Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2145: Go to the Palace of God

"In my opinion, the old woman from Zi Xin must arrest you and be her son-in-law!"

Zi Yuan's indignant voice came with a hint of resentment, "Damn Xuantianji, I must find a chance to kill him in the future!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "It shouldn't be a son-in-law business. Zixia is by no means as simple as the righteous daughter of Zixin. Look at Ziyun before, and Ziyi later, they are all low-level thousand realms, and Zixia is in The combat power shown in the reincarnation formation is no longer in the category of the low-level thousand realms. How can I be regarded as a nine-star realm king? I am afraid that something else will happen if I catch me back, and I am afraid that my life will be ruined."

Zi Yuan said: "You have some truth in what you said, but what if Zixia really likes you? Will you marry or not?"

Yang Qingxuan resolutely said: "Of course not to marry."

"Really?" Zi Yuan said in disbelief, "I think that Zixia is beautiful and strong. Would you not be moved?"

Yang Qingxuan said categorically, "I don't even look at her too much. Why do you talk about it?"

Zi Yuan said: "This is pretty much the same."

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, secretly passed a hurdle, cold sweat on his palms.

Hua Jieyu's voice came and said, "Why don't you go to Yu'an and Tu Chou first? After all, one is a reliable friend and the other is your constellation. If there is Tu Chou, our strength can be improved. a lot of."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I also thought about it, but the cultivation area is closely monitored. If I go now, I'm afraid of falling into the trap."

Hua Jieyu said: "You have seventy-two changes, what are you afraid of. In fact, I don't think it is a way for you to hide like this. Have you ever thought that you still have God King Tie on your body, don't you not honor it? We should talk to the King of Purple Hearts frankly and openly, spread the interests of both parties, and see if we can negotiate."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I also thought about it, but if I can't agree, I can't get out. This is the most deadly point."

Hua Jie said: "Whether it can be negotiated is entirely up to you."

Yang Qingxuan stunned: "Why is this? I am a nine-star, can I still lead the negotiation?"

Hua Jieyu smiled and said: "Of course. If Zi Xin wanted to kill you, would he be so aggressive? Obviously not. There are many people who offend the God's Palace, at most the end of the world and the chase. In order to catch you, I have blocked the desire After seven days in the city, how much is the loss? I'm afraid it's incalculable. So Zixin is definitely not trying to kill you. Then, in negotiations, as long as you are willing to submit, it should be fine."

Yang Qingxuan sighed, "But I am not willing to submit to everything."

Hua Jie said: "At this moment, you have no way to go."

Yang Qingxuan pondered: "I think about it."

Several hours later, Yang Qingxuan left the restaurant and went to the training area to find Yu'an and Tu Chou.

The two stayed in the practice secret room and did not know the situation outside. Seeing Yang Qingxuan's return, Yu An hurried forward to ask questions about the world of desirelessness.

Tu Chou sat coldly in the distance, with a bad expression, with his hands on his chest, a look of disdain, but he was still listening carefully.

When Yang Qingxuan finished speaking, the two of them were already shocked.

Even if Yu An knew Yang Qingxuan was terrible, he still felt that some of the content was too exaggerated, and he looked shocked and unbelievable.

Tu Chou didn't believe it intellectually, but he was now Yang Qingxuan's star, and he had a strange contract with the holy lord. He knew that Yang Qingxuan was not lying. He just set off a storm in his heart and began to look at Yang Qingxuan again.

Yu'an asked, "Then you are going to the Palace of Gods?"

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "There is no other way. And the imprint on your body, whether it is to find the Purple Heart God King to remove it, or to find the Defeng Ancient Tower, I must show up."

Yu'an fell silent and said nothing, just showing a worried look.

Tu Chou's lips moved, but he stopped talking.

Yang Qingxuan looked at him and said, "I know that you have had a feast with the Palace of Gods, but that is a thing of the past. As long as I talk to Zi Xin, I can definitely take it over."

Tu Chou snorted and did not speak. He also knew in his heart that his own incident was nothing compared to Yang Qingxuan's affairs at this moment. If Yang Qingxuan and Zi Xin reached a certain agreement, his own incident was indeed not. What kind of.

Right now, Yang Qingxuan let the two of them fall into the sacred artifact and the star ring, and went straight to the work point in the training area, retired the secret room, and turned into a stream of light, heading towards the palace of the gods.

When Yang Qingxuan appeared in front of the realm of the Palace of Gods, the body of the deity directly appeared, and the golden armored warriors of Ling had waited for a while before reacting, and screamed and rushed to grab him.

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "Stop it, I want to see Lord God King."

No matter where those golden armored warriors care, they are all true essence exploding, and they want to blow Yang Qingxuan back and claim credit.

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while, stepped on his foot, and shuttled at will under the attack of the crowd, and then took out several palms, slapped all the golden armored warriors on the ground to eat -S, and then stopped one by one in horror, not daring to move forward.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Lead the way."

Then followed those golden armor warriors into the realm of the palace of the gods.

Someone ran into the mansion long ago and informed that an old man with a purple face strode out to greet him. It was the second housekeeper Ziran Yang Qingxuan had seen at the auction venue.

"Young Master Qingxuan, look up for a long time." Ziran's shrewd eyes couldn't help but look at Yang Qingxuan, trying to see him inside and out, but he obviously failed, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Master Ziran is polite." Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "I'm from casting a net. I want to see Master Purple Heart God King."

Zi Ran said: "It's not a coincidence that Lord God King is still in retreat."

Yang Qingxuan was stunned and said, "Still in retreat? Then why the whole city wants to arrest me?"

"Haha", Zi Ran smiled and said, "This is an order from Miss Zixia before she retreats."

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines, and said: "Zixia is also in retreat? Then am I meaningless here?"

Zi Ran smiled and said: "How can it be meaningless? Young Master Qingxuan can stay in the mansion for a period of time. In terms of cultivation resources, there is no one in Luofu that can compare to the Palace of Gods. Waiting for the King of God or Miss Zixia to leave. , The son will naturally be summoned."

Yang Qingxuan was depressed for a while, and found that several powerful divine consciousnesses in the Palace of Gods had locked himself in. Although the Ziran smiled and looked harmless to humans and animals, as long as he turned around and walked away, it might be just a moment behind him. Stabbed.

Yang Qingxuan calmed down, clasped his fist and said, "If that's the case, then I'll be disturbed, Master Ziran will arrange it."

Zi Ran smiled and said: "Haha, it should be, it should be. Young Master Qingxuan is indeed a smart person. No wonder Miss Zixia is looking for a Young Master to come at all costs."

//On the last day of National Day, I will go to work tomorrow. It is really bad news, but the good news is that I will always be with you, (^_^)∠※, and continue to ask for tickets~

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