang Qingxuan didn't stop doing it, and the figure swayed, she fell to Yuansan's side, grabbed the other hair, and then slapped it with a few slaps.

"Papa Papa", every palm seemed to hit everyone's face, all in a panic.

Yuan San had been slapped into a pig's head, and his teeth were all crushed and swallowed in his belly, and he was speechless.

The hall master and others were so scared that they almost slumped to the ground, and their shivering strength was gone.

Yang Qingxuan held Yuansan still on the ground, then raised his foot, stomped on his face, smashed hard, and said grimly: "Protoss? A group of stupid-hangers, calling themselves'gods' in front of this young master, get Did the young master agree?"

Everyone fainted, do the Protoss do things with your consent?

Yuan San moaned "Woo", and could still hear the sound of "death, death..." in his mouth.


Yang Qingxuan shook his finger and said, "You don't like to hear this word." Reached out and grabbed into the void, one of the shoes of the previously killed Jinjia Yinwei flew over, Yang Qingxuan grabbed the shoe and stuffed it into Yuansan's mouth. , Clapped his hands and laughed: "This way I can't speak."

Yuan San yelled, struggling desperately.

But helplessly, Yang Qingxuan's strength is too strong, he can't resist at all. The whole face was painful before, but now he has completely lost consciousness. Endless hatred, murderous intent, and resentment burst out in his eyes.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said: "These eyeballs are too annoying to look at them, go for it."

Yuan San was so frightened that he screamed, closing his eyes desperately, his limbs crawling on the ground like a tortoise.

The hall master rushed over and roared: "Quickly let go of the three great people!"

The cultivation base of the Eight-Star Realm King suddenly burst to the peak, all gathered in a palm in front of him, and pressed down severely.

In this move, the entire hall has become extremely distorted.

When Yang Qingxuan shot and killed the two Seven-Star Realm Kings earlier, he discovered that this hall, or the entire Luofu Realm, was extremely solid, far from the sky star field comparable to ordinary cosmic space.

The death of the two Seven-Star Realm Kings couldn't move this hall at all, and even no cracks appeared in the space.

It can be seen that its sturdiness is terrible.

At this moment, the hall master's move to make the hall appear distorted was already extremely powerful.

Yang Qingxuan didn't even look at it, raising his hand was a stroke of Liuyang palm, greeted him fiercely.


The palms touched each other, and the terrible wave of power spread out.

The Wu Xiu all around fled in all directions in horror, and many people fled the hall directly.

The Lord's body trembled, and under the same cultivation level, he couldn't hold Yang Qingxuan's palm at all. With a "poof", he spouted a big mouth of blood and flew out fiercely.

The hall master snarled frantically: "No one is allowed to run! No one is allowed to run! Listen to my order and kill this person! Everyone of you who entered the hall has been recorded. If anyone ran away, he would be put to death! Don’t forget, those who see the Protoss being insulted and do not work hard is the capital punishment of the Jiu Clan!

Those Wu Xiu who was about to flee stopped one by one, all with panic faces, standing there not knowing what to do.

Yang Qingxuan immediately sensed dozens of powerful auras and locked it.

With three breaths of nine-star realm kings, five breaths of eight-star realm kings, and dozens of other breaths, it seems that the words of the palace master have indeed worked.

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