Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2163: Desolate place, second gear!

The huge vortex was filled with extremely strong spiritual energy, as if gathering the spiritual eyes of the entire mountain and river terrain.

Various auras can be seen everywhere in it, and even the colors are different and colorful.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were astonished, and quickly penetrated and fell under the spiritual energy.

"here is……"

There was a dim land boundary in front of him, with uplifted hillsides and dry riverbeds everywhere, like a scene of chaos undivided.

And the space is filled with a strong evil spirit, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Yan Shigu was shocked: "Outside is the power of Julong, gathering all the spiritual energy of the entire territory, forming that unimaginable huge spiritual eye, why is it savage, fierce, decayed, and ruined inside? There is no reason. what!"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Everyone, be careful, I'm afraid it's extremely extraordinary here, and you see..." Reached out and pointed to a place ahead.

Behind a huge mountain slope, there was a sharp object, bulging out, flashing with a slight silver luster, but the whole was blocked by the mountain slope, and I couldn't really see what it was.

But Yan Shigu and others all exclaimed: "Zhu Family Battleship!"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "It's the Zhu family battleship. Go and take a look."

As soon as the figure shook, he opened the road ahead and grabbed the halberd in his hand to prevent unknown risks.

The top of the mountain arrived in an instant, and I saw the Zhu family battleship slanted to the ground, one end leaning against the mountain, and it fell down at first sight, and it did not land normally.

In addition, the battleships all stopped in their formation, and the aura was dissipated, only the evil aura between heaven and earth wandered in it.

Lord Jin Shixi swallowed hard, his face pale and said: "But it's a while and a half before us, how could this be the case?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "You stay outside, I'll go in and take a look."

Yan Shigu hurriedly said, "Be careful."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, flew on the battleship with the halberd, and then entered the interior.

The entire battleship was very huge, it was a mobile fortress, with a hard and complicated internal structure. Yang Qingxuan walked through several long corridors to a huge cabin in the belly of the battleship.

The inside is empty and vast, with engraved spirit gathering arrays on all sides, and gravity arrays on the ground, which are used for cultivation.

Because it is basically a long-distance voyage to call such a huge battleship, there is an extremely complex and high-end training environment inside.

In this cabin, corpses lay all over the place, with forty or fifty people.

Yang Qingxuan's face became difficult to look, and his hair on his body stood up, because he had discovered how these Wu Xiu died.

Everyone's Wu Xiu's body was festering, and it was full of worm eyes, which were eaten to death by worms.

Many heads were eaten up.

Yang Qingxuan gently inhaled the air, only feeling that his chest was pressed by a huge stone, and there was cold sweat in his hand holding the halberd.

The small voice of "rustling" slowly sounded in the space.

There is also a "buzzing" wing flapping sound from far to near.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were filled with golden glow, looking at the evil spirits and insect shadows emerging from the corpses all over the floor, he cursed: "Mom, why is it so unlucky!"

The figure shook suddenly and rushed outside.

But there was a large "buzzing" sound from the corridor, and countless three-winged midges appeared in front, in groups, and there were probably tens of thousands of them.

Yang Qingxuan gritted his teeth, the halberd fell to the ground, then screamed, flipped with one hand, and raised the halberd. The man and the halberd were merged into one, turning into a huge phantom light, cutting to the ceiling.


This huge battleship was extremely strong, but under Yang Qingxuan's full blow, it was still cut out a gully and rushed out.

But it was only when they reached the upper deck of the battleship, densely packed three-winged midges pounced inside.

"I just don't want to consume you, don't think I am afraid of you!"

Yang Qingxuan shouted sharply, flames gushing out from his body, instantly covering his whole body, and he lifted his left hand and slammed it out with a palm.

"Boom!" A huge flame exploded in the cabin, rushing on the three-winged midges, "cracking" and bursting.

But there are still large slabs of three-winged midges, who seem not afraid of flames and continue to rush.

"How can it be?"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. Insects and ants are afraid of fire. This is common sense, with very few exceptions. Is it that he is so unlucky and won the prize?

Moreover, even insects that are not afraid of fire have to burn to pieces when encountering the original fire.

Yang Qingxuan looked carefully and found that the body of these three-winged midges was covered with a faint gray luster, which was condensed by the fierce aura, isolating the flames. But some of it couldn't stop it, and it burned instantly when touched by the flame.

"That's it."

Yang Qingxuan pondered, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he smiled and said: "Just try my latest flame."

He erected the halberd next to him, pinching the tactics with one hand.

Since the world of Wu Desi came back, the two original fires that have been fused with each other in the dantian have been silent, and they were turned around and flowed into the whole body.

Yang Qingxuan's body instantly turned into an eternally burning body, and a look of surprise and ecstasy was shot in those scarlet eyes.

After fusing Mu Shaobai's original fire, his original fire has obviously undergone tremendous changes, and his temperature and energy have increased a lot, as if he had reached a new realm.

Those three-winged midges that rushed directly into Yang Qingxuan's body, wanting to bite him.

But as soon as the murderous aura on his body hit this brand new source of fire, it exploded in an instant.

On Yang Qingxuan's body, a strange scene immediately appeared, large swarms of flying insects swarmed over, and then "cracking" explosions continued.

These three-winged midges seemed to have a certain amount of wisdom, and realized something after a while, quickly retreated in all directions, and dared not approach Yang Qingxuan again.

"Haha, know you are afraid?"

A trace of ridicule flashed in Yang Qingxuan's flame-like eyes, raised his hand, slapped a finger, and said coldly: "Try my source of fire-second gear!"


A flame of fire exploded from the finger ring, and the ring of fire surged in all directions.

The extremely high temperature and energy were suppressed by the warship's structure, and it crazily rushed to the channel, and all the three-winged midges were swept away in an instant.

As long as the insects swept by this flame burst instantly.

Yang Qingxuan was in this sea of ​​flames, an inexplicable trace of enlightenment surged in his heart, and he stood directly in the void, pinched the tactics in front of him, closed his eyes slightly, and began to practice.

Previously, only a strand of original source fire and Mu Shaobai's original source fire were merged. Later, there were too many things, so I didn't care about it.

It was only at this moment that the fused flame was displayed for the first time, and it was a bit shocking to find that it was so powerful.

Meditate at the moment, fully integrate the divine consciousness and body into this flame for insight, refinement, and integration.

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