Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2217: Innocent consideration, earth and fire

The young disciple in the hall immediately left half.

In these super sect families, the phenomenon of clique formation is everywhere. Jiang Xuan is the eldest son of Jiang Tianzhen, followed by a large number of young disciples in the natural faction.

Some of the rest were followed by other sons.

Jiang Yueliu hurriedly hugged Jiang Wu's fist and said, "Thank you, Uncle Wu for breaking the siege."

Jiang Wu smiled and waved, and said, "Hurry up and take Yang Qingxuan to heal his injuries."

Jiang Yueliu didn't dare to stay, for fear that he would be wrong again. The other brothers looked at him with unkind eyes, and hurriedly pulled Yang Qingxuan and Luo Tinglan, and turned away.

The other people in the temple also left one after another.

Soon, only Jiang Wu and Jiang Fenglian were left.

Jiang Fenglian asked: "Fifth brother, what do you mean by innocent adults?"

Jiang Wu asked back: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Fenglian said: "Send you and I to greet Yang Qingxuan, summon the core members to come together, give Long Lidan when we meet, and let him go to Earth Fire Lingtian, which obviously attaches great importance to it. It can be seen that we didn’t say anything afterwards. Go straight away, it's... unpredictable."

Jiang Wu smiled and said, "It's not that it is unpredictable, but the naive adults are also embarrassed."

Jiang Fenglian stunned: "What's wrong with him?"

Jiang Wu narrowed his smile, paced in the hall, and slowly said, "Since the last World War, the old man has been in retreat. The affairs of the clan will be handled by three adults together. One is for training and testing. The leadership ability of an adult is to check and balance each other, and not to cause any trouble during his retreat. This method was originally extremely wise, but it also has great shortcomings, which makes the three adults dare not dare Let go of your hands and feet to do things, so as not to do something wrong and be suppressed by the other two adults."

Jiang Fenglian said in surprise: "You mean, the naive lord is afraid that the other two adults will fight against him?"

Jiang Wudao: "This is only one of them, but it is not the main reason. With the majestic strategy of the innocent adult, as long as the other two adults do not do too wrong, it is difficult for the other two adults to grasp the handle. The most important thing is the value of Yang Qingxuan. What cost is worth the innocent adults."

Jiang Fenglian nodded and said, "This is a problem."

Jiang Wudao: "Everything has a cost. The innocent adult treated Yang Qingxuan like this, obviously he had great expectations. But when he saw it, he found that it was only a nine-star middle-level, and it seemed ordinary, so the innocent adult hesitated. . To Long Li Dan and the open fire spirit sky, nothing more than two purposes. One, of course, is to improve Yang Qingxuan's strength; the second, you saw it just now, hehe."

A knowing smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Wu's mouth.

Jiang Fenglian was stunned, and immediately understood, and said, "Jiang Xuanyi?"

Jiang Wu nodded and said: "Exactly. Naturally, he knows the nature of these sons of the innocent lord. He treats Yang Qingxuan so kindly and will definitely make Jiang Xuan dissatisfied. Then the innocent lord is inconvenient to do. It can be done with Jiang Xuanyi's hands. That is to test how valuable Yang Qingxuan really is. This is the core of the innocent adult's consideration."

Jiang Fenglian said, "Then you stopped them just now?"

Jiang Wu sighed: "Yang Qingxuan's value is not entirely reflected in combat effectiveness, and we do not lack this combat effectiveness. There is also Yang Qingxuan's mind, courage, Daoism, deliberate, etc.. I am afraid that Yang Qingxuan's time in Jiang's family, It won't be calm anymore."

Jiang Fenglian said, "That's true." Suddenly he asked, "From your perspective, how valuable is Yang Qingxuan?"

Jiang Wu's face was sullen, his eyes flickered, and he slowly said: "In my opinion, this Yang Qingxuan is wise and brave, with firm Dao heart, and should be able to meet the expectations of an innocent adult."

When the two finished speaking, they disappeared into the main hall as soon as their figures shook.

The hall that was supposed to be empty, but there is still one person, and I don’t know when, sitting solemnly in the upper throne, it’s Jiang Tianzhen, who smiled softly: "Can I meet my expectations? I hope. , I also hope you read Jiang Wu right."


In this planet, there is a sea of ​​fire that burns all the year round, directly connected to the interior of the entire planet, pulling the fire from the center of the earth, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, forming a unique place for cultivation.

It's for the earth and fire of the Jiang family.

For the fire martial artist, it is a dream place.

The Jiang family disciples must exchange points for cultivation time, and points can only be exchanged for contribution and Xing Hao Shi.

The value of practicing for a day in the Earth Fire Spirit Day is extremely amazing.

This is also the reason for the dissatisfaction of Jiang Xuanyi and others.

Jiang Yueliu led Yang Qingxuan, Luo Tinglan and the others, arrived at Earth Fire Spirit Sky soon, entered a hall, and went through the registration procedures.

Jiang Yueliu said, "Brother Qingxuan is waiting for me here, and I will come out after finishing the procedures. Just now, brother doesn't need to worry about the things in the temple. You are now a distinguished guest of your father, and my brothers dare not do anything to you. of."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "This trip to the Jiang family is probably more difficult than I thought."

Jiang Yueliu was taken aback and asked in a daze: "Why did you say this? I know that my brother's purpose here is not to deal with the Ning family? You know that the Ning family is the life and death of my Jiang family, and my father will do his best to help you. of."

Yang Qingxuan shook his head and said, "The heart of the innocent lord is not as firm as Brother Yueliu, and seems to be extremely shaken. Perhaps, as a giant of the family, he thinks more comprehensively and rigorously."

Jiang Yueliu smiled and said, "No matter what, it's a good start after all."

After speaking, he entered the hall and helped Yang Qingxuan and others go through the formalities.

Yang Qingxuan asked Luo Tinglan: "The fire element is extremely active here, do you also practice in it?"

Luo Tinglan rolled her eyes and said, "This fire is too strong, I can't stand it. Let me practice in Indra, which is more suitable for me."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, and thought it was good. Since Luo Tinglan values ​​Indra and the Wuxiang Tathagata Sutra so much, it proves that these two things should be really important to her.

And Luo Tinglan is the three-star pinnacle of the Thousand Realms, if you can step into the four-star, the combat effectiveness is not as simple as flipping.

Originally, Yang Qingxuan didn't plan to read "The Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra" to Luo Tinglan in advance, but after seeing the power of the four-star thousand worlds such as Gui Zang, Ning Shiyin, and Jiang Fenglian, he had changed his mind.

Now he said: "Okay, you and the five Buddhas can all cultivate in Indra, and I can also borrow the "Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra" for you to read. But one, you can't come in Indra. Listen to me obediently, two, you want to explain this "The Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra" to me."

//Haha, I actually wrote the fourth chapter, good night everyone, okay, keep asking for votes!

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