Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2133: Serve softly and get beaten for nothing

Yang Qingxuan stroked the palm of the six suns and shot it down.

A huge flame burned in the palm of the hand, and the temperature inside was almost as high as possible in the world, enough to burn everything!

The old man was shocked and anxious, and hurriedly raised his arm to block him.

The gossip big shield transforms into a five-element gossip array and emerges in the front of the array, covering about half an acre of space, completely covering himself and his apprentice.

Although the old man was shocked, he didn't panic. After all, the realm of this young man was there, only in the early stage of Jiuxing.


A palm slammed on the Bagua shield, and the entire sky and earth instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and everything burned.

The old man's complexion changed drastically. He felt the extremely high temperature coming from the shield, and he was a little unsupported. He said in horror: "Hey! How can it be so strong?!"

Not only that, the giant palm of fire is immortal, pressing **** the gossip array, bombarding the entire array structure and the defense of the shield.

If it's just the source of fire, in the hands of Wu Xiu who has no power, he can't exert his power at all.

This move can completely suppress himself, it is completely the strength of that young man!

The old man's eyes were panicked, and the flames had completely enveloped the half-acre defensive defenses, and continued to erode in. The energy on the shield is consuming rapidly, and it may collapse at any time. The old man’s apprentice also felt the great danger, even the fear of death, and exclaimed: "Master..."

"Stop it! Stop it! Two friends, stop it, if you have something to say!"

The old man yelled desperately, his whole body soaked in sweat, wondering where is it so abnormal? With the power of the early stage of the nine-star that just broke through, resisting the late stage of the nine-star that he has been immersed in for a hundred years?

Because the old man possesses the supernatural power of the spiritual eye to find the finishing touch, he has not been short of money since the inheritance of this line. Therefore, before the Lingshan opened, the old man and the apprentice did not enter, just observe and study the layout and formation of the Lingshan outside, as well as it. Contains energy, so I don't recognize Yang Qingxuan.

The old man’s words did not get Yang Qingxuan to close his hand. Instead, Yang Qingxuan judged that he was about to be unable to hold it up. Instead, he gave a soft drink, and the sky flames condensed into the sky and the earth, and hit the Emperor Flame Art. Fall down.


The Di Yan Jue was integrated into the palm of the six suns, completely hitting the gossip array, shattering the light, and the powerful flame power finally hit the shield!


The terrible sea of ​​fire swallowed the old man and his apprentice in an instant, and the apprentice's screams came from inside.

"Ah! Save me, Master, save me!"

The old man himself was also full of bitterness, grinned by the fire, but still desperately split the channel, and instantly came to the disciple, waved his hand and a ray of light fell, protecting himself and the disciple.

The sea of ​​flames was burning "rumbled", as if there was no end, to burn everything in the world.

I don’t know when the old man was awarded another golden battle armor, majestic, holding a gun, but his expression and face were extremely embarrassed, and he shouted: "The two adults have something to say. We don’t know each other. If you offend The second child once again apologized to the two adults."

The old man was immediately softened.

These words seemed to have effect, the surrounding flames receded like a tide, and quickly dissipated.

The entire visible area is completely blackened, and the previous topography is completely indistinguishable, and the river water is completely non-existent. I am afraid that even a water element is gone.

The old man heaved a sigh of relief, and the other party didn't play another killer, which proved that there was no killing intent. Then everything is easy to talk about. As long as you dress up your grandson, you should be able to pass this level. Although the two of them are young as their own grandchildren in terms of age, they can't care about this much in order to survive.

The old man immediately clasped his fists and said: "Two friends, a misunderstanding, if there is any offense, please be generous."

Yang Qingxuan and Ji Beiye looked at each other, then flew down and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ji Beiye shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Old man: "..."

Yang Qingxuan looked at the old man and asked, "Who are you? Where is this?"

The old man looked dumbfounded and felt aggrieved for an instant. The two sides didn't know anything, so he was beaten for nothing and lost a very precious treasure. The old man was holding his chest in pain.

Ji Beiye said: "I sensed that the set of puppets guarding these surroundings was abolished, so I wanted to invade the enchantment, so I took action to meet the enemy."

Yang Qingxuan said, "So that's it. I sensed that you took the shot, so I took the shot. It seems that it was indeed a misunderstanding."

Yang Qingxuan stabilized the true essence in his body, secretly joyful, and he stepped into the Nine-Star Realm King, but he was not in the unstable state he had just entered, and even vaguely, directly sensed the mid-term barrier.

If it is said, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

In the low-level martial arts, by taking pill, or forced infusion, etc., a martial artist can continuously break through several levels.

But after entering the realm queen, this kind of thing is basically impossible, because the difficulty between each level is too great, I am afraid that only the eternal supreme has the ability to make a realm king rise several levels in a row.

Things like Yang Qingxuan that just broke through to the early stage of Jiuxing and directly sensed the mid-term bottleneck, which can be said to be unique.

The old man hurriedly clasped his fist and said, "Master Yingchan, this is my apprentice Yingchuanzi."

The young apprentice also hurried forward and bowed.

Yang Qingxuan said, "It turned out to be a misunderstanding, where is it?"

With an inexplicable look on his face, the old man re-examined Xia Ji Beiye and Yang Qingxuan, and seemed to have some vague impressions. Could it be that these two people broke through here and forgot the time?

Immediately he said: "In the world of desirelessness, didn't the two come to participate in the competition and pick the fruit of reincarnation?"

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, the thoughts in his mind flashed like lightning, and he immediately remembered everything before and after, and Ji Beiye took him to escape to this place, all of them came to mind one by one, without knowing the mysterious secret and desirelessness. What happened to the Lord in the end?

There is also that Zixia, who finally displayed the oracle of the sky. It is powerful and terrifying, and it is not something that the realm king can display. What is the secret of this woman?

There are countless doubts and difficulties in my heart, but these can only be solved by myself a little bit.

Immediately asked Master Yingchan: "How long has it been since the reincarnation formation was destroyed?"

"Reincarnation?!" Master Yingchan was taken aback, and then he understood, and said in surprise: "My friend said that the sealed formations in the eight Lingshan? The old man did not enter the Lingshan, but the sealing of the Lingshan is great. The formation was destroyed and the aura leaked out a month ago."

After a pause, Master Yingchan said again: "Perhaps the matter of Lingshan has caused the undesirable realm space to be extremely unstable now, and I am afraid it will be closed soon."

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