Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2070: Blow one by one, goodbye weirdo

"Don't! Your lord is forgiving, and your subordinates are merciful! I have seniors and subordinates...ah..."

A six-star realm king, before he could finish begging for mercy, couldn't hold the continuously powerful dragon fist, was hit by a severe blow on his body, and he was hit to death.

The rest were even more frightened.

The number of people keeps decreasing, but the dragon fist enchantment still shows no weakening trend, and it is still increasing.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two realm kings were blown to pieces by the dragon fist, and there was also a seven-star high-ranking realm king.

The remaining seven people were all panicked, this time they were really panicked.

One of the seven-star middle-ranked realm king begged: "My lord, forgive me, as long as my lord let me go, I will be a cow and a horse...ah..."


This seven-star middle-ranked realm king was also hit by the dragon boxing, his entire chest exploded, breaking into two pieces and flew out.

The corpse was still preserved, although not completely.


The remaining six people were even more frightened, and after so many people died, their pressure continued to increase.

The two nine-star realm kings looked at each other, and they all saw shock and fear in each other's eyes, and even a hint of despair.

One of the nine-star realm king roared: "Everyone is fighting! If this goes on, no one will want to live, and all the power will be flooded!" A large green light emerged from his body, all of which was merged into his fist and rushed away. .

This is the last body-protecting True Essence, every drop of power in the meridians and flesh in the body is squeezed out, in order to explode Yang Qingxuan.

The other five people immediately yelled with the same thoughts, bursting out their final strength, their bodies were squeezed to pieces, blood flowed, but no one was greedy for life and fear of death. They all had their faces full of determination.

It's not how brave they are or how firm their Dao heart is, but a dead end, which stimulates their life's potential.


With a punch of their life's strength, the six people finally suppressed the dragon fist barrier and kept shrinking it.

The red dragon light on the barrier burst into pieces.

Yang Qingxuan's body began to appear dull in the red light.

Ji Beiye fought hard against the big sky snake in the distance, and was suddenly shocked, feeling a trace of extraordinary meaning. He wanted to turn around to rescue, but was entangled by the big sky snake and couldn't separate himself.

At this moment, the dragon fist enchantment that was originally suppressed suddenly lit up with five bright lights, and they gathered together under the rotation, and turned into a blue dragon, wrapped around Yang Qingxuan's arm, and flew away!

Behind Yang Qingxuan, there seemed to be five star phantoms.


The last powerful dragon fist smashed the team of six people in an instant, and the terrible dragon light burst and swallowed them all!


The aftermath continued to oscillate and hover in the air, only to see six figures flying upside down, all vomiting blood.

Three of them were killed on the spot.

Only two nine-star realm kings and an eight-star peak realm king were left, but the three of them had not yet reacted, and found a childlike hideous face flashed in the void, and then the green sword energy swept the whole room into A storm of swords directly cut off the lives of the three.

It was the ghost hiding, possessing the body on Yang Qingxuan's second soul, swallowing the souls of more than a dozen realm kings, and returning to Yang Qingxuan again.

Yang Qingxuan was sweating profusely, the sweat coming out was bright red, the impurities deposited on the skin were all separated during the punching process, and the color of the skin began to gradually turn white.

At this point, the heart of the bone has been completely absorbed into the body, not only has it crossed the barrier, but also deposited a large amount of power, making the realm of the late Eight Stars extremely firm.

Yang Qingxuan adjusted his breath for a while, and thought to himself what the heart of the bone was, it was so mysterious, if he could pick another ten or twenty, he wouldn't be able to directly rush into the thousand realms?

If Jiuquan learned that the realm kings who had died under his fist, he would vomit blood out of anger and return ten or twenty of them. Every time the Desire Realm opens, one or two of them will be the limit.

The big sky snake saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly shook Ji Beiye away and fled quickly.

Even Ji Beiye couldn't take it, and that person even defeated more than a dozen Realm Kings. If he shot over, he would be killed on the spot.

"Want to leave? Don't you think it's too late?"

A cold light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and several gouyu jade appeared immediately, and the whole world was changed. The big sky snake had just escaped thousands of feet, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to the original place.


Da Tian She spit out the letter, making a sound of fear.

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward with his fists in both hands.

Ji Beiye's face was sullen, and he released his domineering to the limit, desperately cutting off.

Yang Qingxuan used the power of eight stars to carry more than a dozen realm kings, and beat them one by one. However, he was unable to take it down for a long time when fighting against a similar rank alone, which made him extremely annoyed and ashamed.

The Big Sky Snake seemed to feel that his life was imminent, and went crazy with Ji Beiye, fiercely, and completely suppressed Ji Beiye's domineering spirit.

"Since you know you are going to die, what are you struggling with?"

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's pupils scattered, the figure turned into a golden glow and shot forward.


The Halberd Tianxu directly inserted-into the body of the big sky snake, severely dissecting the flesh.

The big sky snake was in pain, struggling desperately to flee, but was overtaken by Ji Beiye, and cut into a few calamities with several swords.

The huge snake body "banged" in the air, and countless flesh and blood flew across. Ji Beiye stretched out his hand to grab the snake gall and took the snake gall, along with an egg-sized inner alchemy, and handed it to Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "I think you are not far from the next floor. You have these two things. You can swallow them yourself, and strive to break through to the later stage as soon as possible."

Ji Beiye didn't pretend, so he swallowed the inner alchemy and the snake gall, and then pinched the power.

Yang Qingxuan's gaze fell on the reincarnation tree. After such a fierce battle, the entire mountain stream was not damaged to a large extent. If it was replaced by the sky nebula, it was afraid that one plane would be destroyed.

The reincarnation tree was erected there without any damage.

Suddenly, a weird figure appeared beside the tree inexplicably, reached out and picked the five fruits, then turned and left.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and his heart shook wildly. Who could quietly take things away from the place where his eyes were staring? He hurriedly shouted: "Laughter!" As soon as the halberd fell in his hands, he chased him up.

The man's footsteps stopped, he turned around, and chuckled: "It's strange, this fruit has been here for so long, you don't want to take it, don't you let me take it?"

Yang Qingxuan's heart jumped suddenly, and the person in front of him was the weird person who had disappeared inexplicably after he was out of bounds, constantly pressing his legs and stretching his arms, and after moving his muscles and bones, he immediately shouted, "Who are you?!"

//No more today.

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