Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2123: Really dead? Danger comes

"Oh, really?"

Yang Qingxuan put away three Profound Banners and looked at it quietly with his arms folded.

There seems to be nothing in this void, but this is not in line with common sense, so Yang Qingxuan still holds a vigilant heart. As for Xuan Tianji, he knows the skills of Xuan Tianji. Although it looks like this is a disadvantage, it is definitely not about to happen. The look of defeat.

Therefore, I am interested in watching tigers fight from the other side.

Chi Xiaozi and others also came in afterwards, staring at the void and fighting, they were all stunned.

Cang Feng frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Xuantianji yelled: "This mad woman is controlled by the Desireless Master. You must refine everyone and come help me. If you don't kill this mad woman, everyone will die here."

"What? Lord without desire!"

Everyone changed their faces and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

The woman in red still had an ugly ghost face on her face, but she was extremely hideous, staring into Xuan Tianji's eyes, bursting with hatred, and gritted her teeth: "Die Mengsheng! Want to refine me, in the next life!" "

There was a murky male voice in the voice, which immediately convinced everyone of Xuantianji's words.

Xuantianji kept dodging under the attack of the various phases, and said with a chuckle: "I am going to give birth to the next life, so you are willing to let me refine?"

"Go to the old immortal palace of refining reincarnation!"

The Lord of No Desire attacked frantically, with a murderous face, and said in hatred: "I am more talented than you, and stronger than you! Why is the old immortal imparting nine lives and nine deaths to you instead of me?! So Lao Tzu will The Reincarnation Temple has turned upside down and stole his empty chakra, hahahaha, lost the empty chakra, the Samsara Temple has become a vain name, hahahaha!"

The empty chakra of all states is composed of a real chakra and an imaginary chakra, one solid and one imaginary, like holding the sun and guarding the yin, turning to open reincarnation.

The sacred seal in the hands of the Lord of No Desire continuously penetrated into the wheel, and the light of reincarnation shot down from inside, shattering the body of Xuantianji's body, and the sea of ​​100,000 Sanskrit sound was bombarded, but it was always hurt. Not the real body of Xuantianji.

The Desire Lord had a grim face, knowing that the person in front of him was not easy to deal with, but he was also a powerful man with extraordinary combat experience. As long as he was in control of the situation, Xuantianji would be suppressed by himself sooner or later in this round of reincarnation.

As for the realm kings who came in, they were nothing more than realm kings. No matter how many people there were, they were still realm kings at all.

Xuantianji smiled and said, "Haha, do you want to know why?"

The Desire Master subconsciously asked: "Why?"

Xuan Tianji said: "Because you are ugly. Don't stare at me, ugliness is the original sin, let's admit your fate."

"Ah! Ah! Damn! Damn!"

The Master of No Desire was furious, and his fingertips pointed at the empty chakra of the public, the treasure chakra flashed in the air, and the real chakra fell directly, splitting the void, and shooting away at the mysterious heaven machine.

Chi Xiaozi and the others were all surprised. They clenched their fists with both hands, and they were able to help them. They all saw that the strength of these two people is all thousand realms, and they are not ordinary thousand realms. The men in white clothes in the ancient building hang up, and they are all in trouble.

"Shoot?" Cang Feng said solemnly.

The others kept nodding their heads, knowing that those who hold salaries for everyone should not let them be caught in the wind and snow.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly opened his hand, stopped everyone, and said, "Don't be impulsive, I think this person can hold it for a long time. Let's take a look again, observe more, and then make a move."

Zang Feng stunned: "Here, what if that person dies?"

Yang Qingxuan touched his chin, frowned and said, "Do you look at him like a short-lived one? It shouldn't be dead. If it's really dead, it won't be too late for us to make a move."

Chi Xiaozi and others looked weird, but since Yang Qingxuan said so, they calmed down.

One is that it is too dangerous to rush up, and you may hang up if you are not careful, and the other is that everyone is vaguely led by Yang Qingxuan. Since he said so, then observe again.

Xuan Tianji scolded, "I-fuck, you all watched the show, I won't play anymore, let's go."

With a fierce palm of his right hand, he slapped it on the real wheel, shook it back, and then shook his figure and flew in the direction of Yang Qingxuan and others.

"Hmph, Die Mengsheng, can you go? Die!"

The Lord Wuyu's face sank, grabbing the real wheel that shook back, and when the two wheels were combined, a huge circular blade of light was transformed into a slash and slashed.


The entire void space was split into two halves under this blade.

Xuan Tianji's figure "smashed", and it was directly smashed by the light wheel, his limbs and five bodies exploded in the air, and flesh and blood were scattered everywhere.


Everyone's eyes widened, all stupid, really dead?

"No, can't it?" Yang Qingxuan also opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

Yang Qingxuan has suffered many losses in Xuantianji's hands. Knowing that this person has a lot of tricks, he said that the better is Jingtianweidi, and the more unpleasant is a stomach of bad water, so I want to deliberately embarrass him and make him suffer a big loss, but I don't really want him. dead.

Xuan Tianji died at this moment, making him unable to react.

The Master of No Desire grabbed the Confrontation Wheel in his hands, his pupils shrank, staring at the flesh and blood exploded by Xuan Tianji, then his figure flickered, and he cut at Yang Qingxuan and others.

Chi Xiaozi and others all looked at Yang Qingxuan and asked in surprise, "Brother Qingxuan, what should I do now?"

Yang Qingxuan still couldn't get back to God, but the huge aura of the Lord of No Desires crushed thousands of realm kings, and the various phase empty wheels swayed over the crowd, transforming into a huge appearance, spinning rapidly, and splitting all the void.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked in a cold sweat, and shouted: "Hurry up! Do it, what else can I do!" Huge beads of sweat rolled on his forehead, the halberd was shaken in his hand, and he slashed out, shouting: "Everyone Take it! Even if he is the eternal supreme, he cannot hold thousands of us!"

In an instant, all kinds of magical powers were shot out one after another, forming a huge barrier, and slammed **** the chakra.


After the two wheels turned, he was shaken back a few hundred feet away, and he withstood all the attacks, driven by the desireless master, and crushed it again.

The sentient beings on the wheel are indeterminate each other, and there is a huge phantom sitting in it, blending with the treasure wheel. The terrifying pressure shocks everyone's heart and crushes everyone's body and soul.

"How can it be so strong?!"

Yang Qingxuan and the others all changed their faces and shouted in unison: "Stick!"

Each displayed their magical powers, forming a huge enchantment brilliance, blocking everyone in the sky, and contending with that huge wheel.

"Boom!" The great wheel turned, and everything reincarnated.

In all directions of the void, green rays of light constantly flew in and merged into the giant wheel, and the entire space began to tremble, as if it was crumbling.

Yang Qingxuan immediately noticed something wrong. This giant wheel is like the body of the reincarnation formation. At this moment, he is absorbing the power of the entire formation back to suppress them. In a hurry, at the same time, he still has a puzzle. Is Xuantianji really dead? ?

The fiery eyes and golden eyes looked into the void, and couldn't help but change his face. The limbs and five bodies that had been exploded before had already turned into some confetti, dancing in the air.

It's a stand-in!

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