Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2246: Pub, carve a boat for a sword

The border of animal husbandry, the border of Luofu.

In a main city, a noisy tavern is filled with all kinds of noisy sounds, laughing and cursing, as well as slight crying and whispering.

If you have better ears, you can even hear the sound of "Papa Papa", nowhere else.

"The world laughs at me too slutty, I can't let go of laughing at others, hahahaha!"

"To find the degree of an angle, it is generally necessary to make this angle the inner or outer angle of a triangle. Let's look at the next question..."

"Ah, ah, lightly, lightly...Master, I can't hold on..."

"Like a seaweed seaweed, seaweed seaweed, swaying with the waves..."

In a corner of the tavern, a young man was holding a woman in an obscene manner, **** and undressing, and shouted: "My father is the master of the Fei Snake Gate, and my mother's second aunt's three table uncle six My brother’s neighbor’s adulterer is the guardian of the Qingsheng Palace. My uncle’s brother’s daughter’s ex-husband’s sister-in-law’s best friend will be a maid at Shenwu Palace. As long as you follow me, I will cover you in the future and cultivate resources. The supply is endless, and you can walk sideways in the borders of Muhai and Luofu, and no one dares to stop you."

After finishing such a long paragraph in one breath, with a greasy and alcoholic mouth, he licked the woman's face.

Not far from the young man, a man in a black robe sat at a table with the word "Xuan" embroidered on gold and moiré thread, with a smile on his mouth, looking at the wine glass in his hand. The mellow turbid wine slightly swelled, and some sediment appeared.

Suddenly, the void on the wine table flickered, and a terrifying Ling Ran sword shot out, slashing towards Xuan Tianji's eyebrows.

A Lengyou sword emerged out of thin air, and the surrounding space was pressed into hair-like cracks, there were as many as thousands.

A strange color flashed in Xuan Tianji's eyes, and he smiled: "It's actually Ning Qingyao's martial soul-Kezhou for the sword. When did this woman make a mark on me?"

Carving the boat for the sword is the last of the ten strongest martial arts spirits in the sky star domain. As long as you carve a brand on anything, you can attack the past.

Under the shaking of the sword, a few words appeared, "Dare to move my son, you will die!"

Xuantianji smiled lightly, raised his hand and grabbed it, "boom boom boom", the whole sword was cut in his palm, and it was crushed to pieces.

The powerful sword aura and sword body were completely crushed in one palm.

Xuantianji smiled faintly, "This woman..."

The sound of the sword burst faintly fluctuating, sharp and harsh, and instantly quieted the entire tavern.

Hundreds of eyes looked over at once.

Even those "pops" noises stopped.

Everyone was in a trance, not knowing what had happened, but felt that the black robe man was a little weird, and the inextricable cracks in the void also returned to normal in an instant.


The son of the keeper of the Flying Snake Gate slammed the table, stood up, turned around and drew a knife, severely cut it on the table of Xuantianji, immediately split the table in half, and roared: " Boy, what are you doing?!"

"Master, are you okay?"

More than a dozen disciples of the Flying Snake Gate immediately surrounded them, one by one, each of them was fierce and evil, cutting behind the young master, angrily at the mysterious heaven.

The young master's face was a little distorted, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn the dog! I even dared to disturb the young master's Yaxing, so that the young master almost...almost..."

The following words seemed a bit difficult to express, and he turned angrily: "Do you know that my father is the master of the Fei Snake Gate? My uncle’s brother’s daughter’s ex-husband’s sister-in-law’s best friend should be a maid at Shenwu Palace, my mother’s second aunt The adulterer of the neighbor of Uncle Sanbiao’s sixth brother is the guard of the Qingsheng Palace. Do you know this, do you know?! Dare to make trouble in front of me, you are looking for death?!"

The atmosphere in the tavern was immediately killed.

The gathering here is all three religions and nine currents, local ruffians and the like, full of violence, **** and blood.

Flying Snake Gate is considered to be an influential school, but at least it is also a school, and there is still some weight in these three religions and nine streams.

Everyone stopped the joy in their hands, watching coldly, waiting to see how unlucky the black-robed man was.

Last time, a warrior and the young master robbed a woman, and the young master and a group of doormen smashed to death on the spot, leaving their bodies lying on the ground.

Xuantianji smiled and said: "I don't dare not, I think this young master is just a little bad, and it is normal to come out directly when frightened. I happen to have a diamond pill here, which can nourish the body, and it can be used like a diamond. inverted."

The young master was taken aback for a moment and said: "Really?" The fierce aura on his face was immediately reduced by a few points.

Xuantianji said: "Of course it is true. With the young master's IQ, how dare I lie to you?"

Speaking and opening his hand, it was the cold sword of Ning Qingyao that had been crushed before. Don't grab it into a metal ball, exuding amazing aura.

The young master was surprised, and then he was ecstatic, let alone whether King Kong could not fall, the aura emanating from this metal ball was enough to prove that this was a treasure.

Xuan Tianji smiled and said, "I'll take care of the young master."

With a flip of his hand, he directly slapped the metal ball into the young master's delighted mouth, shattered his mouthful of teeth and chin, mixed with broken teeth and flesh and blood, and rolled in.


The young master desperately covered his mouth and stomach, and shouted like a pig, "Help me, save me, I'm going to die!"

More than a dozen people who shot the goal immediately panicked and became a mess, "Save the young master!", "Quickly take that man down!", "What to look at? Look at you, goug your eyes!"

The entire tavern quickly became a mess again.

But Xuantianji has disappeared.

In the other corner, a man in a green shirt slowly raised his eyes and looked at the corner of the street outside the pub. The flash of his back showed a solemn color.

An old man with the appearance of a housekeeper said in a deep voice, "My Lord God, do you want to find out the identity of this person?"

The man groaned, and said, "Check. Use all your power and check together with Defeng Ancient Building."

The old man stunned and was quite surprised. He also saw the extraordinary man in the black robe, but he didn't expect Qingsheng King to value it so much, but it was beyond his expectation.

"Yes." The old man didn't dare to neglect, he immediately responded and was about to retreat.

King Qingsheng suddenly said again: "By the way, among the guards of our house, there is really an adulterer who is the neighbor of the second aunt of the second aunt and the sixth brother of the third uncle and the sixth brother of the sister of Young Master Flying Snake Gate?"

The old man was full of black lines, and said in a shame: "This, this, my subordinates don't know..."

God King Qingsheng waved his hand and said, "Check it out too. If there is any, let him get out of here immediately and don't stay in our house ashamed."

"Yes Yes!"

The old man hurriedly bowed his head and bowed back.

Qing Sheng's eyes were like torches, flashing, revealing a contemplative color.

Then he got up from his seat and left alone.

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