Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2129: Waiting for you at the top, the right way

"No! Don't! Don't!--"

The screams of the Desire Lord became weaker and weaker, and eventually all kinds of spiritual consciousness were scattered and merged into the empty chakra.


The resistance of the Desire Lord also completely turned into smoke and disappeared.

All kinds of terrible mighty forces rushed across the entire void of the law world, causing the space to fall into a terrifying disorder, even if the world king accidentally fell.

"No! The space is about to end, hurry up!"

"Where is the direction? Where to escape?!"

"Yang Qingxuan, where is Yang Qingxuan?!"

Under the enormous chaotic energy, everyone's gazes and spiritual consciousness can see the distance around three feet at most, and they all become headless flies and ants, desperately scurrying around.

Xuan Tianji pressed the ignorant spirit of the undesirable master back into the multi-phase empty wheel, pinched the tactics with both hands, and then lightly grasped, the empty wheel quickly shrank and shot at his palm.

Suddenly, a powerful breath enveloped.

Xuan Tianji was covered by a purple light, and the Zhongxiang Kong Wheel also stopped three feet away from his palm.

In front of Xuantianji, Zixia was covered in blood, staring at him coldly, and said coldly: "Leave the empty wheel, you go."

Xuantianji smiled faintly, his figure shook, and moved three feet forward, grabbing the crowds and putting them into his body.

Zixia was furious, her hands were joined in front of her, and the terrifying purple light burst out again, like a waterfall falling, surging around Xuantianji, endless murderous intent flashed.

Xuantianji didn't care, with his hands behind him, turned around, looked at Zixia, who was full of anger and murderous face, smiled suddenly, raised his hand a little, and a green light suddenly appeared in front of his fingertips, turning into a thing, excited. -Shot away.

Zixia's pupils shrunk slightly, and she reached out her hand to take the thing, her consciousness swept away, her complexion suddenly changed, revealing an incredible expression, shock and ecstasy.

When I raised my head again, I found that Xuantianji had already crossed the purple power waterfall. As I walked further and further, only a leisurely voice came, "All the relatives go to me, this complete supreme reincarnation treasure urn is for you."

Zixia hurriedly exclaimed: "Who are you?!"

The figure didn't answer, it disappeared in front of him in a few steps, and was no longer invisible.

Zixia's face was gloomy and uncertain, she put away the complete Supreme Reincarnation Treasure Urn, and dissipated Zhou Tian Zi Qi, turning around and leaving.

Although this trip to the world of desirelessness, there were twists and turns, all kinds of unexpected things appeared, and almost fell out of it, but in the end it was perfect to get what I wanted.

Zixia's thoughts turned slightly, and the terrifying ghost face on her face suddenly fell down, flying into the void, flying farther and farther.

On that delicate, beautiful and holy face, there was a change of expression, a pair of bright eyes saw through the void, staring at a figure in the distance, passing a trace of complicated expression, muttering to himself: "Yang Qingxuan..."

She knew this name, and it would soon spread throughout the entire Luofu realm, herding sea realm, even the entire Southern Universe Alliance, and even the entire universe void.

"How many entanglements and conflicts of interest will be revealed around this person. Ha ha, the animal husbandry area has been boring for too long, and it is time for some fun people and fun things to appear. What kind of cause and effect will he bring about? And the storm, I am a little expectant. Yang Qingxuan, how far can you reach? Can you catch up with me and become the same existence as the four holy masters and the eight kingdoms? Or... go further?"

Zixia smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, her dignified and beautiful face was as gentle and charming as a spring flower.

"It's really worth looking forward to. This seat is in front of this martial art, and the pinnacle of this universe is waiting for you."

Zixia's eyes turned into crescents, which was really pretty, but her smile soon became cold and sarcasm, her eyes became dark, and she muttered to herself expressionlessly: "Before this, there are still some bad things. I have to deal with it, Lan Ying, Yu Xinghen, do you think your little movement can escape the eye of the law? It just so happens to clear the door!"

Zixia smiled contemptuously and coldly, then turned around and stepped forward, disappearing into the void.

"Where are you going? Think of a way! This space is going to explode!"

"Finally survived from the Master of No Desire, you can't die here!"

"Who can do it? Save everyone! Yang Qingxuan, how about Master Yang Qingxuan?"

In the chaotic space, everyone is still headless flies, running around, and irritability spread in everyone's heart.

"Don't shout! Come with me!"

Suddenly a firm voice sounded, and then the blade light flashed, and a white dangling blade light, like a milky way, slashed in one direction.


The blade was cut down like a huge mountain, and a white practice was cut out in the dark void, showing everyone the direction.

Ji Beiye's face was pale, his eyes were full of firm gaze, and he strode forward.

"Hey, who are you? Are you sure?"

"Does this road work?"

All kinds of doubts were heard everywhere, and all were skeptical.

Ji Beiye said coldly: "Whoever believes will come, and those who don't believe will get rid of. I don't have time to answer your questions about miscellaneous fish."

Lifted the Shadow God Sword, then cut it off with a knife, and then cut out a huge white Lian, then carried the sword on his shoulders and continued on.

"It's just a nine-star intermediate, what D?!"

"That's right! The adults at Nine Stars Peak are not as good as you, and they have a stupid face!"

All kinds of curses sounded in disdain.

Suddenly, Chi Xiaozi said in surprise: "He is..." suddenly shouted: "Quickly follow him! He is a friend of Brother Qingxuan!"

Immediately the figure flashed, and he chased Ji Beiye.

Cang Feng, Jiang Yueliu and others had already reacted, and more than ten rays of light flew up.

"What? Yang Qingxuan's friend?"

This identification immediately gave everyone unlimited confidence and hope, and they rushed to keep up.

Those who had mocked before, blushed instantly, and hurriedly lowered their heads to follow, for fear of falling behind. But I can clearly feel the sneer and contempt from all directions, as if laughing at myself and others as brain-dead. But I don't care about this a lot, it's important to save my life.

Zang Feng was the first to catch up and asked: "Friend, where is Brother Qingxuan?"

Ji Beiye’s face was pale and silent, and he continued to cut through the passage with a slash. He ignored everyone’s words, praise, sarcasm, doubt, or inquiries, but he kept coming up in his mind. The scene just now.

After the empty wheel was broken, Yang Qingxuan's eternal burning body instantly collapsed, as if exhausted the strength of the three lives and three generations, and continued to disperse into the void, to be eternally silent in the universe.

When Ji Beiye was desperately desperate, the man named Xuantianji appeared to his side, using a small blazing flag, inserted into the flames, and immediately turned into a flag light barrier, covering the original flames. Live, make it immortal.

And pointed out a direction, and then stepped into the void and disappeared.

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