Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2175: Sword slashing ants, the idea of ​​breeding

"Hey, I don't know which is the most suitable, but I know which one is the most hooves." Gui Zang chuckled, his eyes flashed, and the pinch point was on the Hyakki Yexing.

"Oh, brother-in-law, don't say that, they are very shy." Zi Qing's cheeks were reddish.

"Hey, my brother-in-law likes your show-style!" Together with the Ghost Hidden Sword Art, Hundred Ghosts and Yexing suddenly more than doubled, and countless sword shadows turned out in the void, and followed them.

In the golden lotus space, there were huge sword tombs, and thousands of tombs moved from them. Strong sword intent erupted from every tomb.

Yang Qingxuan was covered with black lines, and the sound transmission said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense by my body!"

Gui Zang borrowed Yang Qingxuan's second soul to actually arouse the sword intent of Tai Xuan, transforming the sword tomb and thousands of graves, and in an instant ten thousand swords in the void revolved.

"Haha." Gui Zang was extremely comfortable, exerting the Supreme Profound sword intent to the extreme, slashed down, and shouted: "Sao-hooves, go to death, dare to seduce me!"

"Tell you those hooves sisters, I have a wife!"

Wan Jian slashed out with Bai Gui Ye Xing, Gui Zang glanced at Yang Qingxuan, and said triumphantly: "You didn't talk nonsense this time?"

Yang Qingxuan's face was purple and uglier than eggplant, and he shouted angrily: "Just shut up!"

Zi Qing's face changed drastically, looking at the sky full of sword shadows. Every sword shadow was transformed by a real divine sword, with infinite meaning and unyielding will, coming from the void.

In addition, the cultivation base of Oni Zang suddenly increased in an instant, reaching the three-star peak.

Zi Qing said in horror: "You..." hurriedly called out loudly, "Heya, come and save me!"

Where could the Dragon Mark Purple Sword be able to stop it, the blade's light continued to shatter, and Zi Qing was directly involved in the boundless sword sea with the sword, making a panic sound.

Heya and others rushed forward.

Gui Zang sneered, and Hyakki Yexing turned into a series of slashes with a whirl in his hand, each of which was like a ghost, and went straight away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Large swaths of blood exploded in the air.

The twelve high-ranking realm kings, where can they stop the three-star peak thousand realms, like leeks, they will be harvested without any suspense.

The four Qianjies including Heya, as well as Murongchui, who was fighting fiercely with Jin Shiyilang and Tu Chou, were so frightened that they hurriedly turned and left.

Although they are worshipped by Ziqing, who cares about you at the moment of life and death?

"Hehe, this lotus world is a space alone. If Indra is taken away, who can leave?"

Gui Zang chuckled, flicked his fingers, and immediately several divine swords broke through the grave, turned into substance under the Tai Xuan sword intent, and shot away.

Tianya, Ling Shuang, Dafeng, Di Ting, Blood Cry.

For the name of the five swords.

Cut through the void, the name of the sword appeared on the sword, and the sword intent of the world broke out.

Dead for too long, at the moment of resurrection, the long-term death was swept away, and the peak of the year was restored.

Yang Qingxuan's heart trembled, and Gui Zang controlled his second soul, and the power of the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb that detonated was completely in two levels with himself.

"Do not!--"

The five hurried away, but the void had already been seen through by the ghost, and they couldn't escape at all.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three Thousand Realms brazenly resisted, still being shot through their bodies by the Excalibur, of course they died violently.

Jianming sounded loudly, stuck in the lotus platform, and disappeared in a flash.

Murongchui took a sword forcibly, was flew out, gushing blood, his chest was cut, his knees softened, he knelt on the ground, a little bit of life passed away, his eyes were desperate and unbelievable.

Only Heya shot a sword, but was still penetrated by the powerful sword intent, chopped up a large number of meridians, vomiting and bleeding, and his face was full of horror and fear.

Even the Lord of the Golden Eleven and Tu Chou were shocked, and they never dreamed that the ghosts were so powerful.

Above the Thousand Realms, one star is impossible to cross one day at a time.

Even at the junior level of the Ziqing three-star, in the face of the strength of the ghost hidden three-star peak, there is still no power to fight back.

"Oh? I'm still alive. It seems that my understanding of this profound sword intent is still not enough. As a reward for you, I will make another sword."

Gui Zang smiled contemptuously, and Hyakki Yexing swayed in the air, then cut off his hand directly.

Yang Qingxuan said in a voice transmission: "If you save him for life, you can recruit him!"


The entire lotus void was cut in half by this sword.

Heya stood there blankly, looking down at the blood line on his chest, and splitting the whole person, his expression dull and dull.

Then the blood turned into pitch black, and the entire upper body was drawn down.

Yang Qingxuan furiously said: "Did you deliberately?"

Gui Zang chuckled, licked his lips, and said, "Where and where, this little sister-in-law will keep it for you, maybe you can still use it."

Speaking and waving his hand, the sword intent disappeared.

Then he used his Yuan Gong, took a strong breath, and sucked all the souls of the twelve realm kings and the five thousand realms into his body.

Only then did he laugh several times with satisfaction, and returned to Yang Qingxuan's body in a flash.

On the huge petals of Jin Lian, hundreds of warriors had seen this battle clearly, and they were all horrified. Looking at Yang Qingxuan's eyes, there was endless fear.

Especially Yu Chu, already scared silly, his upper and lower teeth trembled.

Zi Qing, who was trapped in the storm of swords, noticed the gap, and hurriedly cut the dragon mark with a purple knife, breaking through the storm and escaping.

But Yi Yi had a disheveled hair, her whole body was cut through the skirt, revealing bloodstains, embarrassed.

And when he saw the corpses, pieces of flesh, blood and water in front of him clearly, a chill rushed all over his body, and then turned into incomparable fear and trembling, the petite body stood trembling.

For the first time since becoming a godly goddess, Zi Qing felt that she was so weak and helpless.

Diligence, hard work, tenacity, struggle, breakthroughs, all the way through the layers of levels, and finally reached the terrible three-star thousand realms, the confidence and dignity of the strong, was instantly shattered by that peerless man's sword.

The seventeen top powerhouses recruited by the courtesy corporal and the wealth of the family were finally recruited for their own use, becoming their core secret power, and they were shattered by the peerless man's sword in an instant.

Ziqing felt a sense of trance, just thinking that everything was dreaming.

Everything that I worked so hard to create was instantly shattered and vanished.

Even the seemingly noble life of oneself now may be lost in the next moment.

But after waiting for a while, Yang Qingxuan did not make a move, but went straight to the star rod Indra, seeming to have forgotten her.

Ziqing stood in the mess, not even knowing what she should be doing at the moment, but a thought suddenly popped up in her mind, and then an uncontrollable madness grew.

No wonder the third sister became excited after losing all her strength. It turned out that there was such a terrible fiance. No, I must not let the third sister get this man.

Such a man will be enough to aspire to the Holy Lord in the future.

Such a man must be mine!

//New week, continue to ask for votes.

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