Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2161: Tease you to play, fight against the world

"Hey!" On the Little Yellow Duck battleship, there are some martial artists who want to escape. Their feet are like lead. No matter how difficult it is to move, they are all anxious: "What to do? We are locked by those two! "

After Jiang Tao shot the old woman, he and Yuande flew over calmly.

The entire little yellow duck battleship is locked by their gods, and they are no longer in a hurry to pass. Instead, they want to see the people inside flee in panic, and then kill them one by one, looking for the pleasure of killing the strong.

Yan Shigu's face was covered with frost, and he said solemnly: "Go out and fight with them! Even if you lose, at least drag one of them off Huangquan and go with us!"

At this time, Jiang Tao's voice came from outside, "give you three breaths time to escape. I will not take action within three breaths. Whoever can escape is his life. After three breaths, life and death will be fixed."

Everyone was stunned. Is there such a good thing?

You know that for the realm king, three breaths are enough, even if the opponent is a thousand realms, it is difficult to catch up with him in a short time.

What's more, everyone only needs to run separately, and these two thousand realms cannot be chased by the ancient star realms, which means that there is a high probability that they can survive.

"One." Jiang Tao counted.


The figure on the battleship shook, and more than a dozen people rushed out, spreading in all directions.

"Ah! Ah!"

The screams came one after another.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! One person was cut off at the waist, the upper body fled back, and died without struggling a few times.

The three warriors who survived the catastrophe trembled all over, and were afraid for a while.

One of them yelled angrily: "Didn't you mean the three breath time? Why did you just shoot it directly? No credit!"

"Hahahaha!" Jiang Tao and Yuande laughed wildly outside.

Jiang Tao smiled awkwardly, tears falling out, "Hahahaha, Brother Yuande, have you heard? They said we don't speak credit, hahahaha."

Yuande was also a "hehe" wicked smile, disdainfully said: "A bunch of ants, also worthy of us to speak credit?"

Jiang Tao said with a smile: "That's right, I just lied to them and teased them to play, and I actually took it seriously."

"Hahahaha." In the distance, Zhu Xisan also smiled awkwardly, pointing to the little yellow duck battleship, and shouting to Jiehang: "Look at it, haha, I said there must be a group of mentally retarded people, hahahaha."

Kehang also smiled, nodded, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

As Zhu Xisan’s assistant, equivalent to the first military division, all his forces were dispatched to find this unphased heavenly king’s legacy. In fact, he took a lot of risk. If he went on a business trip, Zhu Xisan’s future and his own. But it's all ruined.

The four Thousand Realms who came with them were even more incapable of loss.

Now it seemed that the opponent did not have the power to contend the thousand worlds, otherwise it would not have killed so many people.

Wasabi relaxed and began to observe the battlefield on the other side. The people and the three-winged midges who were under the bombardment of the battleship and the large number of warriors in the golden armor were almost dead. It seemed that the battlefields on both sides were coming to an end.

Ke Hang gazes forward, looking at the center of the power of the dragon, there is a group of profound spiritual energy vortex, can not help but feel a little warm.

At the same time, there was a sneer in his heart. If Lao Tzu can get the inheritance of the Wuxiang King, then he will help this silly nephew to do what, tie him to exchange a large amount of resources with his sister, and then fly away, waiting for the future to cultivate to the high-level thousand realms. After coming out, the Zhu family can do anything to me.


"Come out, I'm tired of playing, it's time to send you on the road." After Jiang Tao laughed, his eyes became cruel and ferocious.

"It's your value to make us two happy." Yuande stroked his beard and smiled lightly.

"Uh, it's fine if you are tired of playing, I'm afraid that the two of you have any regrets."

Yang Qingxuan flew out of the battleship, carrying the halberd, and volleyed towards the two of them.

Yan Shigu, Lord Jin Shiyi Lang, masked man, iron armor alien, and four other people, following Yang Qingxuan, all looked resolute and made a death consciousness.

Jiang Tao stared at Yang Qingxuan and smiled cruelly: "What did you say, kid? Regret?"

Yang Qingxuan said with a "Yes" and replied: "No regrets, so I can get on the road."

"This joke is not funny at all." Jiang Tao said with a cold face, "Send you on the road!"

Pushing up on the body, white bones continuously grow in the five fingers, three to four feet long, and then suddenly burst in the air, turning into a bone nail, and shooting out.

Yan Shigu shouted: "Not good!" Immediately unfolded the folding fan, and flew in front of him desperately, fanning out a gust of wind, and then the fan was thrown away and it became a hundred times larger. If a barrier falls in front of him, everyone will be protected. live.

Yan Shigu saw that Yang Qingxuan was not beside him, and hurriedly shouted, "Brother Lu Fei!"

Yang Qingxuan actually faced these bone nails, and on the halberd blade that lay on his side, a faint faint light continued to flicker, and he replied, "You look good on yourself."

With a sudden movement, the figure merged with the halberd and rushed forward.

The halberd blade swayed in front, sweeping on several bone nails, exploding a large amount of phantom light, and the sound of "banging" was endless.

Jiang Tao was stunned, and found that Yang Qingxuan actually broke the attack of the bone nail and slashed with a halberd. He couldn't help being shocked and angry, and shouted: "It really is a bit of a doorway, but it's useless!" A bone knife grew on his arm. , Lay in front of you, lightly cut.


The bone knife and the halberd touched in the air, bursting out countless sparks.

Yang Qingxuan picked the halberd and struck it again.


Jiang Tao's pupils zoomed in at once, revealing an expression of incomparable shock. He was the Lord of the Thousand Realms, and even the Nine Stars Peak could not be blocked by a single cut.

Not only did this kid take it down, but he seemed to be fine.

"Zhuzi, don't be crazy! In the face of absolute power, no matter what tricks you have, it's just a dead end!"

Jiang Tao raised his hand with a knife again, and the sky was split under the sway of his bones.

Yang Qingxuan raised his halberd in front of him, with a loud "bang", and he took Jiang Tao's full blow.

The white sword light slashed on the halberd and shuttled past. Yang Qingxuan's body was chopped in half at once, but no blood flowed out, but a large amount of dust burst out.

Jiang Tao was startled, and said, "The body of the earth system?"

I saw Yang Qingxuan's upper body turned, and the halberd waved again, and the birth and death were split in an instant.

At the same time, blue light appeared above the head and flashed in the sky.

Jiang Tao's pupils shrank suddenly and said in surprise: "What?"

Subconsciously raised the knife to the halberd phantom light, but his eyes moved with the blue light.

I saw a fourteen-five-year-old handsome boy suddenly appeared in front of him, with an evil sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a big green sword slashed off his old face.

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