Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2194: The way forward

A few days later, in the teleportation area of ​​Wuyu City, a large swath of light rushed out of the void tunnel, and more than a hundred shadows appeared.

These were all teleported from outside the borders of the animal husbandry area, and the branch was teleported in the large teleportation array in the void of the universe.

Since the animal husbandry area is the core of the entire southern universe and the population base is extremely large, there is a large transmission area on the periphery of the area to realize the effective circulation of the population, so as to avoid a large number of people directly entering the area and causing chaos.

After Yang Qingxuan and others left the ancient star realm, they located the nearest almost abandoned teleportation formation, and then returned to Wuyu City after going through all the twists and turns.

Looking at the familiar environment and the sky, everyone showed joy.

At the moment, he hurriedly thanked Yang Qingxuan and others, said goodbye, and shot in all directions.

Everyone is seriously injured, and they have been relying on the pill for the last few days, and they have finally recovered their lives. The top priority is to recover from their injuries.

Jin Chuke clasped his fist and said: "Brother Qingxuan, it's a good time to meet each other and live and die together. I'll leave it today. I'll go to the green hills without changing, and the green water will flow forever."

Although Jin Chuke was extremely cunning and had an evil mind, these few words were extremely sincere and sincere.

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "Farewell."

Jin Chuke and several of the devil's disciples all confided in their hands, and then turned away.

In the sky, there were only six people left: Yang Qingxuan, Tu Chou, Yan Shigu, Jin Shiji Langjun, Iron Masked Man and Iron Armored Alien.

Yan Shigu sighed in a long voice: "Unexpectedly, this trip was so difficult and dangerous, and a group of forty-five people went, only a few of us were left."

Jinxi Lang Jundao: "Life and death have their destiny. Any adventure, there is the possibility of death. Since stepping on the road of martial arts, who is not ready to fall at any time? Death on the way forward is better than gloomy It ended up well."

During this trip, Lord Jin eleven broke through to a thousand realms and fulfilled the long-cherished wish that he had suppressed in his heart for a long time.

In fact, as he said, every monk who steps into the martial arts, who hasn't put his life behind him?

No one knows what will happen in the next moment, even if it is as strong as a thousand realms, it is hard to predict the impermanence and vagueness of heaven.

Yang Qingxuan reluctantly smiled and said: "Lang Jun is right, Brother Brother, you guys, I don't know what you plan next?"

Yan Shigu groaned, and said, "Go to heal your wounds first, and then why should you continue to do it." He frowned and said, "It's Brother Qingxuan, you..."

Yang Qingxuan put his hands in front of him and smiled and said, "Like Brother Senior, I should do what I should do."

Yan Shigu nodded and said, "I know something about Brother Qingxuan. Brother can still remember when I was in the Ancient Star Realm, I said about the whereabouts of the other Dynasty Seal component?"

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said, "Naturally remember."

Master Yan said: "I am more certain that the whereabouts of the imperial seal is somewhere. At that time, I was afraid that Brother Qingxuan would not be strong enough, so he went forward and lost his life. Now it seems that I was worrying too much. Brother Qingxuan’s strength, it’s not a problem to take that part. The third part of the Imperial Seal is in the hands of the City Lord Mingfeng."

"Promise City?!"

Tu Chou and others changed their faces.

Only Yang Qingxuan was good, just muttered it again, his eyes waved like water.

Master Yan said: "Brother Qingxuan knows where the Wuji City is?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said: "I naturally know that it is located at the junction of the two kings of purple heart and white talisman. It belongs to the three-regardless zone. It is a famous evil city in Luofu. It is not only a gathering of various murderers, mercenaries, and villains. It is also a gathering and distributing place for all kinds of hidden objects."

Yan Shigu smiled and said: "Exactly, I'm still worried that Brother Qingxuan didn't know it. It seems that I was worrying too much. There are no rules in the Promise City, only strength and money, but no strength can not protect money. Now, the strong is the best, with the biggest fist."

Yang Qingxuan said, "I understand, thank you Brother Brother for telling me."

In fact, even if the third component of Dynasty Seal was not in Wuji City, Yang Qingxuan planned to find time to go to Wuji City.

When Yang Qingxuan wanted to ask Fan Ye to help him recruit troops, Fan Ye recommended a Nine Star Realm King named Xi Chong, who was in Promise City.

Moreover, the various murderers, mercenaries, and villains in Promise City were also the targets Yang Qingxuan wanted to recruit.

As long as they have money, these people, even if they are the Holy Lord, dared to rush up with a knife.

Yan Shigu said again: "The matter of the ancient star realm is extremely shocking, and I am afraid that the news will come soon, and it will soon be heard throughout the animal husbandry area. At that time, everyone will become the focus of everyone's attention, especially It is Brother Qingxuan, leading everyone in the deserted land to fight against the Wuxiang Moxun, and will become everyone’s after-dinner talk. And the rapid rise of Brother Qingxuan during this period of time, I am afraid that it will..."

Speaking of this, he stopped.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly and said, "Ning Family?"

Master Yan nodded solemnly, and said, "I'm afraid that not only the Ning family, but all the forces and people from all walks of life might start staring at you, Brother Qingxuan. Although there are many geniuses in the Muhai area, they are like Qingxuan. A genius like brother, I am afraid it is extremely rare throughout the ages. Many forces will extend an olive branch to Brother Qingxuan, such as the Purple Heart God Palace, there are also many forces, I am afraid that they would not want to see Brother Qingxuan rise."

Yang Qingxuan's eyes were slightly condensed, a ray of golden light loomed, like in the darkness, the ray of light before dawn, smiled confidently: "The road in the future is good or bad, I'm here to stay, not afraid Don't be afraid, any person or thing, just come, I Yang Qingxuan will take it all!"

Yan Shigu and the others were all shocked by the strong confidence in him. There was a burst of warm blood, and the corners of their mouths smiled.

Yes, not upside down, not afraid of not being afraid, isn't this the heart of powerful martial arts? !

Yan Shigu laughed and said, "Haha, then I'm relieved. I will find a place to retreat first. If there is something to do with Brother Qingxuan in the future, as long as there is a message, Yan Shigu will be the first no matter when and where. Time to help!"

The iron masked man and the iron armor are different races, saying in unison: "Me too!"

Lord Jin Shixi Lang smiled and said: "My life was saved by Master Qingxuan, Master Qingxuan doesn't need to send a message. From now on, I will follow you to the death forever."

Yang Qingxuan was horrified and moved, holding a fist and said, "Thank you!"

Yan Shigu, the Iron Masked Man, and the Iron Armored Alien immediately clasped their fists in return, and then left.

Only Yang Qingxuan, Tu Chou and Jin Shiyi Langjun were left.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Let's find a place to restore our strength first."

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath, and looked at the boundless city of desirelessness with a pair of eyes, and then the fiery eyes flashed, extending into the emptiness of the sky, as if to see through the entire animal husbandry area.

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