Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2127: Faith is broken, the light of hope

In reality, the Lord of No Desires, all three heads are savage faces, and the tactics of both arms change and then change.

Zixia's ghost face was full of blood oozing from the seven holes, which was even more terrifying, and this flesh body had already reached its limit.

Under these three forces, the entire emptiness is constantly shattering.

All beings are struggling hard under the reincarnation, and cannot be freed or overrun.

At this moment, on the wheel of the universe, a large area of ​​organs turned, making a "click" sound of opening and reorganization, as if opening an extremely terrifying door.

Xuantianji's face changed slightly, and he was surprised: "No! He wants to open the door to reincarnation!"

As soon as the figure swayed, it appeared in the sky above the huge chakra, and patted it directly with a palm.

"You can open the gate of the Supreme Profound Sky and extradite the power of the plane, why can't I open the gate of reincarnation and send you all on the road?! Hahahaha!"

The Lord of No Desire laughed wildly, and a scorn was flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "Die Mengsheng, have you eaten-shi for countless years? The cultivation base does not advance and retreat, the old immortal nine deaths Jiusheng, after all, chose the wrong person."

One arm pinched the Jue to transform his palm and patted Xuantianji.


The two palms faced each other, and they shook out a huge amount of energy, but compared to the rivalry between the ghosts and the ghosts and the crowd, it was insignificant.

Xuan Tianji stared at the power that was constantly pouring out of the empty wheel, and said in a deep voice, "If you have no desire, start samsara, and you will sink into it yourself!"

Wuyuzi sneered and said: "I am already the weapon spirit of the empty wheel. I am a part of reincarnation. It represents reincarnation. Why do I fall into it? Die Mengsheng, you are now in sight!

The palm suddenly exploded, shaking the Xuan Tianji above the otherworldly wheel.

The shadow of Xuan Tian's body turned in the air, and it stabilized, with a rare complexion, his eyes flickered, and he seemed a little hesitant about what he was thinking.

The huge enchantment of thousands of realm kings finally began to shatter under the impact of this reincarnation force. A large number of realm kings vomited blood, and they were shattered on the spot, and some of them burst into death. bloody.

In the ghosts hidden in the eyes, the ghost fire continued to shrink, as if there were some signs of unconsciousness, the whole body was trembling with the divine sword, and it was about to be unable to suppress the wheel of fire.

"Is it going to fail after all?"

Everyone was miserable and desperate, but Dao Xin was firm and unrepentant, still struggling to support it.

Those warriors who were shaken to death were sucked into the chakra, extradited to the samsara formation, and reincarnated again.


"Are you going to die?"

Yang Qingxuan spit out a bit of painstaking effort, the fiery eyes disappeared in his pupils, feeling that his whole body was finally hollowed out and could no longer be supported.

Even the power of the Great Dao extradited by Xuan Tianji in his body began to slack.

Transmission of the power of reincarnation-into the Supreme Profound Sky, extraditing all things reincarnation.

Yang Qingxuan Tuo Jue's hands slowly slackened, and his whole body was wrapped in the power of reincarnation, losing vitality a little bit.

In the blur, a faint stream of consciousness flashed, turning into light and shadow.

In a vast palace, the familiar figure, wearing a **** helmet and flowing cloud armor, sitting on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, pinching his hands with his hands, floating in front of him with four beautiful jade, full of brilliance.

A golden text appeared on each piece of jade: suffering, collection, extinction, and Tao.

"King Yin Wu...Four Truth Jade..." Yang Qingxuan's consciousness was faintly flowing. Although the person in the Sea of ​​Knowledge was King Wu, he looked like himself.

King Yin Wu pinched the tactics to refine the four jade, muttering to himself: "The three generations of cause and effect, the cycle is not lost. The consciousness of sentient beings all arise and die, and the true self is immortal. The three realms of idealism, ten thousand Dharma is only consciousness. The causal subject, the middle way reality, the Prajna form, the truth, the Nirvana, and the self are all the same Tathagata hiding the mind and body.

"All dharmas are empty, cause and effect are not empty. Perseverance is immortal, and that is the true self."

Yang Qingxuan thought, as if he had understood something, the four pieces of truth jade suspended in the dantian suddenly emitted a faint glow and collided with each other.

