Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2248: Sealing the fire pattern, shocking instantly

Yang Qingxuan's consciousness swept over, and was immediately blocked by a force.

Immediately revolving the golden eyes, all the fire patterns are decomposed in the pupil technique, showing the most basic structure, and the hundreds of millions of structures that make up the fire patterns are connected together to form a perfect world without any blemishes.

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, retracted his spiritual eyes, and said, "Perfect and unsolvable?"

The old man Ling Yan beamed his eyes. With his knowledge of the fire system, he naturally understood the value of this wall of fire. The composition of this wall of fire was a priceless treasure.

Jiang Guyin laughed and said: "There is no unsolvable law in the world. As long as it is a law, there is a law to break, unless it is an impossible law."

Yang Qingxuan seemed to understand, but he seemed to understand a little.

Jiang Guyin said again: "This wall of fire has been standing here since the beginning of the opening of the Earth Fire Spirit Heaven. It is just a door leading to the forbidden." With a wave of his hand, a rune gushed out of his sleeve and formed itself in the air. A series of strange symbols.

Pushing with his right hand again, the runes fell like rain, hitting the wall of fire, and rippled.

In an instant, the entire wall changed, and all the fire patterns spread to both sides, and a dull and ancient sound "rumbling" came, like a rusty iron door being pushed open.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes twinkled with golden light, and he found that although these fire patterns were separated, the structure between them was still completely connected without any damage, just like a water film with constant viscosity.

After the passage was opened, Jiang Guyin took the lead, and five people walked in one after another.

There was a sea of ​​fire all around, and there was only a vacuum channel, straight into the inside, walked for about a quarter of an hour, and came to a flat place, like a huge secret room.

There were more than ten elderly people sitting cross-legged in several circles.

In the middle is a circular vacuum zone, and a huge fire pattern is printed on the ground, like a fire of origin is slowly burning.

When Yang Qingxuan looked at him, his mind was taken aback, and he couldn't help exclaiming. He hurriedly retracted his fiery eyes and pinched his right hand in front of him to stabilize the turbulent mind.

Elder Ling Yan's eyelids twitched violently, and his mind was shocked, but the reaction was much better than Yang Qingxuan's.

Jiang Wenjun's two sisters were all dull, a flame appeared in each of their eyes, and then the whole person ignited spontaneously.

Jiang Guyin was quite surprised. With a wave of his hand, the flames on the two sisters were extinguished, and he said, "Don't look at the fire pattern, calm your mind."

The two sisters were shocked, their whole bodies burnt in embarrassment, their cheeks flushed, and they immediately moved their minds, calming their minds, and dared not look at the fire pattern.

Jiang Guyin gave Yang Qingxuan a white look with a strange expression.

At this moment, the dozen or so elders sitting in the secret room all opened their eyes and looked at them one by one, staring at Yang Qingxuan in surprise.

Yang Qingxuan's face blushed, and he said embarrassedly: "The fire pattern is too powerful for deterrence. I fell into a loss, a little lost, you forgive me."

With that said, everyone's faces are even more weird.

One of the white-haired old men seemed to be the leader of the crowd, and said, "Guyin, is this the Yang Qingxuan you mentioned?"

Jiang Guyin hurriedly clasped his fists respectfully and said, "I'm the Elder Letian, that's right."

The old man Ling Yan frowned, and then showed a horrified expression. It was difficult to look at the white-haired old man with confidence, as if he knew his identity.

Even the Jiang Wenjun sisters were incredibly shocked.

Jiang Letian looked calm, nodded and said: "It's really extraordinary, much better than I expected."

Yang Qingxuan's face blushed even harder, and he said displeased: "If the elders think that you can't do it, you can speak frankly, why bother to be so sarcasm. After all, it is the first time to see such powerful fire patterns in Xia. It's extremely normal."

Jiang Guyin was taken aback and couldn't help laughing.

The dozen or so elders sitting in the secret room also kept smiling "hehe".

Jiang Guyin said: "You enchanting evildoer, I really don't know how to cultivate. This fire pattern is the core of the entire ancient ban. It was inscribed by an ancestor named Jiang Wuyan among the earliest ancestors of the Jiang family. With that wall of fire It’s from the same period. This Jiang Wuyan ancestor is also the creator of the Imperial Fire Immortal Technique and the builder of this land of Fire Spirit Heaven, laying the foundation for the Jiang family’s fire system. And all the warriors who enter this place are the first Once I saw that seal fire pattern, nothing was shocked, but it was of varying degrees. With the cultivation base of the Nine Star Realm King, you just exclaimed, the moment you fell, it was already unimaginable. Look at Wen Jun Sister, the two Lords of the Thousand Realms have completely fallen into it and have spontaneous combustion.

Jiang Wenjun sisters blushed. Jiang Wenjun whispered in shame: "Let the elders laugh."

Jiang Letian smiled and said, "You are not a fire martial artist. The reaction is normal, but Yang Qingxuan's reaction is abnormal. It seems that what the ancient sound said is completely true. This makes the old man very pleased. Perhaps in our time, It's really hopeful to break the ban."

The rest of the elders' originally calm faces were radiant and their eyes beamed.

Yang Qingxuan was immediately embarrassed and repeatedly expressed his impolite apologies.

Jiang Guyin introduced with a smile, and said, "Elder Lotte was the former elder of the Jiang family. He closed about this three hundred years ago and asked about foreign affairs. Even within the Jiang family, there are not many who know that the elder is still alive. ."

Jiang Guyin introduced the rest of the elders one by one, all of them retired elders or guardians, here to concentrate on practicing.

Yang Qingxuan greeted each other with his fists one by one, shocked in his heart, saying: "These holy clan and clan, the background is really extraordinary, the strength displayed on the surface, I am afraid it is only half of the full strength, or even less."

Jiang Guyin introduced Elder Ling Yan to everyone, and sister Jiang Wenjun also introduced one or two.

Jiang Wenjun sisters are sincere and fearful, and respectfully salute every old man.

Elder Ling Yan also clasped his fist and said, "It is really fortunate for us to be able to meet the elders."

Jiang Letian said: "Elder Ling Yan doesn't need to be polite. Since the flameless ancestors, the Jiang family's fire family has been closely connected with the Lihuoshen Palace, and the old man has a certain friendship with the Yanchengfeng Palace Lord."

Elder Ling Yan said: "Indeed, according to the records of the treasures in the Lihuoshen Palace, the construction of the Huo Lingtian of the Jiang family also has a credit for Lihuoshen Palace."

Jiang Letian and the others all frowned slightly, seemingly unhappy, and thought that this person really couldn't speak.

But after all, they are all hidden people, and they are too lazy to investigate and argue about these old past events that are completely undocumented. You can just say what you like to leave the Fire God Palace.

After introducing each other, Yang Qingxuan and others sat down around the fire pattern, and Jiang Letian said: "Several people must be very curious, what is inside this ancient ban?"

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