Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2177: Remember to substitute, stunning woman

"Boom!" The whole lotus world trembled violently.

The lotus platform at the foot and the petals of light around him began to collapse.

"No! Nothing will happen, right?"

There was a panic among the crowd.

Zi Qing also changed slightly, but found that Yang Qingxuan was indifferent, standing in the middle of the lotus platform, carefully looking at Na Indra, not being disturbed by this external factor at all, could not help but be moved, and I am ashamed of my heart. The man, the world collapsed in front of his eyes and his face remained unchanged.

For a while, he was calm and unresponsive to the breaking of the earth.

Fortunately, the vibration did not last long, but the lotus world slowly disappeared, turning into ray of brilliance, and drifting away with the wind.

The power that restrained everyone was also completely gone. Everyone felt free when he felt lighter.

The world in front of him once again returned to the sky above the deserted river.

It's just that there is no longer the strong earth pressure in the river, but it is still muddy, full of extremely strong earth element power, after all, it has been like this for infinite years, and it is difficult to change it for a while.

After being relieved, everyone looked at the star stick in Yang Qingxuan's hand, showing a look of eagerness and greed, but no one dared to **** it or even raise dissatisfaction.

Zi Qing sorted out herself, washed away the embarrassment and blood stains, and smiled sweetly: "Congratulations, Brother Qingxuan, the treasure of joy."

The title of brother-in-law was directly changed to brother.

Yang Qingxuan collected Indra, glanced at her lightly, and said, "For the sake of the Purple Heart God King, I will not embarrass you this time, but I hope you can do it for yourself."

After speaking, he greeted Tu Chou, Jin Shiyi Langjun, Yan Shigu and others, and walked across the deserted river.

Zi Qing hurried to catch up and shouted, "Brother Qingxuan, wait for me."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Don't follow me!"

Zi Qing stopped, stomped her feet like a little girl, and said loudly: "By the way, if Brother Qingxuan is not satisfied with the third sister, please go to her mother as soon as possible, let her cancel the marriage, and then change... ...Change someone, for example, how does Brother Qingxuan think of me?"

Yang Qingxuan was full of black lines, lowered his head and walked faster and faster, only one sentence floated far away, "Somehow, crazy."

Standing on the deserted river, Ziqing Yukong suddenly "chuckled" and said with a spring breeze, "Well, even a good woman like me dismisses me, walking so fast, I really deserve it. The man. Yang Qingxuan, you are mine. Any woman who wants to meddle with you, whether she is Ziyan or Zixia, I will not agree, huh!"

The figure flickered, and also crossed the deserted river.

When these people left, Yu Chu, Duoji and other talents breathed a sigh of relief, already in cold sweats.

Especially Yu Chu, who was already so scared, he was still gasping for breath, sweat beaded all over his head, desperately wiping it.

Dorje glanced at him and said, "Brother You Chu, hey, take his life back."

Yu Chu's face was pale and he snorted, and then found that many people were looking at him with a sneer on the corners of his mouth. He couldn't help but yelled, "Looking at what? Who will see me tear him up again!"

This scared everyone to turn their heads, but there were still a lot of underestimated voices coming into their ears, "Cut, what crazy, in front of Yang Qingxuan, it's not like a tuo-S, you know that bullying is afraid of hardship."

Uchu's teeth rattled.

Suddenly, a nice woman's voice came, "Weird, the earth element power fluctuations, which were obviously powerful and scary just now, disappeared in the blink of an eye?"

The voice was soft and soft, very nice, so it aroused many people's attention.

I saw a woman with a wonderful posture, who did not know when she appeared on the deserted river, her whole body flashed with holy light.

Hundreds of Wu Xiu were all dumbfounded.

Ziqing originally meant to be a woman born on the clouds, beautiful and noble, not to be anything but inferior, but compared with the woman in front of her, she was even worse, even a few levels behind.

No one had ever seen such a beautiful woman in the entire Luofu realm, even the animal husbandry realm.

And the extremely nice voice just now attracted almost all men.

"Guru!" The voice of swallowing a lot of saliva sounded all around.

"Master, it seems that there is some treasure of earth in the river, which was taken away." Behind the woman, a burly and ugly alien said respectfully.

Everyone found out that there were five ugly weird people standing behind the woman, just because the woman was so good-looking, the people who were subconsciously ignored these five people.

Dorje's pupils shrank, and said in amazement: "Shi Zuo?"

The five weirdos all exudes a strong chaotic power, and it is the five Shizuo who came from the seventy-three realm: Kesi, Dudu, Bart, Jess, and Qom.

And this beautiful scary woman is Luo Tinglan who escaped after being beaten and crying by the eternal sky.

"Oh, is it?" Luo Tinglan looked at the crowd and asked, "Is that true?"

You Chu thought for a moment, clasped his fist and said, "Exactly. In this barren Hanoi, Indra, the most precious treasure of the Wuxiang Heavenly King, was taken away by a man named Yang Qingxuan."


"Yang Qingxuan?!"

Luo Tinglan was stunned, with an incredible expression on her face.

X frowned and said: "It wouldn't be such a coincidence? And the Yang Qingxuan we know is only the Seven-Star Realm King. In the past few months, it has been upgraded to 8 Stars at most. There are so many high-level Realm Kings, how many It is impossible to take Indra under their noses."

Luo Tinglan nodded and said, "Well, that should be a coincidence."

After pondering, he said: "Indra is the most precious earth treasure refined by the King Wuxiang. It contains three thousand worlds and is very powerful. And it is just suitable for my use. The biggest purpose of coming to the ancient star realm this time is For this treasure, nothing can be lost."

X asked You Chu, "I don't know how long Yang Qingxuan has been away, how he looks like, and what realm he is?"

You Chu said: "I just left for a while, now it's easy to catch up in the past, if I look like..." Raising his hand, a light and shadow appeared in the air, exactly like Yang Qingxuan before, saying: "No, this is what it looks like. , The strength is the nine-star intermediate level, but... he has a second soul..."

"Ah!!!" Luo Tinglan exclaimed.

The five others, including Kesi, also opened their mouths, looking at Yang Qingxuan in the scene, and were speechless.

Dudu yelled: "Isn't that a coincidence? It's really him!"

Luo Tinglan looked uncertain on her face, staring at the front of Huanghe, full of anger, but there was a trace of fear on her face, and she couldn't help but pale when she thought of the monkey.

You Chu stunned: "Do you know each other?"

Looking at them, it seems that they not only know each other, but also have a deep holiday.

Luo Tinglan's strength is unfathomable, and Yu Chu intuitively feels that he is above him, and may even surpass Zi Qing.

Such a terrifying woman, when she saw the image of Yang Qingxuan, her face showed fear without concealment.

This not only made You Chu, but also made everyone present look at Yang Qingxuan again.

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