Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2153: Suppress the audience and replenish the body

Yang Qingxuan sneered. These martial arts are all high-ranking realm kings, and there are five people above the nine stars. If you encircle and suppress other people, it will be no problem, but encircling him is really not enough.

The virtual light in his hand flashed, and the whole person swayed and disappeared in place.

The next moment, another scream came, and an Eight-Star Realm King was split in half by Tianxu.

Yang Qingxuan was holding a halberd, and under the siege of the crowd, as if entering an uninhabited state, every time he waved the halberd, one person was cut off and bloodied on the spot.

The scene was very shaky, like a group of leeks rushing forward, and then being harvested by an oncoming sickle.

Even the five nine-star realm kings were equally astonished. Every time they made a move, Yang Qingxuan deliberately avoided them, unwilling to confront them head-on, but harvested those under the nine stars first.

After a few breaths, more than 30 high-level realm kings were half dead. The leeks fell down in a bunch, the space was dyed scarlet, full of pungent smell.

And this terrifying scene continued. Those high-ranking realm kings who had come up under the siege instantly changed roles and became lambs to be slaughtered, fleeing away frantically one by one.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "Want to go? Didn't that stupid woman say it? This is where the bones are buried."

With a wave of the halberd, a crescent moon-like phantom light swept away, two leeks were cut off again, and blood splashed into the sky.

Ziyan opened his mouth wide, Shihua was on the spot, and the two black-robed men behind him were also stupid.

The scene before me is too dreamy, how long is it? There were more than 30 high-ranking realm kings, and the remaining five nine stars died directly...

"It's your turn!"

With a sneer in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, he swept across the four Nine-Star Realm Kings, turned around with the halberd in the air, and retreated a hundred feet.

Taking retreat as advancement, raised his hand, his entire arm was covered with gold, and a terrifying mighty force spread out from his palm.

Like a golden sun, it exudes circles of brilliance, as if a huge golden body is looming in it, coming out of the sky.

"not good!"

A realm king of the late Nine Stars screamed in horror.

The four of them were shrouded in the golden light, and immediately felt the danger of death. Among them, the highest cultivation base was a nine-star pinnacle who roared: "Block it!"

Draw a circular palm with both hands and violently blow away.

A huge palm print broke through layers of coercion and blasted at those golden lights.

The other three also used their own tricks, all of them had extremely ugly faces, knowing that life and death were at this moment.

And whether he is valuable or not will be reflected at this moment.

Otherwise, Ziyan has secretly supported herself and waited for so long, now that even a nine-star beginner realm king can't be taken under the joint efforts, then what is the use of waiting for others?

But... this nine-star elementary realm king is too powerful, right? !

"All directions are gone!"

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were cold, and the shocking move was shot in an instant, and the magic image in the golden aperture instantly condensed into a real body, violently suppressing Shi Fang.


The four nine-star realm kings joined forces and pressed against the golden body, making the space of the secret realm completely divided into two distinct halves.

Ziyan and the two Thousand Realms eased from the sluggishness, swallowing hard one by one, unable to believe the scene before them.

But the desperate resistance of the four Nine-Star Realm Kings, as well as the corpses and blood all over the floor, all declared the authenticity of all this in front of them.

Zi Yan was a little unsteady, and she was in a daze. The power she had managed for a long time disappeared in an instant. There were only a few people in front of her who had been secretly recruited with so much effort.


"No! Save me, Master Ziyan, please help us!"

And these four nine-star realm kings joined forces, can't suppress him? !

Zi Yan was in a trance, he heard the cry for help from the four people, all directions were wiped out, suppressing the entire world, and the huge power impacted, even she could clearly feel it.

And the combined blow of the four nine-star realm kings continued to break under the golden body. The four tried their best, blood oozing from the seven holes, frightened and desperately resisted.

A black-robed man said solemnly: "Fairy..."

Zi Yan returned to his senses, knowing that she was asking her if she could not be saved, so she came over with a clear mind, and hurriedly said, "Save! Of course, save people!"

If these four people also died, then all of their efforts would really be over.

The black-robed man was very agile, and his figure disappeared in place.

Yang Qingxuan has been paying attention to the movement of Zi Yan and others. Seeing that the black-robed man disappeared, his pupils shrank violently, and he burst out with a sharp glow. He immediately caught the black-robed man's whereabouts in his eyes, flashing a cold color, Dynasty The seal emerged, fell into the hand, and smashed into the void somewhere.


Dynasty Yin turned into a golden tornado, slammed into the void fiercely, and the space rules of the entire secret realm were continuously crushed.

The black-robed man was shocked, with a trace of amazement in his eyes, shouting: "What? Impossible!"

The golden vortex swept like a dragon.

"Zhuzi, dare to look down on me!"

The black robe screamed, and hit it hard with one claw.


The moment the five fingers touched the Imperial Seal, his complexion changed drastically, and the sound of broken bones came from his hands, and the power of the powerful hegemony shook his whole body with blood and blood.

"Gubao? Impossible!" The black-robed man yelled, grabbed with his five fingers, clenched his fist and blasted it, hitting the seal of the Dynasty, shaking it back.

At the same time, he grinned in pain, full of shock.

Even if the ancient treasure is displayed in the hands of a nine-star realm king, it is impossible to contend against himself, not to mention that this person has suppressed the four nine-star realm kings.

The black-robed man was in a daze, and all the directions over there finally broke through the four-person supernatural power barrier and suppressed it fiercely!



Four screams sounded one after another, and four figures were seen bleeding on the spot, and then flew out like garbage.

Yang Qingxuan put away Shifang Jumei and Dynasty Seals one after another, took a cold look at Zi Yan, and hummed: "There is no time to quarrel with you again. If there is another time, these corpses will be your end!"

The figure flashed immediately, and he was about to leave.

The two tricks just now collided, and this small secret realm was directly shaken out of a large crack, and it was possible to shuttle out.

Moreover, he suppressed all the realm kings, and forcibly used the two supernatural powers, which consumed huge physical energy, and it was impossible to fight the three thousand realms again.

"If you kill someone, you want to leave, really we are all trash! The trash can't keep you, the old man will do it himself!"

Standing behind Zi Yan, another man in black robes flashed murderous intent, and under the sway of his figure, huge coercion spread, dispelling Yang Qingxuan's escape technique, and completely locked it.

"Not good!" Yang Qingxuan cried secretly.

When I was thinking about how to get out, I heard the voice of ghost hiding in my ears, "There are only two-star Thousand Realms, and I dare to be wild here. I just woke up, and these two Thousand Realms are just to supplement my body.

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