Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2131: Wonderland, breakthrough again

Ji Beiye carefully inserted the off-ground flame flag on the ground, then took out a large number of Xinghao Stones, and laid a spirit gathering array around him. At the same time, a large number of Xinghao Stones were smashed, so that the spiritual energy inside continuously poured into the formation and instilled into the Light Banner enchantment.

Ji Beiye waited for a while, his pupils suddenly shrank, showing joy.

After absorbing a lot of spiritual energy, the flame in the flag grew a little bit, suddenly expanding from the size of a pea into a red rose, with a firework-like flame halo, which radiated from it from time to time to form a beautiful, such as A star-like sight.

And each halo is different. Ji Beiye stared at him for a while, and found that there was an extremely profound fire mystery, even his nine-star intermediate level, he felt obscure.

Ji Beiye breathed a sigh of relief, at least it seems that Yang Qingxuan has no worries about his life for now, and he does not know how long it will take to recover.

Moreover, he tried to communicate with Zi Yuan and other stars, but there was no news, and he was afraid that he would also fall into deep sleep or settle down.

Ji Beiye has a trace of anxiety, because such a huge thing has happened in the world of no desire, and the entire palace of no desire has collapsed and fallen, fearing that it will directly affect the spatial structure of the world of no desire. The closing time does not know how long will come.

But thinking too much is not helpful, waiting for Yang Qingxuan to recover is the right way.

At the moment, Ji Beiye himself arranged a spirit gathering formation, right next to Yang Qingxuan's formation.

Then he pondered, took out more than a dozen puppets, pinched the tactics and tapped on these puppets, each puppet flashed a different character, and then separated, some went underground, some hidden into the void, some directly Went outside the enchantment and disappeared.

This is a set of interesting puppets collected by Ji Beiye, called "Beautiful Boys in Flowers". It has the functions of detecting, defending, healing, attacking, farming, singing and dancing, playing the piano, making wine, pouring tea and water. It is a backup artifact for home travel .

It was originally just bought for fun, but I couldn't think of a really useful day.

After spreading the beautiful men in flowers around, Ji Beiye sat cross-legged in the spirit gathering array, and began to practice pinching techniques to recover his body. Coming out of the space of reincarnation, fleeing all the way to this place, and then opening up a space array, has exhausted all his strength.

Soon after Ji Beiye entered the setting, in the flame flag off the ground, in the flame, a ray of blue light suddenly rose in the sky, transformed into a thirteen or four-year-old boy, with a beautiful appearance. Very similar to Yang Qingxuan.

It was Yang Qingxuan's second soul. When the first soul was asleep, the second soul was inspired by himself, sitting in the void with his hands pinching the formula, quickly absorbing the energy in the gathering spirit formation.

At the same time, the jade of the Four Truths of Cause and Effect, once again differentiated into four-sided beautiful jade, revolving around the second soul.

It's just that the power revealed in the four jade mates and whirls with each other, freely shuttled through the body of the second soul, as if into the realm of no one.

Yang Qingxuan seemed to have a very long dream. He was born from the origin of Tao. When the Five Elements was transformed into the Five Elements, he became a flame, and fell into the universe as the world opened up and burned all things.

Inspired by the common karma of all beings, the world of mountains and rivers evolves, and the universe of generations.

The original power of this flame was extremely dispersed, merged into the void of every existence, and became a part of the rules and elements, letting everything drive it.

Yang Qingxuan felt that he was being diffused and differentiated a little bit, from a state of extremely high density, swiftly evacuating thousands of miles, transforming into the elements of the fire element that were absent, and having his own existence between breathing and breathing.

"This is... the memory of Origin Fire?"

I don't know how long it took, Yang Qingxuan's ray of consciousness regained consciousness, and a strange feeling came into being.

It seems to have been asleep for countless years, and has experienced the whole process of Dao being one, one, two, two, three, and three generations of all things. There is a clear state in the consciousness that has never been seen before, as if the road is in front of you, you can touch it at will. It is generally available at any time.

Yang Qingxuan knew that this was just a fantasy, but this strange feeling was real. It was a long memory engraved in the original fire. For some reason, he was sensed by himself, and he immediately woke up. This is a rare opportunity.

But this strand of consciousness is just a strand of consciousness, and did not perceive the existence of the noumenon, or that the noumenon is all the fire elements in the void of the Ten Dharma Realms, and the induction of all the elements is his induction.

Unfortunately, this wonderful feeling did not last long.

After he regained consciousness, it was only a moment, or two moments, that it receded like a tide, and even his memory was receding.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. After that feeling faded in an instant, he finally had the feeling of his own body. Then he hurriedly sat in the void, pinched the tactics with both hands, and operated the Taichu Yanhuo tactics, wanting to find a trace of previous feelings.

But after a long time, Yang Qingxuan only felt that his eternally burning body was constantly recovering and growing, and the wonderful feeling of the original memory before was gone forever.

Yang Qingxuan secretly sighed, perhaps because the ray of great power before Xuantianji gave him a glimpse of the birth and evolution of the source of fire in a short moment, so that he could control and understand the rules of fire to an extent that ordinary people could hardly reach. .

Although this feeling quickly dissipated, at least Yang Qingxuan saw a clear direction and gave birth to infinite enthusiasm and yearning for the Dao in his heart.

Just after the blazing heat of the Everburning Body returned to its peak, Yang Qingxuan's hand print changed, gave up the Taichu Yanhuo Jue, and changed it to Qingyang Wujing.

After all, Eternal Burning Body is only one of his supernatural powers, and Qingyang Wujing has always been the foundation of cultivation.

Moreover, the true dragon is the supreme form transformed by the rules of the universe, and all the magical powers related to the true dragon contain extremely profound meaning and are not inferior to other magical powers.

Together with the dragon seal, Yang Qingxuan immediately sensed that the true essence in his body had begun to undergo earth-shaking changes. The realm of the eight-star peak could no longer match this power. A roar came from his body, and every shock was tumbling. .

Without any suspense, Yang Qingxuan's dragon seal in his hand only changed a few magic decisions, and he immediately rushed through the bottleneck and finally reached the Nine Star Realm King!

Yang Qingxuan had no expression on her face, her eyes were closed tightly all the time, without any joy or mood swings, and at the moment of breakthrough, she continued to operate this vast amount of true essence, wandering around the sky over and over again, and continued to improve.

This power flowed endlessly, consumed extremely slowly, and was quickly replenished by the absorbed spiritual energy, almost forming a tendency of never exhausting.

I don't know how long it took, and finally when I encountered a huge bottleneck again, I was blocked, and then he dispersed into his limbs and returned to his dantian.


Just over the river where Yang Qingxuan was practicing, two martial artists, one old and one young, stood quietly on the sky.

The old man was in coarse cloth and linen, and his whole body was simple and unpretentious. His right hand was constantly stroking his beard, and his eyes flickered, staring at the river for a long time.

//The four chapters are over, ask for votes.

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