Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2271: Break through the vision, unable to understand

Yang Qingxuan is secretly happy, isn't the breakthrough still stagnant?

He hurriedly calmed down, sensing the faintly surging power, and then gathered them together with his mind, becoming a little thicker, and slowly rotating around in his body.

A wonderful feeling emerges in the soul's blessed field.

Bit by bit around, the slightest bit in the body, all the changes, surgings, and existence, all exude a powerful rule force, guiding him to a higher realm.

At this moment, Yang Qingxuan seemed to see the end of the sky, the supreme rule of the universe.

The whole body entered into a kind of surging.

This kind of surging is vast and magnificent than the shock of the Vajra Prajna Immortal Body. It is the avenue itself.

Yang Qingxuan was ecstatic in his heart, knowing that he was already in the process of assaulting the thousand realms. This kind of extreme feeling was unprecedented. It was the power of comprehension that the great road descended when he stepped into the thousand realms.

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly converged his mind and immersed himself in this comprehension.

Outside the main hall, above the Earth Fire Spirit Sky, all the fire elders of the Jiang family gathered together, watching the Earth Fire rolling in disbelief, and their pale faces were full of ecstasy and excitement.

Jiang Letian, Jiang Guyin and others, their shoulders trembled slightly, tears crisscrossing.

Although half of the planet has been burned and turned black, everything is not alive, but this is a small problem. The fire stopped. Although the space was shattered, the elders joined forces to build a huge barrier. As long as the flame does not change, it is stable in a short time, and it is not difficult to repair the space.

Jiang Tianzhen, Jiang Feiying and others also came with a large number of powerful men, and they were shocking when they saw the vision, and their hearts trembled.

During the patriarch's retreat, during the period when the two of them were in power, such a major incident must be punished.

Jiang Wenjun looked around, his heart chilled, and he trembled: "Where is Yang Qingxuan?"

Jiang Letian recovered, looking at the bottom of the earth fire, his face was a little ugly and said: "He has gone down to suppress the Jingye Tianhu. This time the earth fire has returned, and he should be the one who saved the entire planet."

Jiang Guyin said: "No doubt. Earthfire can't return to the basket by itself. The previous ferocious evil aura has disappeared without a trace. It should be Jingye Tianhuo that has been suppressed, although I don't know how he did it. This kid Nothing can be inferred by common sense."

Jiang Tianzhen and the others looked at each other. Although they are not fire martial artists, they still know what the Jingye Tianhuo is, and if it is simple, the entire Jiang family fire elders will not be so embarrassed and helpless.

Jiang Tianzhen said: "Yang Qingxuan's contribution to the Jiang family this time is indisputable. But what about others? There will be no accidents below, right..."

Jiang Guyin trembled and slapped his head suddenly, annoyed: "What are we still doing here? Go down and take a look!"


Suddenly, the entire ground exploded, and a huge wave of heat surged up, enveloping everyone in it.

Everyone was surprised, but they didn't panic. Almost all the high-ranking members of the Jiang family were here. Even if the Holy Lord appeared, there was no need to panic.

Jiang Tianzhen's face changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "This is..."

Amidst the heat wave, great strength came in bursts.

Countless fire elements surging crazily in the sky, conveying joy and excitement, like returning to the origin.

In the earth fire, countless fire patterns morphed out, floated into the void, and then shattered into sparks, scattered into the world.

"The breakthrough of the Lord of Thousand Realms!"

Jiang Feiying said in surprise, staring at the bottom, and said in a daze: "Someone is breaking through the Lord of the Thousand Realms below?"

This kind of heaven and earth vision and the avenue induction are familiar to most people present.

Jiang Guyin was even more stunned: "This, it's impossible..."

Jiang Letian wondered: "It shouldn't be Yang Qingxuan..."

The voices of the two of them were chattering, full of uncertainty, even a hint of guilty conscience.

Jiang Wenjun said in shock: "Didn't Yang Qingxuan just break through to the half-step thousand realms?"

Everyone looked at each other, and it was not impossible to break through to a half-step thousands of realms, and then continue to break through. Many of those peerless geniuses broke through from the nine-star peak to the lord of the thousand realms in one breath. Only after Yang Qingxuan fought against Zhou Wenshan, it was the end of the battle, and then the Jingye Tianhuo was suppressed, and the breakthrough process should have been terminated long ago.

I have never heard of anyone who can step into such a huge realm gap under such circumstances.

Even if it is to retreat with all its strength, prepare all kinds of treasures of heaven and earth, and with the help of the elders of the sect, very few can step into the thousand realms.

If someone like Yang Qingxuan can break through to a thousand realms, what are those strong people who have endured humiliation, hard cultivation, diligence, perseverance, life and death, resistance, and decisiveness throughout the ages?

Jiang Tianzhen said: "At this moment, there are many visions, it is not suitable to go down, so as not to disturb the breakthrough person, Moon Liu, you go and get the mirror."

"Yes!" Jiang Yueliu hurriedly retired.

About half an hour later, the Jiantian Mirror was fetched. Jiang Guyin personally presided over it and hung the Mirror in the air.

Suddenly the light from the mirror shone, and the fire went through layers of fire, revealing the situation inside the mirror little by little.

"Yang Qingxuan!"

When the scene of the broken ancient temple appeared in the mirror, that familiar face and figure appeared, and Jiang Letian called out first.

All the elders' complexions changed drastically, shock, joy, worry, doubt, and various emotions appeared on different faces.

"It's really him... It's really him..."

Jiang Guyin was speechless, and turned over and over again. There was only one sentence.

Sister Jiang Wenjun said with joy and was excited.

The most sluggish and petrified are Jiang Feng and Jiang Qianguang. Jiang Feng has been working hard to control the fire, hoping to make up for it, and his whole body is burnt black. Jiang Qianguang is standing indifferently on the spot. It seems that everything is not important. At this moment, I see Yang Qingxuan. With a calm face, Jiang Qianguang was also completely stunned.

Everyone present has experienced strong winds and waves. Everyone stands at the pinnacle of this southern universe. Even if you look at the entire universe, they are all beings at the top.

But the anomaly that Yang Qingxuan showed this time was far beyond their understanding.

The sky above the fire fell into silence.

Jiang Tianzhen suddenly said: "Since this place is all right, you should go back first. You can leave Elder Guyin here to preside over the overall situation. Great Elder, Brother Qianguang, let me go."

Jiang Feng looked sad and lowered his head.

Jiang Qianguang only twitched his face, and then recovered his calm, as if he had seen everything through and accepted his fate.

Jiang Letian said: "The two of them can wait for the Patriarch to leave before they can deal with it. Before Yang Qingxuan breaks through, we will guard this place, and we will not leave for half a step. Also, I will prepare a copy of the materials needed to repair the Earth Fire Spirit Heaven. The list is collected by two adults, Naohuan and Feiying."

Jiang Tianzhen and Jiang Feiying said in unison: "Yes, Great Elder!"

After speaking, they led everyone, and detained Jiang Feng and Jiang Qianguang to leave.

//Many people have doubts about the "big elder". They didn't read the book carefully. Jiang Letian is the previous generation of the big elder and retired. Jiang Feng is the current post.

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