Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2156: Let go of the words, earth giants

"Oh? Any luck? Haha."

Yan Shigu smiled softly and stopped asking questions, but it was difficult to calm his heart, because the speed of the upgrade was too dreamy.

No matter how knowledgeable and talented he is, he has never seen such a terrifying speed.

If it wasn't for the two of them sitting next to each other and chatting very speculatively, Yan Shigu could be sure that Yang Qingxuan was the mid-eight-star stage, otherwise he would really think he had remembered it wrong.

The masked man hummed: "Most of the Master Shigu is wrong, I have been promoted to Level 3 in three months, and the Spirit Martial Realm is about the same."

The others closed their eyes one after another and continued to practice. They all believed Yang Qingxuan's words, the third level of March is indeed too dreamy.

Only Jin Shixilang's eyes flashed with a dark green light, because he had also fought for the **** Wang Tie at the beginning, so he had a deep impression of Yang Qingxuan, and he was indeed the eight-star intermediate.

A few days later, the Little Yellow Duck battleship hovered.

The axis of the outer space only spread out, revealing the true face of heaven and earth.

The gray and dim barrier is still there, with a faint smell of decay in the aura, as if it has been sealed for a long time, and is gradually returning to nothingness.

Sure enough, there are endless mountain veins below, and the trees grow rough on the top, they are very huge, even arrogant.

At first glance, there is a sense of wildness in ancient times.

Master Yan said: "Everyone, observe the movement of the spiritual veins of this terrain, lest we become headless flies."

More than twenty people, all Yukong sent out the battleship, stood high in the sky, each displayed their magical powers, and checked the mountains and rivers.

An old woman took out a square magical instrument, was detecting something, and muttered: "Beichen One Star Tianzhongzun... Tianyi Taiyi Mingtang Zhao..." was actually using the star positioning method.

Jin Shixi Langjun's eyes were green and dim, and he looked in all directions, his eyes were gloomy, as if he had found nothing.

After busying for a while, the other people also shook their heads and sighed with ugly faces.

The iron-clad alien said angrily: "This spiritual energy is chaotic, and it's mixed with the aura of decay and five decay, you can't tell it at all! Yan Shigu, you are too ill-considered to do things, come here for nothing, how much time wasting us!"

"Brother Lu Fei, what do you think?" Yan Shigu asked Yang Qingxuan back.

"Where is the power of the dragon, I seem to have caught some clues, but... just below us, there seems to be an incredible thing hidden."

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden light, and a real dragon image loomed in the sea of ​​golden pupils, staring directly below.

Yan Shigu asked in surprise, "What?"

Yang Qingxuan said lightly: "Ferocious beast."

As soon as this statement was made, the remaining twenty people looked strange.

"Hahahaha!" The iron-clad alien laughed wildly: "Should not let go of words here! With so many of us here, if there are fierce beasts underneath, can we still not detect it?"

Yan Shigu was silent, and asked again: "Really?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's a fierce beast of the earth element, and I am afraid that it has half a step of strength. Do you want to lead it out and be killed? This fierce beast bred in a wild land, the inner pill in the body is extremely precious."

"Half-step Thousand Realms?" Everyone was shocked. The strongest here are the Golden Eleven Langjun and the masked man, but they are only the nine-star peak, or half-step Thousand Realms.

The fighting power of the fierce beast is stronger than that of the martial arts of the same rank, not to mention that it was cultivated in this savage world, and it has the home field advantage.

If it were really a wild and beast of a thousand realms, they would not be able to win the besieged by more than 20 people.

Yan Shigu said solemnly: "Of course don't provoke it, let's leave first."

The armored alien said loudly, "Yan Shigu, do you really believe what he said?"

Yan Shigu glanced at him and nodded, "I believe what Brother Lu Fei said."

"Haha, everyone didn't find any beasts, so he could find it? Seriously, I thought this kid was not pleasing to my eyes. All the way, I would pretend to be -B, and everyone was waiting for him. Month time, otherwise you would have found the dragon-juggle."

The Iron Armored Alien pointed at Yang Qingxuan and said viciously: "You, either shut up and be dumb, or get out!"

Yang Qingxuan sighed, "I have already said I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time, and I don't want to. But there are really fierce beasts below. If you don't believe it, you can go and try.

The armored alien sneered: "Yes, but what if not?"

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "It's up to you."

The armored alien smiled: "Haha, okay! If there are no fierce beasts here, you can kneel down and call Dad, then shut up and be dumb, don't let me hear you say a word."

Yang Qingxuan said, "But what if there is?"

The Iron Armored Alien groaned and said, "If there is, I will call you Dad!"

Yang Qingxuan said speechlessly: "Don't don't don't, is this you taking advantage of me or I taking advantage of you? I think you have a lot of gold elements lingering in your body. You should cultivate gold magical powers and have gold magic weapons in your body. You will Give me the magic weapon."

The complexion of the alien race changed drastically, and he said in horror: "You, how did you know?!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled slightly and said: "Guess it." Then he stretched out his hand, and a divine sword appeared in front of his palm, hanging upside down in the air. With a single tap of Yang Qingxuan's finger, it fell down, forming a long trajectory.

Just as the long sword was about to penetrate into the mountains, a huge wild and fierce aura burst out, accompanied by a terrifying roar.

The Excalibur was blocked at a height of ten feet away, and it was difficult to pierce it.

Everyone changed their expressions, looking at Yang Qingxuan with difficulty one by one, and then looking down again, their eyes widening.

The iron armor aliens opened their mouths in shock and completely petrified.

The hills suddenly rose, a huge body climbed up from the ground, and when the back touched the divine sword, it flew away.

It turns out that these mountains are the bodies of fierce beasts.

It's not that there are fierce beasts below, but the fierce beasts below!


The fierce beast yelled at the sky and stood up, almost touching the bottom of the little yellow duck chariot, spreading its extremely powerful earth element power.

Everyone felt a cloud of gray, and the whole body was covered with a layer of soil. Between breathing, the nostrils, mouth, and throat were covered with soil.

The three sharp horns on the head of the fierce beast are covered with earth-colored bumps all over, like huge boulders piled up at random, and its body structure is very simple.

But everyone changed their expressions, and Yan Shigu said in shock: "Earth Element Giant Spirit! Half a step towards the Thousand Realms!"

The cultivation base is the same as what Yang Qingxuan said.

It was too late for everyone to be shocked and think carefully, because Yang Qingxuan's sword had completely angered it, and with a loud roar, the huge fist struck him fiercely.

Numerous earth elements swirl around the fist, like a meteorite belt swirling around the planet.

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