Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2173: The world in the lotus, the body of Indra

"Who? Stop it!"

The three of You Chu, Duoji, and Qi Hai who were fighting in unison shouted at the same time.

In the purple mang, a stunning woman appeared, "chuckled", and a silver bell-like voice rang on the barren river, "The King of Wuxiang has a certain relationship with the ancestors of the Protoss. Is the magic weapon he left behind? What can these mortals get involved? They retreat quickly, lest they lose their lives."

The woman had a natural appearance, and slowly flew down, taking full advantage of her love.

There was a majestic posture all over his body, solemn and holy, which made people dare not commit a crime. Those water-like eyes swept across the audience, with a smile, in the solemn atmosphere of Ling's killing, as if the spring breeze was blowing.

"It's Fairy Ziqing!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Everyone changed their expressions, it turned out to be the **** race, but the daughter of the **** king, this is troublesome.

Yang Qingxuan was also stunned. At the beginning, he had seen Zi Qing in the Palace of the King of Gods. She seemed to be the fifth righteous daughter of the King of Purple Hearts, but there was no intersection. Unexpectedly, this woman also received news and rushed to the ancient star realm.

Zi Qing's gaze also happened to look at him, she smiled, and said: "It turned out to be... Eh... Brother-in-law Qingxuan."

Everyone was stunned and immediately remembered the rumors about Yang Qingxuan. It is said that the Purple Heart God King was looking for him in the whole city just to get him back and become his son-in-law.

At first, everyone didn't believe it, because the son-in-law of the **** king, who didn't fight for the head and wanted to be, where do you need to catch? But after seeing Yang Qingxuan's strength and Zi Qing's sitting down at this moment, they all believed.

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines and shouted: "What nonsense!"

"Um..." Ziqing said with a smile: "It's not brother-in-law, is it brother-in-law? The mother-in-law asks brother-in-law to pick one of our sisters. Is it possible that brother-in-law is not satisfied with the third sister? Hehe, the brother-in-law has to explain to the mother as soon as possible , Change one from the other sisters, so as not to delay the brother-in-law."

Everyone was in an uproar, fainted, is there such a good thing?

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Stop talking nonsense to bad my reputation, I already have a wife!"

Ziqing "hehe" smiled and said, "What is it to have a wife? Which man is not a man with three wives and four concubines, let alone a powerful man like her brother-in-law. Brother-in-law, I want to pick this lotus flower. These people are all with hungry wolves. Staring at people as if, so annoying, brother-in-law beat them for me."

With a playful smile, he slowly stepped on the golden enchantment emanating from the lotus, and wanted to pick it.

Everyone was sluggish there. If it were ordinary Thousand Realms, the trio of You Chu would have already stopped them, but the opponent was not only a Protoss, but also a godly goddess. This identity was extremely daunting, and no one dared to make a move for a while.

"Since you call me brother-in-law, then I will ask you to respond."

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's figure swayed, he walked towards the golden lotus, and with one step, he shuttled through the space and came to Ziqing. He raised his hand and patted forward and said calmly: "Sister, this thing is very dangerous. It's not something you children can touch, or Let brother-in-law come and fetch it."

Zi Qing's eyes flashed through her eyes, and her figure flickered in the air, hiding in the air, "chuckles" and said with a chuckle: "Brother-in-law is bullying, people don't follow it." Turning around, the same palm shot was unambiguous.

The palm wind set off a huge wave of purple air, uninterrupted, like an ocean moving across.

"So strong!" Yang Qingxuan whispered in his heart. Judging from this strength, he is already above You Chu, and he has not tried his best. I don't know if I want to preserve my strength, or is it really because of the inexplicable relationship between Nian and Yang Qingxuan. .

"Six suns open the sky!"

Yang Qingxuan didn't dare to be careless, and retreated hundreds of feet to avoid the sharp edge of that palm.

Then the six suns rose up, turned into a huge palm of fire, and pressed it down.

At the same time, if a golden dragon shuttles across the deserted river, it hits Ziqing.


The two fought against each other, the Dynasty Yin was shaken back, and the six suns were shattered and exploded into a boundless sea of ​​flames. It was Yang Qingxuan who fell in the wind.

"Hehe, brother-in-law bullied me." Zi Qing smiled, did not make any more moves, but grabbed the Jinlian enchantment, and pierced in with five fingers.

As soon as the five fingers were inserted into the mask, the golden lotus turned, but was blocked by a mighty force, making it difficult to enter a half point.

Zi Qing's face became solemn, she pinched her left hand, and on the five fingers of her right hand, a large amount of purple gas gushed out, continuously flowing into the enchantment, winding around the golden lotus, trying to collect the lotus.

After Yang Qingxuan made a move, he rushed up again.

A figure hurriedly flew over, it was Mr. Jin Shiyi Lang. Together, the two turned into two escape lights and rushed towards Ziqing.

Zi Qing raised her eyes and said with a chuckle: "Brother-in-law, is it just you who have a helper, but your sister doesn't?"

Pinching the left hand, spread the five fingers, stretched out behind the left side.

The green jade finger carried a jasper dragon ring, and under the shaking of the aura, powerful auras burst out of the void.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a golden light emerged. It was a piece of gold from the Immortal Palace of Wuyu.

The golden eleven Langjun pinched the tactics with both hands, a piece of frost fell from the sky, shrouded the purple sky, the frost condensed into thousands of ice arrows, and shot away.

Zi Qing sneered: "Naive, the chick who just broke through to the thousand realms wants to fight against this fairy. Brother-in-law, I naturally want to be merciful, but you dog slave, go to death."

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, his left hand retracted, and his fingers circled in front of him.

Powerful fluctuations of vigor spread out from the battlefield, pressing on everyone's heart, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Suddenly, the golden lotus turned around and shrouded in the enchantment, like a flower bud in full bloom.

The light of the enchantment dispersed in all directions, and a huge flower of light appeared on the barren river, like a brand new world opened in front of everyone.

Everyone is a flower in front of them, and they find that their whole body is bound by a golden beam of light, and it is difficult to move.

Opening my eyes and looking around, I saw that I was standing on a huge lotus. On every flower leaf, there were many martial artists, but no one was bound by the power of the flower and couldn't break free.

And in the center of the lotus flower is a huge golden lotus platform with a golden star stick inserted in the center, with nine rings flashing on it, emitting golden brilliance, each brilliance is like a new world, stirring the world.

"Indra! Is that the body of Indra?!"

Doggie and the others were all shocked, but stepped on the petals, suppressed by huge power, and had no power to compete.

On the lotus platform, around the star rod, there were only Zi Qing and Yang Qingxuan.

More than a dozen figures appeared behind Zi Qing, all of them exuding a powerful aura, oppressing people's hearts.

Both Yang Qingxuan and Jin Shiyi Langjun changed their faces and showed surprise.

There were a total of seventeen people behind Zi Qing, and there were five thousand masters, and the remaining twelve were all high-ranking realm kings.

Zi Qing moved her gaze away from the star stick, looked at Yang Qingxuan provocatively, and said with a chuckle: "Brother-in-law, how does this power in my hand compare to the third sister?"

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