Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2115: The breakthrough of ghost hiding, Jinrao in the tower

Ji Beiye landed not far from the old man at the same time, a sword had already gained momentum, and boundless domineering pouring into the sword, if the old man "understood" it later, he would have already cut it out.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Understood?"

The old man was sweating profusely, and desperately nodded and shouted: "Understood, understood, plain, clear, and thorough. The old man has lived for so many years, and he has never understood it like this moment!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Just understand."

Immediately disperse the Shifang Ju in his hand, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grasp, the dynasty seal flew back and fell into the palm of his hand.

Ji Beiye also put away the Shadow Sword.

The old man exhaled heavily, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, if it was only the seal of the Dynasty, he was still sure that next, and the ten directions would be destroyed, it would be hard to say, let alone there is a tyrant on the side, and Yang Qingxuan that The second soul of Nine Star Peak has not yet appeared.

The old man understood in an instant that he was guilty of a stupid, a huge stupidity, but fortunately Yang Qingxuan asked for money instead of life, and only then took his life back.

After all, the Nine-Star peak powerhouse, who crossed the universe, became a habit, and suddenly made him bow his head, extremely uncomfortable, but this kind of discomfort was quickly corrected, and it was enough to be beaten.

The old man hurriedly took out the wordless jade stele, threw it to Yang Qingxuan, then a little under his feet, and quickly flee, for fear that Yang Qingxuan would repent or even blackmail him with other things.

Yang Qingxuan took the jade stele without a word and stamped it into it with the number of Dao Jue seals. The word "Qian" disappeared in a flash. He was happily in his pocket, and said to Ji Beiye, "Let's go too."

The two turned into escape lights at the same time and flew towards several huge core palaces in the palace group.

The palace is like a huge tower, standing in the entire palace complex, is one of several extremely conspicuous buildings.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan fell in front of the tower, he sensed the huge energy fluctuations from inside, and someone was already fighting inside.

Yang Qingxuan walked into the tower, and just stepped into the doorway, he suddenly moved in his heart. From Taixuantian, there was a wild laugh from the ghost hiding, and countless divine swords trembling slightly on the grave.

Yang Qingxuan sensed the extraordinary changes in the ghost house at this moment, and said in surprise: "Breakthrough?"

Gui Zang laughed wildly for a while before slowly calming down, he said: "Three-star Thousand Realms! Hahahaha. It's so dreamy, I never dreamed that I would have another chance to return to this state in this life."

Yang Qingxuan was also in ecstasy, thinking that he had only broken through two stars, and he passed three stars without thinking about it.

Guizang said: "Don’t be surprised. Ordinary ghost cultivators, if you want to break through to the three-star thousand realms, you may never count on it for a lifetime. But this constellation has once stood on the top of the nine stars, and the most important thing is the soul stone. Although it was only a part of the imperfect soul stone, the power and great understanding contained in it were unmatched during my peak period. In addition, the soul of the world king had been eaten for a long time, and it was a great supplement. Finally, with a bit of luck, the breakthrough returned to Samsung, and it was a matter of course, hahahaha!"

Yang Qingxuan said happily: "There is a three-star Thousand Realm, and when I go to the Ning's house to make trouble, the success rate is much more.

The ghost is full of energy, and he said: "When this seat is restored to its previous peak, I will help you sweep this universe, and the gods will kill the gods. Kill anyone who wants to kill!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Stop bragging. If you have such an awesome word, you won't die before. Even if you return to the peak, there will still be the eternal supreme above you."

Gui Zang mocked contemptuously: "Mentally retarded, you know what a fart! You can meet the eternal supreme as a local seller? I am relatively sure that there should be no eternal supreme in this universe. So what are the four holy masters and eight realms? The king of heaven and the like are at best equal to or even worse than my previous life."

Yang Qingxuan said suspiciously: "Oh? Are you so sure?"

Gui Zang hummed, feeling very good, and waved his hand: "You are too low-level, and you don't understand it when you tell you, so quickly raise your cultivation base and kill more thousands of realms and come to me to eat. Now it feels nothing to eat Realm King. "The joy on his face slowly solidified suddenly, turning into a sigh, alas, "If there is no great opportunity, maybe it won't be a breakthrough in millions of years."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and scolded: "I just said that I would restore the peak and sweep the universe for me. I can't wait for millions of years."

Gui Zang sighed: "You won't understand. The more you go up, how difficult it is to break through each level. From three-star to four-star, the chance and energy required are no longer a matter of multiples. It is completely two levels. The need for this level of breakthrough is enough to turn an ordinary mortal into a three-star thousand realms."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and said in astonishment: "Is there such an exaggeration?!"

Gui Zang nodded and said: "Otherwise, do you think that the Saint Clan has such a good achievement? This is the super existence that controls the entire universe and countless galaxies."

Sitting on the power of the Seven Stars and Thousand Realms, Fang is a holy clan.

Yang Qingxuan felt a trace of tremendous pressure in his heart again, and it seemed that he had to be more careful on the trip to the Ning family, at least to find an existence that could fight Ning Shenghao. He now has two goals. One is the head of the Jiang family, who may be able to achieve it by benefiting. The other is the Purple Heart God King. If you have the **** king iron, you can ask the purple heart **** king for one thing, if you add some other benefits, it may be done.

Guizang said: "You don't have to have too much psychological burden, just keep working hard."

Yang Qingxuan let out a "um" sound, put aside many distracting thoughts, and stepped into the tower.

You can see the scene clearly at a glance. More than a dozen realm kings are fighting inside, fighting in the dark, but the structure of this tower is strong and contains a large formation, just like a world. No matter how these realm kings fight, it seems that they remain unmoved from the outside.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's eyes fell in the middle of the tower, there was an enshrine stand with a golden rao covered on it, and runes flashed on the rao from time to time, emitting a powerful halo.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank. Jinrao itself was a treasure, and it blocked his divine consciousness, so he couldn't see if there was anything inside.

Step forward now, and walk to the worship stand.

No one paid any attention to him until he was about thirty feet away from the worship platform, and there was a stern shout, "Stop! One step forward and death!"

More than a dozen people in the tower, just after the battle, cast their eyes down one after another, and when they saw this person, they couldn't help being surprised.

At this moment, if no one knows Yang Qingxuan, then he is really blind.

Yang Qingxuan didn't pay attention to the threat, and he didn't stop for half a minute. He stepped directly into the range of thirty feet and continued to move forward.

More than a dozen people on the void in the tower separated instantly one by one, and all the fighting came to an abrupt end, with angry and shocked eyes staring down!

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