Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2167: Inexplicably missing, the real murderer is present

A cold sweat appeared on Yan Shigu's temples, his hands clasped tightly, and he calmed down, staring at Jin Shijilang and his companions.

As for Yang Qingxuan, the distance is too far and too deep to take care of.

Can only pray inwardly.

At this time, other martial artists also found anomalies. There were many martial artists who hadn't got into the water on the shore, and those who came out of the water felt something was wrong.

"Where is Ji Zijin from the Feiyun family? He was still in the water just now, why did he seem to have disappeared?"

"And Master Mi Fei from Luo Tuoluo Palace, also suddenly disappeared."

"I also found out, it seems that a lot of people are missing by accident..."

Whispering on the shore, an atmosphere of terror spread in everyone's heart.

The gloomy sky and environment, shrouded in the rushing and silent barren river, set off dozens of trembling figures on the bank.

Dorje suddenly opened his eyes in the water, and a little bit of cold star came out of his eyes, and said loudly: "Be careful, it seems someone is making a ghost!"

"What? Man made?" Everyone was shocked and angry, and said one after another: "Who is this hateful? Do such a vicious thing."

Doggie's eyes swept in and out of the water, and said coldly, "Who knows."

He said, closing his eyes again.

The people in the water immediately became alert, and many people went ashore one after another.

Almost all those who stayed in it felt great benefits and still practiced despite the danger.

The more dangerous the juncture of life and death, the more opportunities to break through. It turns out that I came here to find opportunities and open the way forward. If you are afraid of death, you will not come.

After Dorje instructed everyone, the river was calm and nothing happened.

Yang Qingxuan sank under the water, near the center of the river, completely wandering in the world of earth elements, completely ignorant of what happened outside.

And the bottleneck of the nine-star intermediate level, under the erosion of this earth element, collapsed little by little.

Not only that, a large amount of barren aura poured into his body, soiling his body a little bit, just like the previous scene when he swallowed the inner alchemy of the earth giant spirit, the body will turn into sandstone, quartz, and As mud, it changes in various derivatives of soil series.

Suddenly, a turbid mud stream slowly flowed over. Under the scouring of the water, it rushed to Yang Qingxuan's side, spread directly, turned into a huge mud skin, and directly wrapped Yang Qingxuan completely.

Suddenly, energy surges began to appear on the mud, trembling like ripples.

A very strong ray of light shot out like sword aura, piercing the entire mud, and shooting through the bottom of the river, breaking through the water.



The loud sound immediately drew everyone's attention.

The mud skin wrapped in Yang Qingxuan quickly turned into a mud stream and left.

Behind Yang Qingxuan, a figure emerged, once again with a finger like a sword, shooting out, like a little aurora in the void, continuously zooming in, breaking the river in a large area.

The strong light chased the mud flow away, and shook it out of the river bottom with a sound, and flew into the sky.

"Zhong Hyun Sword! You are..."

The mud stream swayed in the air and transformed into a figure. It was Yu Chu who reached out and grabbed the aurora, his face was shocked and angry.

Everyone on the water changed their faces and stared at You Chu, as if they understood something.

Dorje sneered: "Brother Youchu, why are you so embarrassed? By the way, Brother Youchu must be careful. Someone in this river deliberately messes up and turns into mudslides and other sneak attacks. Brother must be worried."

Yu Chu's face was even more ugly than mud, and fire burst out from his eyes.

Feeling the anger and ferocious gazes of everyone, knowing that he has been exposed, he became even more furious, staring at the figure sitting vacantly at the bottom of the river, filled with endless murderous aura, anger, and a hint of shock.

The trick that pointed to Zhongxuan Sword just now, as well as the power of the pointed sword, all declared that this young man was entrenched in his old knowledge.

"Tu Chou! Is it really you? I don't know why you want to help this kid, but if you dare to offend me, you are dead!"

Yu Chu snarled angrily in his heart, staring at Yang Qingxuan viciously, and then swept away at everyone.

Although everyone was angry, no one dared to offend him directly. Seeing his cold gaze staring at him, they turned their heads in fright, or bowed their heads and dared not look at each other.

Doggie and others followed You Chu's gaze and glanced at Yang Qingxuan sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the river. They all felt strange. In the situation just now, it was obvious that You Chu suffered a loss, but the kid at the bottom of the river had only the power of the Jiuxing Elementary , Look at the change of the earth element on that kid, he should be majoring in the earth system, but You Chu is also majoring in the earth system, and he is a one-star pinnacle, the highest cultivation level here, how could he suffer ?

Everyone is extremely puzzled, only Yan Shigu and others understand Yang Qingxuan's strength, and when they look at each other, they all show a wry smile. They are also the Nine-Star Realm King. Why is the gap so big? Yan Shigu and others immediately relieved, Yang Qingxuan was fine, and it seemed that nothing would happen.

Dorje and others were a little regretful, and couldn't see exactly what happened when they arrived.

After the river was broken open by the alleged Zhong Xuan Jian, it quickly returned to normal. Yang Qingxuan's figure was once again submerged at the bottom of the river, leaving only a trance-like shadow.

Until this moment, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes slightly, faintly-a golden light came out, and asked: "Just now..."

Tu Chou’s voice came and said, “It’s okay. There was a silly-D who wanted to do something and was repelled by me. But... that silly-D was just repelled by me with one finger without any defense, but In terms of strength, he ranks first in this deserted Hanoi. Except for your ghost repair friend, I am afraid that no one can suppress him. Be careful yourself."

Yang Qingxuan let out an "um", closed his eyes again, and continued to practice.

After this incident, You Chu has also become honest. Although his cultivation ranks first, there are still two thousand realms here. Now if you add Tu worry, you will have three and many realm kings. If you provoke everyone and be besieged by everyone, the end will not be much better.

And there is still what he wants in this barren river.

At the moment, he simply surfaced, exposed his upper body on the river, and began to practice the earth system supernatural power-the Daramas exercise.

This will gradually dispel everyone's doubts and reduce their anger towards themselves.

As time passed, more and more martial artists gathered on the shore, and fewer martial artists in the barren river, and soon there were fewer than ten people.

And everyone was horrified to discover that anyone who wanted to cross the barren river, no matter how high your cultivation level, even a nine-star middle-level realm king, would be knocked out by the waves halfway through.

It just resisted a little bit, and it lasted a little longer than the screams of other people, and then it was just like nothing, being beaten to pieces, and there was no place to be buried.

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