Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2243: Each has their own minds and participates together

Sister Jiang Wenjun's entire face turned green.

All those present were the high-ranking Jiang family. Who didn't know Jiang Xuanyi's thoughts, Jiang Feiying's faction all had gloomy faces, this kind of thing is right and not, the worst.

But Yang Qingxuan stood there indifferently, as if what was in front of him had nothing to do with him. Yang Qingxuan didn't know the mystery, but felt that it was a little inexplicable. How could he say something inexplicable?

Jiang Guyin was also upset, and thought to himself, Jiang Qianguang had just begun to fall down, and you started fighting. God knows what the fighting will be like in the future, and he has no spare time to participate in this matter. It is most important to keep Yang Qingxuan in Jiang's house.

He snorted heavily and said solemnly: "Xuan Yi, do you have a pit in your head? How am I not clear? In the entire animal husbandry area, the young man Yan Jun who wants to see Wen Jun sisters is crying, Such as the crucian carp who crossed the river, convened to reopen a boundary. But who did Wen Jun give a good wink? Who did Yun Ting give a good wink? Except for a peerless genius like Yang Qingxuan, the two sisters can see Who is it?"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback for a moment, how did he get involved, and found that everyone's eyes were looking over, including the two sisters, and he was very embarrassed, and there was an indescribable smell in the eyes of the sisters. He was a little flustered.

After Jiang Guyin finished speaking, he waved his hand and said, "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave. Naively, you will inform everyone that starting tomorrow, Earth Fire will be closed for a period of time. When will it be reopened, please wait for my notice."

After speaking, he waved his hand, a flame enveloped Yang Qingxuan, the elderly Ling Yan and Jiang Wenjun sisters, and disappeared on the suspended platform.

Seeing that her daughter had been taken away, Jiang Feiying heaved a sigh of relief. He stared at Jiang Xuanyi, and snorted: "I'm a waste, I don't have a bird's skill in cultivation, but no one is better than you for cheating and scheming!"

Jiang Xuan smirked and said, "Master Feiying has passed the award, and my nephew is flattered."

Jiang Feiying cursed: "Shameless!"

They didn't bother to say hello, and took their own people away as soon as they brushed their sleeves.

Jiang Tianzhen praised his son and said with a smile: "Xuan Yi, not bad, very witty."

Jiang Xuan was overjoyed and hurriedly said modestly: "Father has been rewarded, but it seems to have no effect."

Jiang Tianzhen said: "Let's do everything to do to the destiny. Elder Gu Yin also has his own consideration. Let's go, too. The Jiang family will be more variable in the future, and we must make arrangements and preparations as soon as possible."

After speaking, he also left with his own people.

On the entire suspended platform, Jiang Qianguang was left sitting there with his gaze dull, and a few close relatives stood aside without saying a word.

From beginning to end, those people just didn't look at them directly, completely treating them as the air does not exist.

This is the winner and the loser. You must accept if you accept, and you must accept if you don't.


The battle between Yang Qingxuan and Ling Yan shocked the entire Jiang family and became a hot headline on the streets for a period of time.

Even a three-year-old child knows Yang Qingxuan's name.

More young disciples of the Jiang family were motivated to work hard, causing a frenzy of cultivation.

And Yang Qingxuan himself, who knew nothing about the outside world, was brought into the secret realm of the fire marrow diamond by Jiang Guyin, and continued to practice the Royal Fire Immortal Technique.

Jiang Guyin kept silent about the ancient forbidden matter, as if there was no such thing, but continued to teach Yang Qingxuan the following seven styles of the Royal Fire Immortal Art.

Starting from the ninth formula, the imperial fire tactics require the power of a thousand worlds to be fully displayed. Yang Qingxuan learned the last seven formulas, which is very difficult, but fortunately, Jiang Guyin is the most knowledgeable person in the world. Under the teaching, he can still make steady progress.

Even when Jiang Guyin taught the Immortal Technique of Royal Fire, he didn't taboo Old Ling Yan, and let Old Ling Yan listen to him, asking various questions from time to time, and confirming each other, which is of great benefit to the understanding and mastery of the three.

Sister Jiang Wenjun also followed to practice the Immortal Fire Immortal Jue. Although the two were not fire martial arts practitioners, they would also benefit greatly from comprehension of these magical powers.

And the two sisters also knew the main purpose of this trip. First, they could get close to Yang Qingxuan, and second, they could understand what Yang Qingxuan was.

But after a period of contact, and spent the whole day in cultivating, I found that Yang Qingxuan's talent is extremely high. The two sisters are also the phoenix among people, and they are clever and intelligent. In the process of participating in the cultivating the Imperial Fire Immortal Art, they quickly became excited Joy, secret feelings.

Elder Ling Yan was grateful to Jiang Guyin for imparting the Immortal Art of Imperial Fire, and immediately taught his twelve earth-fire giant wheels and the fire dragon magic body skills, so that everyone can confirm it.

After half a month, Yang Qingxuan mastered all the secrets of the Immortal Art of Royal Fire, the Fire Wheel of the Twelve Earth Branches and the Fire Dragon Magic Body Art.

It’s just that these supernatural powers are very difficult to display in his current realm. Like the fire wheel technique, it can only condense a complete wheel of flame in front of him, which is densely packed with tens of thousands of fire patterns. Arranged in a certain order.

Yang Qingxuan kept pinching the tactics into the round, and after finishing the first one, began to condense the second one.

Opposite Yang Qingxuan, Jiang Wenjun sat cross-legged in the void, but he applied the firewheel technique taught by the old man Ling Yan to the ice elements to condense a huge ice wheel.

It seemed that the old man Ling Yan was dumbfounded and sighed, "It took me three months to condense the first steamer back then, and you were only a few days away. I am really not wronged at all. Let alone you, even This little Nizi can easily comprehend by analogy, use the magic, care about one mind, and future achievements will inevitably be above me."

Jiang Wenjun chuckled and said: "Elder Ling Yan has passed Qian. I have learned a book similar to ice magic skills, so I can comprehend it by analogy. And I have a two-star thousand realm cultivation base, and I want to inscribe tens of thousands of ice. Fu, it’s not difficult. The difficulty is that Yang Qingxuan can do it in the realm of the realm king, which really makes me ashamed."

Jiang Wenjun turned his head and looked over, his eyes were full of charming colors, that iceberg-like appearance, as if everything had melted in this half month.

Even Jiang Yunting was secretly surprised, and had never seen his sister look like this.

Yang Qingxuan seemed to avoid this gaze deliberately, and chuckled: "The world's affairs are nothing more than the word "seriousness". Elder Ling Yan and Wen Jun don't have to kill me."

At this time, the void of the secret realm shook slightly, and Jiang Guyin walked in from the outside, and when he saw Yang Qingxuan, he looked at him a few times and asked, "How long can I break through?"

Yang Qingxuan pondered and said: "I have sensed the peak bottleneck, but I have been studying magical power techniques for the past half month, and I am a little slack."

Jiang Guyin nodded and said, "Supernatural power techniques are also Taoism." As he said, he threw out a jade box and said, "There are five dragon power pills inside, plus your previous one, there are six in total, so sure. breakthrough?"

//No more today. The two chapters owed can only be paid back on the weekend. Good night, everyone. I just reacted to it today on the 1st, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend a ticket~

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