Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2262: The battle for geniuses, dominate the world

However, Zhou Wenshan has a proud capital. The Zhou family's first genius in thousands of years, has been the young generation of the entire animal husbandry area and won the title of quasi-king. He is one of the most promising geniuses to be promoted to the seventh king.

That's why Zhou Wenshan's great-grandmother sent her great-grandson to her brother Jiang Feng to learn Jiang Feng's natural magical powers.

But he didn't want Zhou Wenshan to completely offend Jiang Feng.

Yang Qingxuan immediately sensed how terrible this trick was.

The fire elements all over the sky trembled one after another, as if surrendering to this move, all retreated.

Zhou Wenshan's aura opened up an enchantment space belonging to him directly within the Earth Fire Spiritual Day, and it is still expanding.

"In the entire southern universe, in the animal husbandry area, there are six young giants, sitting like insurmountable peaks, sitting in this starry sky, known as kings. Under the six kings, there are countless times beyond. The geniuses want carp to leap into the dragon gate. Some of them are extremely talented and can easily crush the same-level martial arts. Leapfrogging challenges are not a problem. They are heirs without suspense in any sect family. These super geniuses , Is called the quasi-king. The super genius that you are facing now is such a quasi-king. It takes so much ignorance and overpowering to dare to be presumptuous in front of me and dare to initiate to me Attack!"

Zhou Wenshan did some unhurried science popularization, his face glowed with brilliance, and he became extremely confident and proud. The attitude of the king who despised everything came to life, and said coldly: "However, nothing matters anymore. Being able to die in my hands can also be regarded as a kind of reward for you along the way."

Zhou Wenshan turned his true essence to the limit, and the entire Earth Huo Lingtian trembled under this terrible power, fleeing frantically in all directions, succumbing to the power of the king.

Jiang Wenjun is also a two-star thousand realms. Feeling this power, his heart trembled violently. Even if it was her, it was impossible to be Zhou Wenshan's opponent at all. That could easily crush the existence of fellow practitioners.

The eyes of Jiang Ziyuan and others became fierce, and they kept their eyes on Jiang Wenjun sisters, for fear that they would suddenly make a move.

Yang Qingxuan sensed the danger of life and death, pinched the tactics with both hands, and operated the Immortal Fire Fighting tactics to control the fire of the entire Earth Huo Lingtian.

Because he clearly knows that in the Earthhuo Lingtian, he owns the right time and place. If the entire Earthhuo Lingtian is suppressed by this overlord, then the advantage he has taken will be gone, so he must control this advantage. Not lost.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The ground fire that fled in all directions was inspired by Jue Yin and exploded fire dragons from it, hovering in the sky, forming a roar of hundreds of dragons.

And one after another cremated thunder, blasting out from the entire void, a powerful force of ground fire, wind and thunder formed at the same time.

Jiang Guyin and Jiang Wenjun sisters were dumbfounded, Yang Qingxuan actually controlled the old man Ling Yan's fire dragon technique with one hand, and the other hand controlled the imperial fire fairy tactics, which revitalized the entire space of the earth fire spirit sky. Contend with the momentum.

Jiang Guyin thought bitterly in his heart that Yang Qingxuan is the true king of the quasi-king, but the time is short. If he can give him a hundred years, let alone the king, this son is afraid that he will directly become the king of heaven.

But how to fight against Zhou Wenshan now?

Jiang Guyin was also at a loss, and there was no chance of winning at all. Even if Zhou Wenshan was an ordinary two-star thousand realms, he could not see a half chance. What's more, Zhou Wenshan was known as a quasi-king, and there was no vanity under his reputation.

"Many arm blocks the car! Dead!"

Zhou Wenshan screamed, "Overlord the world!"

The powerful domineering pouring into his hands instantly, mixed with the true essence, compressed to the extreme.

The entire Earthhuo Lingtian was squeezed by the rules, and it became distorted. The original space of the sky circle became a circle, and Zhou Wenshan was the midpoint of the entire circular space. The power of transfer.

Jiang Feng opened his mouth wide in surprise, and muttered to himself: "Two-star Thousand Realms can run the overlord world to such an extent, you deserve to be the super genius of the quasi-king!" The inner anger suddenly weakened by more than half, after all, the true genius , There is arrogant capital, and the world can accept it.

Yang Qingxuan sensed the great danger in an instant, and the power that suppressed it to the extreme, released from Zhou Wenshan's scornful and mocking gaze, crushing everything like a ruin!

The voice of Gui Zang came and said in a deep voice: "I will take the trouble and kill him with one move!"

Yang Qingxuan said, "No! With Jiang Feng staring at it, your shots are also very dangerous."

Gui Zang said in shock: "But how do you block this power?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "I will try."

He took a deep breath and lifted his hands up, and the entire Earth Huo Lingtian was completely mobilized under the lead of the two Vulcan Controlling Powers.

The two supernatural powers were wrapped in countless flames, resisting the overlord's move.


But at the moment of contact, the two moves exploded at the same time, and the huge ring of fire oscillated and impacted everyone.

Yang Qingxuan was even more spewed out of blood by a counter-shock, and his body was broken a little bit and turned into an eternal burning body.

The whole person was shaken back thousands of feet away, but soon withstood the shock, the whole body recovered a little bit, and golden light emerged.

"Hahahaha, a vivid interpretation of what is called a praying mantle car!"

Zhou Wenshan laughed wildly. After the overlord's trick of the world, after dispelling the two supernatural powers of the fire system, it unstoppably set off a shocking weather and rolled over to Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan was calm and calm, carrying his hands in front of him, a piece of earth light dazzling, and then Indra appeared in front of him, almost at the same time, that chaotic mysterious gold liquid, wrapped his vajra immortal body.

Then spread out four yellow flags, united into four-color flags, hanging high above the head.

The whole person enters a state of absolute defense.


With the huge impact, the trembling Indra's upper nine rings rang up and down, spreading out circles of earth halo, and the chaotic mysterious gold on Yang Qingxuan's body burst into large cracks.

"Yang Qingxuan!"

Sisters Jiang Guyin and Jiang Wenjun both yelled loudly, Yang Qingxuan's appearance was too terrifying, as if the whole person was crushed.

But fortunately the next moment, those broken cracks were repaired by Chaos Profound Gold.

The golden light in Yang Qingxuan's eyes is not diminished at all, on the contrary, it is even stronger.

Jiang Guyin stared in amazement. Under the powerful impact of the overlord of the world, Yang Qingxuan's golden body was broken and repaired, repaired and broken, and so on.

Yang Qingxuan's mouth kept overflowing with blood, but the light in his eyes was strangely bright.

Gui Zang said in surprise: "You lunatic, you have done this again. Are you really afraid of death?!"

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