Suddenly in an instant, the four jade inexplicably merged into one, bursting into a brilliant light, as if to break through all the shackles of the law world, and went away.

Yang Qingxuan's inexplicable consciousness gradually became clear, and a piece of gold leaf text flashed in the sea of ​​knowledge, which was exactly the secret of "Ba Bu Yi Cheng Du" left by Mu Shaobai.

And the eight wordless jade monuments in the body began to move around, shooting out eight rays of light.

In the depths of the dantian, a little flame was suddenly ignited in the void that had been emptied of power, and the "boom" was infinitely amplified, burning Yang Qingxuan's entire body.

Gui Zang's eyes turned slightly and saw the burning Yang Qingxuan, full of bitterness, and sighed softly: "After being with you for so long, I finally failed to reach the end. This time you and I will enter the cycle of reincarnation together. I hope that the next life can join hands again and sweep away. The world."

The ghost fire in those pupils shrank several times again, turned into a little faint fluorescence, and slowly went into silence.

"Ah! -" All kinds of screams were endless.

Thousands of realm kings, under the mighty power of that great power, were one after another shattered and were sucked into reincarnation. The screams and despair spread in everyone's heart, and all were miserable in their hearts.

Zixia's grimace was already red as blood, blending with the color of the entire robe, indistinguishable.


"Go to hell! Go to me all!"

"If you dare to be against me, no one will want to survive!"

"Mu Shaobai, Die Mengsheng, all of you are going to die! Hahahaha!"

The six-armed nature of the undesirable master, sitting cross-legged on the empty wheel, desperately driving the wheel to extradite the wheel.

Not only is the magic weapon for refining a trace of the power of reincarnation, the empty wheel of the multitude has a projection of the reincarnation array, and at the same time it is a key to the reincarnation array, which has a wonderful connection.

The Desire Master knows this magic weapon is wonderful, but he has never used it like this. At this moment, under the anger of life and death, he opens the door of reincarnation and extradites all things into the cycle of life and death.

At this moment, the laughter of the Lord Without Desire suddenly stopped, and his pupils shrank, staring at the blazing flames in the broken Taixuantian.

"Essential fire? Huh, the person who has the original fire is what I hate most in my life! Go to me to die!"

The Lord of Wuyu's expression sank, and the pinch jue hit the hot wheel, to completely crush Guizang, Yang Qingxuan and Taixuantian to pieces.

Suddenly, a strange force spread out from Yang Qingxuan.

The eight-sided and wordless jade stele emerged from the whole body, and it was cracked.

One day, Erlong, Sanyasha, four Gandhava, five asuras, six Jialouluo, Qijinnaruo, and eight Mahahuragya.

"Hey! Eight Heavenly Dragons!" The Lord of No Desire yelled out in a sharp voice as if someone had caught his neck.

The ever-burning body Yang Qingxuan suddenly raised his hands and kept spinning.

The four characters: suffering, gathering, extinction, and Tao, constantly appearing ups and downs in the palm of the hand.

The three faces of the Lord of No Desire were all horrified, as if they had recognized the power of cause and effect and the magical powers and meanings that Yang Qingxuan wanted to display.

"No! Impossible! Damn, **** Mu Shaobai, what terrible thing did he come up with?!"

The Lord of No Desires roared frantically, and his eyes were red.

Suddenly, a condensed voice came, "My former classmate, you asked me where my cultivation was, then at this moment, you can still recognize me, can you still think of it?"

Xuantianji slowly raised his head, his eyes were full of light of different colors, and his face changed slightly, but the temperament of his body was completely different, as if a brand new powerful man had returned to the world.

"Hey! You, you are..."

The horrified face of the Lord of No Desire changed greatly again, revealing an incredible color.

"Huh, **** thing!" Suddenly, Zixia's eyes suddenly opened and she shot out a purple light, her expression and temperament changed drastically. With her hands pinching, ten thousand purple lights shot out from her body, illuminating the entire world of law. Void.

A cold color flashed in Zixia's eyes, and she stared at the undesirable master and said coldly: "Really, this seat is a cauldron, can you control it at will? You underestimated this king's heart of God! This mistake will cost your life. Come make up!"

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