Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2208: Strong assistance, finally compromise

Yang Qingxuan said, "My Master Mingyuan and I are just friends."

Tomorrow Feng was stunned, with a look of disbelief, and hummed: "I gave you the Ming family's first-class VIP order? Hehe, this one is really valuable."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "My Lord City Lord doesn't believe me, I can't help it."

Tomorrow Feng's face changed slightly, and he could see that Yang Qingxuan hadn't lied, and he couldn't help being shocked. Ming Yuan was the first-degree child of the Ming family, that is, heir sequence. In terms of status, he is much higher than himself.

Tomorrow Feng was expelled from the Ming family because of a crime, and he has been wandering outside. Although he has been mixed up well over the years and has reached the three-star peak of the world, he has been thinking about returning to the Ming family, but he has never had this opportunity.

Mingyuan is one of the Ming family succession sequences, and in the eyes of Ming Mingfeng, he is the heir with the highest success rate. He even wanted to talk to Mingyuan privately and support him with his own value in exchange for future return. Mingyuan refused.

Now what Yang Qingxuan took out was a first-class VIP order given by Mingyuan himself, which shows that Yang Qingxuan's value and weight are so high in Mingyuan's eyes.

Moreover, the two of them just gave it together, which is even more incredible.

Tomorrow Feng pondered, and slowly said: "Since you have said so, I naturally believe it. Since you are a first-class guest of the Ming family, I naturally can't embarrass you. And that trick is very important to me. Tell me a price."

Yang Qingxuan said: "The complete heroic move corpse is in my hands, and the inner alchemy is also in my hands." Tomorrow Feng was shocked, and his heart was ecstatic, but Yang Qingxuan said: "I am not interested in ordinary Xinghaoshi. ."

Tomorrow Feng coldly snorted, "Young Master Qingxuan, just say it if you have something to say, don't be oblivious! It's really tiring to talk like this, just say what you want. The heroic corpse and inner alchemy, I must!"

Yang Qingxuan stared at Tomorrow Peak and slowly said, "I want Promise City to help me once."

Tomorrow Feng was stunned, his expression relaxed, and said, "Do you have a strong enemy?"

Xichong's heart was shocked, and he was immediately overjoyed. He immediately understood what Yang Qingxuan wanted to say. He was a little excited and hard to hold on himself. If Promise City could help, he would be a great help to the Ning Family.

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "I wonder if Lord City Lord ever heard about me and the Ning family?"

Tomorrow Feng said: "I have heard about it, but you don't want me to deal with the Ning family, right?" His face sank a little, isn't it a joke in the heart to deal with the Ning family?

Yang Qingxuan said: "The word'to deal with' is a bit too heavy. It is more appropriate to say'confrontation'."

Tomorrow Feng said angrily: "Yang Qingxuan! Are you telling a joke?! Although the Promise City is pretty good, I still know that I'm not too bad!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "My lord calms down my anger, I will naturally not let the Promise City force fight against the Ning family. The lord does not want to die, and I do not want to die. But if there is still the Jiang family, there is also the Palace of the Purple Heart God, there is also the personnel department, What about the evil city and many other forces?"

Tomorrow Feng frowned, but his face was still gloomy, pacing back and forth in the hall.

Obviously, I was struggling extremely.

Whether it's dealing with the Ning family or following the many forces against the Ning family, it is an extremely dangerous thing.

But if you don’t agree to Yang Qingxuan’s terms, then that brilliant move...

Tomorrow Feng even thought of looting, but when he thought of Kou Shu’s experience, the opponent defeated Kou Shu with one move. The ghost cultivator’s ability is not under his own. I don’t even say whether it can be robbed. He really offended Mingyuan, at least he couldn't return to the Ming family, and at the worst, he became an enemy of the Ming family, and he might provoke Mingyuan's revenge.

Tomorrow Feng will be agitated, walk around in the hall, stop, and say: "I can secretly help you recruit a force, but it is impossible for me to face the Ning family!"

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "Secretly recruiting people is the purpose of me coming to Xi Chong, so I don't need to worry about it. If Promise City can't help me at a critical moment..." Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said, "Then leave."


Tomorrow Feng shouted angrily: "Yang Qingxuan, don't know what is good or bad!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "The adults don't need to threaten me. They will grab them. The adults are afraid that they have already weighed the gains and losses. If it is feasible, they have already taken the shot."

Tomorrow the peak is a little dizzy, this person is so insightful and intelligent, which is really scary.

Yang Qingxuan said: "In fact, this matter is not in a hurry, adults can consider it slowly. Because it is not the time to deal with the Ning family, I am still recruiting forces, and everyone has time to consider."

Tomorrow Feng sighed inwardly, Lao Tzu has been stuck in Samsung Thousand Realms for many years, so I just want to recruit this drug introduction. You have time and I don't have time.

Tomorrow Feng's face is gloomy and uncertain. If he rushes to the Four-Star Thousand Realms, he will be a pivotal figure in the entire Muhai Realm Realm, and the Four-Star Thousand Realms are not ordinary powers. When the time comes, the Ming family will just call themselves gone back.

Mom, that's it!

Tomorrow Feng felt cruel, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Yang Qingxuan and Xi Chong were all overjoyed.

Kou Shu's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "My Lord City Lord, never..."

Tomorrow Feng suddenly made a move and interrupted his words. With a flickering figure, he came to Kou Shu, blasted his body with one stroke, shattered his heart, and directly penetrated his arm.

Kou Shu's face was dull, bleeding from the seven holes was constantly bleeding, and he looked at his heart unbelievably, and said with difficulty: "Why, why..."

Tomorrow Feng said solemnly: "Hmph, don't think I don't know, you and Old Man Dayue have been secretly dealing, betraying the benefits of Promise City, in exchange for your own personal gain. Therefore, when Old Man Dayue dies, you will go to Yang Qingxuansuo angrily. Fate. This seat has long wanted to clean up you, but I think you have a good cultivation level. Sitting in the Promise City can increase the weight of the Promise City. This has been forbearing. Now that you have heard such secret things, how can you not kill you ?"

Kou Shu's body shook a few times, his face was dull and unwilling, and he fell back to the ground, completely dead.

Tomorrow Feng waved his hand, a flame burned Kou Shu's body to ashes, leaving no trace.

Yang Qingxuan said: "The adults are determined to kill and punish, and they really are the heroes of the people."

Tomorrow Feng glanced at him, and said coldly: "I'm tied to you by my life. Your kid had better work harder and be cautious. I don't want to be dragged down by you and become a victim!"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Haha, it must be. I also ask the adults to take an oath, and then I will dare to believe it."

Tomorrow Feng points to the sky and swears, a little blood poured into the heart, turning into a sign.

If you violate the oath, you will suffer a backlash from the heavens. At that time, let alone the impact of the four-star thousand realms, whether you can maintain the current cultivation base is a problem.

//The next chapter strives to come out a little earlier, everyone goes to bed early, let's see tomorrow.

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