Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2113: Enter the fairy palace, trade

In the future cultivation, it is still necessary to steadily and steadily improve the realm, so that at each realm level, you can obtain a more vigorous true essence than the same level to provide the use of all directions.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan began to feel the benefits of the second soul, which was completely equivalent to having an extra helper, far stronger than the external avatar, and equivalent to having two lives.

It's just that the strength of his second soul is still very weak, and he can only rely on the possession of ghosts to make up for the shortcomings.

Yang Qingxuan quietly swallowed the treasures of heaven and earth and the pill to stabilize the realm, and then swallowed Shi Yanshi to increase the power of the second soul.

Ji Beiye also sat cross-legged, but in a state of half practice and half alert, protecting Yang Qingxuan's law.

As time passed, the long line in front of Xuantian's fuselage also gradually shortened, and soon all the transactions were completed.

Almost all the reincarnation fruits and items entered the hands of Xuantianji, and only a series of white bars were paid. These white bars would eventually either be paid by the Defeng Ancient Building or the Defeng Ancient Building would fall away, but no matter what, the Defeng Ancient Building is the end of the world , At the end of the universe, this person will be hunted down.

At this moment, the vast array protecting the Immortal Palace of No Desire suddenly changed.

The huge light group in the center of the formation burst into bursts in an instant-the brilliance of the debut, like the sky, shot towards the eight peaks.

The large array turned suddenly, forming an unimaginable huge suction force, sucking the sea of ​​clouds, spiritual energy, mountains and rocks, all people and things in the entire void to the central light group.

"Ah! Not good!"

All kinds of calls come and go, but every strong person, no matter what kind of body technique he uses, can't hold the huge suction power, and is instantly sucked into the light ball.

Yang Qingxuan also resisted one or two before giving up in an instant, and was sucked in by the powerful gravitational force that even exceeded the power of the plane.

In the next moment, the body penetrated the huge barrier, like smashing layers of diamond rock, and the bones, muscles and muscles were all tear-like pain.

But fortunately, it was just a collision, and it was all right. Looking fixedly, there was a golden light in front of him, and the huge palace group appeared in front, shrouded in a layer of faint gold, exuding solemn and solemn majesty.

"Come in! Come in, hahahaha!"

Not far away, a Wu Xiu was full of ecstasy, shouted several times, and shot at those palace groups like arrows.

After a few flashes, it disappeared in the golden light.

Wherever the rest of Wu Xiu stayed calmly, one by one blasted forward in ecstasy, and entered the golden light one after another. The scene was like a thousand arrows bursting out, and it was like a meteor shower. They all fled together and flew past.

Yang Qingxuan was about to do it too, when suddenly a voice came, Xuan Tianji was looking at him with a smile, and said, "Hold on."

Yang Qingxuan stagnated, looked at him coldly, and sarcastically said: "Why, do you want to do business with me?"

Xuantianji nodded and said, "Exactly."

Yang Qingxuan didn't get angry, and said angrily: "Xuan Tianji! Do you think I am mentally retarded? I want to use the white strips for my things!"

Xuantianji smiled faintly, waved his fingers, and said, "It's not a white strip, but use this." As he said, raising his hand, a mini dragon appeared in the palm of his hand. When he hovered, he turned into nothing. The jade stele fell into the hands.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "How can I change?"

Xuan Tianji said: "Give me all the reincarnation fruit on your body, and take this jade tablet."

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "I have more than 900 reincarnation fruits on my body. You can trade a jade tablet for ten fruits? If you can find the other six, I will give you one hundred fruits."

"Haha." Xuantianji couldn't help laughing, and sneered mockingly: "You know how important this thing is to you. It's up to you to change or not, and I can teach you A set of tactics allows you to sense the location of the other six jade monuments."

Yang Qingxuan slammed his heart, and said solemnly: "If it is so good, would you tell me?"

Xuantianji smiled and said: "Just take what you need, this jade monument is really tasteless to me, it's useless to keep it, it's a pity to discard it."

Yang Qingxuan said immediately: "Okay, change!"

Without saying anything, he took out more than 900 reincarnation fruits from his body and threw them all to Xuantianji.

Although these fruits are valuable, they are only exchanged for money, but to him, the power of the eight heavenly dragons is extremely important to him. Although he didn't know how Xuantianji learned of his fate, he was so unpredictable that he was too lazy to guess.

Xuantianji smiled faintly, and with a flick of his fingers, the Tianlong stele suspended in his palm shot-past.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed his five fingers and immediately sensed the mighty power of the Heavenly Dragon. He was ecstatic and hurriedly received it. And it was obvious that this Heavenly Dragon Stele was completely different from that Yasha Stele. It was extremely resistant to oneself, and it took a certain amount of time to refine it.

Xuantianji then uttered the truth, saying that in addition to a set of tactics, he said: "According to this method, you can use two jade steles to sense the location of the remaining six."

After speaking, he glanced at Yang Qingxuan with a smile, and walked towards the magnificent palace under the vast golden light.

Yang Qingxuan shouted, "Wait! Xuan Tianji, what is your purpose here?"

Xuantianji stopped, patted his head, and exclaimed, "Oh, I almost forgot. I came here to get something, and I might need your help."

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said: "May I help? Yes, seal the highest destiny again so that you can talk, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Xuantianji interrupted: "I teach you to use the Four Truths of Cause and Effect."

Yang Qingxuan's mouth was open, and the following words couldn't be said anymore, he swallowed fiercely, and said, "Really? I remember you once said that no one can control the Four Truth Jade."

Xuantianji nodded and said: "It is true that no one can control, all dharmas are empty, and cause and effect are not empty. The power of cause and effect is the most mysterious and strange power. If you want to control, it is like this person's dream, but you can'borrow'."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly thought of something and said in surprise: "Is it the same as you?"

Xuantianji smiled and said: "Of course it's different, but my real palm has a dash of power, not a borrow. Stop talking nonsense, if you agree, just trade, just disagree."


Yang Qingxuan agreed without thinking.

As long as the power of cause and effect can be borrowed, no matter how harsh the conditions are, it can be agreed.

And for fear of Xuantianji's repentance, he hurriedly said, "When will the transaction be made?"

Xuantianji smiled slightly and said, "No hurry. You can go shopping in the fairy palace first, maybe you can pick up some treasures. When I need your help, I will naturally call you."

After speaking, the figure flickered and turned into a streamer, shooting towards the palace group.

Only Yang Qingxuan was left, standing in a mess in the wind.

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