Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2110: Frighten Bai Luo, take control of the audience

The old Ning family saw Bai Luo stand up for the first time, and he almost danced with joy. Then he saw the people from Tianjianmen stand up again, and he was stunned again.

What did Yang Qingxuan do? Actually provoked the God Palace and Heavenly Sword Gate to appear for him one after another!

Everyone has similar thoughts, all in a daze, unable to sort out the various relationships inside.


Yang Qingxuan held a halberd in one hand, exuberantly, and said loudly: "The people who can still stand on my side of Yang Qingxuan at this time are all my brothers!"

Everyone thought that his name was Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan, Yang Qingxuan, such a strange name.

Chi Xiaozi and others are Xindao, it turns out that Luffy is his alias.

Void stared at Bai Luo, then looked at Yang Qingxuan, clasped his fists and smiled: "Brother Qingxuan, don't come here without problems."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Brother Wuming, I have worked hard."

Wuming smiled and said, "It's a trivial matter, you're welcome."

After finishing speaking, he stared coldly at Bai Luo and the master of God's Palace, pointed to the vacuum zone in front of Bai Luo, and said coldly: "Step into the step and die! Brother Qingxuan let you go last time, this Not so lucky this time."

Everyone was in an uproar. It turned out that Yang Qingxuan and Bai Luo had celebrated a long time ago. It seemed that Yang Qingxuan had the upper hand and let Bai Luo go.

Bai Luoqi’s teeth tickled, and his body trembled. When the Heavenly Sword Gate came out to disrupt the situation, the odds of victory were mysterious, but as the son of the **** king, when he had suffered from this kind of anger, even if the odds of victory were not great, he would let go and kill him, roaring : "Nothingness! Go to death with Yang Qingxuan!"

The aura burst out suddenly.

But in an instant, it was like being frozen, and the angry face showed a panic of shock and dense fear.

Not far away, the nine-star old man of Ning Family, who carried the imperial seal, suddenly let out a terrible scream, was cut into two by the sudden appearance of the ghost sword, and then was drawn out of his soul in front of countless people. , Swallowed into the belly.

"Hey!" On the top of the cloud, everyone was pale with fright, and someone shouted, "Ghost Xiu!"

"It's a ghost repair! My God, this kid's second soul is not on the same path as the deity!"

"The ghost cultivation technique is extremely mysterious and vicious, it is very difficult to achieve success, but once it is achieved, it will be terrible!"

There were sounds of exclamation and fear all around, looking at Yang Qingxuan's eyes, they all showed deep fear, and you must not provoke this person.

The soul of the Ning Family's nine-star peak old man was swallowed a little bit by the ghost hiding, and everyone watching was terrified.

As soon as the aura on Bai Luo's body burst out, he fell to the bottom, his whole body was like an ice cave, his face was extremely pale.

"Hahahaha!" Wuming said with a joking sneer: "Come on, Lord Bai Luo, what did you just say? Let me die with Yang Qingxuan? The Ning family is almost dead, it is Lord Bai Luo. It’s a good opportunity to show your skills and practice your declaration."

"Hey!" Bai Luo gasped abruptly, his heart trembling uncontrollably.

The old Ning family's cultivation base was similar to his own, and he was swallowed silently.

He is the son of the King of God. He will inherit the throne of the King of God in the future. With the touch of a finger, the supreme existence of countless galaxies can be broken. How can he die here inexplicably like these untouchables? Even more terrifying is that even the soul was swallowed.


Bai Luo's feet kept retreating, returning to the top of the mountain, shrinking into the crowd, as if nothing had happened.

"Hahahaha", Wuming laughed wildly, stood holding a sword, and sarcastically said: "What **** protoss! I think it is a group of ninja turtles!"

The popular forehead of the Palace of Gods smoked, but seeing the people of the Ning family be beheaded one by one, they jumped out and became enemies with Yang Qingxuan at this time. It was almost a dead end. In the face of life and death, they chose the former very wisely.

Everyone has a weird look on their faces, and they sighed inwardly, that the strong is respected, the strength is the first, and only the famous clan family can have such a courage to fight each other with the gods. If they were replaced by ordinary sects, they would have been destroyed. .

After Gui Zang killed the nine-star old man of the Ning family, the rest of the Ning family was even more mob. In addition, their confidence was blown to the extreme, and several people even turned their heads and fled and were chased to death by the Jiang family's disciples.

The battle soon ended, and the core disciples sent by the Ning Family to the World of No Desires, except for Ning Xiuzhen, had no one to survive.

While the Jiang family disciples were beheading the Ning family disciples, Yang Qingxuan kept "picking up" things, collecting all the objects on those corpses.

His tyrannical strength has been recognized by everyone. In addition, he is also a brother recognized by Jiang Yueliu, and he has saved his life for the Jiang family disciples. Therefore, no one is disgusted with "picking up" things on the side, and Yang Qingxuan is also well-measured, Jiang The body of the disciple did not touch.

While "picking up" things, he also took action from time to time to save several Jiang family disciples, which made everyone in the Jiang family extremely grateful.

After the Ning family disciples died and wounded, Yang Qingxuan also made a lot of money.

Ji Beiye pointed at Ning Xiuzhen who had passed out with a knife, and said, "My lord, what should I do with this person?"

Everyone thought, of course, it was killed, and what else could be done. After killing so many people in the Ning family, there was no possibility of reconciliation.

Jiang Yueliu also hoped to kill Ning Xiuzhen, which completely pushed Yang Qingxuan to his side.

Yang Qingxuan groaned, flicked his sleeves, and took Ning Xiuzhen away directly, and said: "In the future, it can be used as a bargaining chip against the Ning family, but I think this bargaining chip is nothing more than that, but it is better than nothing."

Jiang Yueliu showed a slight disappointment, but still smiled on his face, clasped his fist and said: "Brother Qingxuan, when you want to deal with the Ning family, remember to call me at any time. As long as I am still in the Muhai realm, I will be there on call! After the matter goes back, I will report to the boss to know. Then the Jiang family will definitely support you with great efforts!"

This is exactly what Yang Qingxuan expected, happily holding a fist in return, saying: "Thank you, when dealing with the Ning family in the future, you will definitely call Brother Yueliu. And I believe that this day will come soon!"

Jiang Yueliu was secretly surprised. Although Yang Qingxuan showed extremely high talent, it was no joke to deal with the behemoth of the Ning family, but no matter who wanted to deal with the Ning family, it was a great thing for the Jiang family, and he was immediately excited. Said: "Okay, I am waiting for the news from Brother Qingxuan!"

Wuming laughed bitterly, and said with a fist: "Brother Qingxuan, I can't do anything against the Ning family. After all, I..."

Yang Qingxuan interrupted: "I understand, Brother Wuming doesn't need to say much. Just now when Bai Luo was about to deal with me, Brother Wuming was able to stand up, and he had done his best."

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