Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2170: Chang Heng Gu Yan, the four supernatural powers

The powerful barren air flowing out of the new gods and ancient stars perfectly blends with the barren air that has been scoured on this barren river for countless years, forming a strong air current, enclosing the extremely turbid river water, towards the water column Rush away.

You Chu was frightened, and Yang Qingxuan's appearance of the earth-type giant spirit was still above his supernatural powers, anger and jealousy burned in his body, and shouted: "Don't think that you can cultivate some more powerful supernatural powers. I contend! Below the thousands of realms, in my eyes, all are ants! The Great Maura Art-Eight Universe Universe!"

The power of the earth element elements surges out, gathers the whole body, raises the hand to rotate, layers of earth auras are superimposed, turning into a vast force, and blow away!

After Yang Qingxuan took the shot, he knew the realm gap between the two. Just relying on a new trick to return to nothing was not enough to deter each other. The huge right hand was raised, and countless golden lights poured out on the arm made of various gems and rock formations. , Wrapped on the surface.

The entire arm turned into brilliant gold in an instant, and the fame stunt of the Wuxiang Heavenly King was shot out in an instant.

"All directions are gone!"

The golden light flashed, everyone only felt their eyes tingling.

Under the surging of this gloomy sky, on the deserted river full of dust and dust, the golden light pierced the dim earth, illuminating the entire ancient world!

A huge golden body figure appeared in the golden light, suppressing the Great Maura Jue.

Two supernatural powers, one gold and one soil, are intertwined in the void, and collide with the universe!


Circles of brilliance burst open, rushing in all directions, the shaking river tumbling, heaven and earth hanging upside down!

Many warriors watching the battle on the shore were all shocked and backed away so as not to be affected.

Judging from the confrontation between the two, they are actually evenly matched!


Not only were the many martial artists on the shore horrified, but Duoji and Qihai, who were also immersed in the river, were equally shocked and unbelievable.

Between the realm king and the thousand realms, there is an irreparable sky.

There is no situation where the Nine-Star Realm King singles out the Lord of the Thousand Realms, unless he possesses abnormal magic weapons or various secret techniques.

And the person in front of him not only did it, but also directly confronted the existence of the pinnacle of the one-star thousand realms with the nine-star intermediate force that just broke through!

Although this person has two moves together, if there is no matching power, no matter how many moves, he cannot be the enemy!

This situation subverted everyone's imagination.

"How can it be so strong?!" You Chu was also horrified in his heart, and the two tricks Yang Qingxuan displayed were simply beyond the reach of the Realm King.

The huge wild gas vortex and the mighty power of the golden element are still surging around him.

But to suppress him, he still lacks the heat.

It may be possible to deal with a one-star elementary level, but he is a one-star peak existence, and it is also an earth element body, which will not be eroded by the waste river, and does not need to bear soil damage.

It's just that a nine-star middle-level realm king, and he just broke through, has held his magical power, it is simply unimaginable!

With a wave of his hand, You Chu shattered the wild energy and golden light surrounding him, pointed at Yang Qingxuan, and said coldly: "Ten moves! Kill you within ten moves!"

This remark was even more uproar.

You Chu's words are an absolute affirmation of Yang Qingxuan's strength!

Both Dorje and Qi Hai showed great shock in their eyes.

Even if they were alone, they might not be able to make ten moves in Yuchu's hands.

The ten strokes agreement proved that You Chu had already regarded Yang Qingxuan as the lord of the thousand realms.

"It's not always true who kills who is so arrogant. Ten moves dare to say." Yang Qingxuan's face sank and said coldly, once again his left hand swayed in front of him, mobilizing the energy of the entire Huanghe, and gold continued to flow from his right arm Mans, wrapped the entire arm, even the shoulder.

The power of the two elements of gold and earth intertwine and circulate in front of you, forming a Tai Chi trend.

When everyone heard this, they all fainted, "It's not always certain who kills." After saying this, who is so arrogant?

Only Yan Shigu and a few others knew that what Yang Qingxuan said was true.

Previously, relying on the flow of energy from the wild river and the magical powers and meanings of the Wuxiang Heavenly King had blocked You Chu's blow, but Yang Qingxuan knew very well that with his own strength, it was impossible for You Chu to be his opponent.

At present, the power is about the same as the one-star elementary thousand realms. Wanting to fight the one-star peak is simply a dream.

But it is still possible to fight for enough time for the Golden Eleven Lang Jun to make a smooth breakthrough.

If it really doesn't work, you can only let Tu Chou and Gui Zang take action.

Just because there are too many people here, I don't want to expose my strength prematurely, so as not to fall into crisis behind the barren land and have no cards.

After a thought, while running the dual element magical powers, flames madly gushed out of the body, soaring into the sky, spreading across the river, turning into the heavens and the earth.

The terrible temperature and energy directly pressed the water level of the Huanghe River to sink, revealing a huge whirlpool.

The people on the shore felt the horror of the fire, and they all retreated again and again, shocked.

There are many warriors who specialize in the fire element, and they are even more frightened, crying out: "The original fire?!"

But the power of this fire energy is much stronger than the original fire they have ever seen. What is going on? Can there be a fire that is stronger than the original fire?

After the law of fire celestially condensed, the pupils burst into red light, like two hot suns, the hands quickly formed seals.

In an instant, the scarce fire element in the world rushed away and gathered in that seal, making it look like a substance, like holding a bright red giant seal, with the violent energy inside rolling and surging, anytime To burst in general.

You Chu was stunned, and said: "The fire of the origin?" This magical skill of the fire element, the power is not under the earth and gold elements.

Who is this person in front of me?

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "Essential Fire-Second Grade-Chang Heng Gu Yan!"

When the voice fell, the entire void seemed to freeze.

The huge power gathered in the three moves was instantly suppressed.

The Eight Desolations are Nothing!

All directions are gone!

Emperor Yan Jue of Changheng Ancient Yan!


The forces of the three elements hovered down in the air, the whole sky quaked, the black yellow rolled, and the water of the barren river flowed back.

You Chu was horrified, never daring to take the slightest contempt anymore, and turned the Great Mora Art to the extreme. He quickly imprinted the Art with both hands and shot them together. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "It's useless! No matter how bad the sky is, it is impossible to make up!"

Eight Universe!

The earth element magical powers were exerted to the extreme, countless yellow lights gathered, as if thousands of mountains were dangling in front of them, and the earth element energy in the desolate ancient land on all sides was absorbed by this trick.

With a cold color on Yang Qingxuan's face, after all three moves, a blue light flashed on the top of his head, and the second soul appeared, holding the seal of the Dynasty, and then slammed it down.

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