Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2179: Unity of good and evil, magic marrow drill

Master Yan said: "Brother Qingxuan also found out?"

"Huh?" Yang Qingxuan said: "I just thought it was weird. I didn't find anything, and..."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "And this building is very strange."

He even said two strange things, and then explained: "I saw some extremely broken murals in the world of Indra, with some architectural depictions on them, which seemed to be similar to this hall, but they were completely different."

Yan Shigu asked: "What kind of description?"

Yang Qingxuan immediately made a few gestures to the void, depicting the impression in his mind.

It is still a broken and incomplete depiction, but some of the characteristics are indeed similar to the hall in front of you, but the whole is completely different.

Even the style structure is specious.

The depictions in the murals are all a holy and solemn scene.

And in this hall in front of us, some places are holy and solemn, while others are gloomy and gloomy. The only thing in common is that every place is extremely majestic and magnificent.

Master Yan said: "I understand."

He looked at the hall with a fascinating look, and said: "No wonder the other ruins are ruined, only this hall remains. This is a nondescript thing formed after the two halls swallowed each other. The power of good and evil is gathered, both positive and negative. The power, the power of righteous devil, and the balance, has become like this."

Everyone was stunned.

But on closer inspection, it is indeed like a "masterpiece" in which the two majestic halls are fused together with completely different styles.

Tu Chou said weirdly: "There will be such a thing? Isn't it because two weapons collided and a third weapon was born?"

Yan Shigu said: "The situation you mentioned is also possible, but it is extremely slim. The hall is different from weapons. It is more about spatial structure and evaporation. Although the probability of fusion with each other is extremely low, it has been recorded several times. It’s just the first time I saw it with my own eyes."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's so strange, since it's so rare, I have to go in and take a look. But everyone, be careful, this palace has been immortal for hundreds of millions of years.

At this time, there was a lot of escape light coming here.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank and he shot out a look of shock, and said in a deep voice, "No! Why are they!"

Among them is a piece of escape, it is Luo Tinglan and the five Shizuo.

Tu Chou and the others were all taken aback, making Yang Qingxuan such a dignified person afraid of being scary.

But Yang Qingxuan didn't explain too much, just said: "A few people have come to have a feast with me, they are extremely strong, everyone be careful."

He and everyone went straight into the hall.

When I entered it, my face changed suddenly.

The space rules inside are very stable, but extremely weird. There is nothing in front of me, just a winding passage, and the materials used to construct the passage are also very messy.

It seems that this hall is not only the appearance, but also the inside.

Yang Qingxuan and the others laughed bitterly, and could only walk along the passage.

It didn't take long before he came to a large hall and was blocked by a layer of radiance, unable to enter.

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "I haven't met anyone who came in before, and there was no fork in the road. It seems that your spatial structure is also strange. I don't know what will be in this hall."

The entire hall is also a messy patchwork, there is no door or the like at the door, only a faint barrier.

Yang Qingxuan couldn't see the inside even with his fiery eyes.

Immediately took out the halberd and stabbed it.

The halberd penetrated into it without any hindrance, and the ripples spread out where it was inserted, very flexible.

Yang Qingxuan withdrew the halberd and slashed in the air.

A phantom light spread over, cut into it, and disappeared without a trace.

Jin Shichiro said, "My lord, let me try."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, then returned.

The temperature of the entire space dropped instantly, and the surrounding areas in front of the main hall were frozen into a thick layer of frost.

Even the misty brilliance was frozen.

King Jin Shixi Lang sneered and patted the past with a palm of his backhand.


The entire defense was broken in this way.

A group of people immediately penetrated into it.

I couldn't help being surprised by what I saw.

This is a gorgeous and huge hall, in addition to the huge pillars that reach the sky, there are also small altars floating in the void.

Each pillar is carved with strange beasts and various mountains and terrains, solemn and majestic, but those altars are all filled with a dark atmosphere, and a thick black layer is formed on them. It is after the blood has condensed and experienced Deposited over time.

And on each small altar, there is a statue of a monster.

They all have different forms and different ways. They may be human, beast, monster, ghost, or even things.

Two diametrically opposed auras are perfectly integrated in this hall.

And in the main hall, there were seven or eight figures standing in the hall looking up at these stone pillars and altars. It turned out that there was another entrance, or even more than one.

After seeing Yang Qingxuan and others inside, they all took a vigilant look, especially when they saw Tu Chou and Jin Shiyilang, they all showed a slight shock and stayed away from these people as much as possible.

Yang Qingxuan collected all the sights of the entire hall, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Brother, there seems to be nothing, but these people's eyes are full of excitement. Could it be that I have overlooked something?"

Yan Shigu's eyes were also excited, and he replied: "Haha, Brother Qingxuan doesn't know much about the demons, right?"

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment, and said, "I don't know much." It is not true to say that he doesn't know enough, but he has dealt with demons many times.

Yan Shigu nodded, pointed to the floating small altars above, and said: "The monsters on these altars are all made of magic marrow drills."

"Magic Marrow Drill!"

At this time, not only Yang Qingxuan was surprised, but Jin Shihirang and others were all surprised.

Tu Chou said: "How come there are so many magic marrow drills? It's incredible!"

Yan Shigu nodded and said: "Within the Demon Realm, it is possible for a tiny bit of Demon Marrow Drill to be born after billions of years of Demon Qi have accumulated. The number of these Demon Marrow Drills is indeed terrifying. How many Demon Realms need to be deposited. The magic of the plane."

Yan Shigu was also shocked and couldn't help looking at the vivid statues.

Tu Chou licked his lips and said with a smile, "Haha", "What are you waiting for? Just take it all, who dares to grab it and kill first!"

As he said, his gaze glanced at those people in the distance intentionally or unconsciously.

The warriors of Ling all changed their expressions, and each one was angry, staring at them.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense and deadly.

Yan Shigu groaned: "These people have come in for a long time and haven't moved. I'm afraid there is something we haven't discovered yet?"

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