Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2285: Each person's life experience, various causes

Wuyu City, God's Palace.

In an exquisite living room, five huge transparent beads radiate warm colors, brightening and comfortable lighting the hall.

The four of them sat down, and Hong Xiao said, "Boss Cao can answer the many confusions in my heart, and the price is naturally indispensable."

Boss Cao thought for a while and said, "These people are all related to each other, but they are independent of each other. It is difficult to say a word, and I am still investigating some news, which is not accurate.

Hong Xiao's expression was a little cold, and he said, "When Boss Cao said so, he didn't say anything. Does he dislike my Protoss and cannot afford to pay?"

Boss Cao "hehe" smiled, and restored the blushing local tyrant's expression, and said: "Naturally not. Let me talk about the two people who performed the gods of the sky. They should have learned incompletely. It is just a fragmentary chapter. The first generation of the universe. In the middle of the world, the strong of the gods broke through the realm and caused quite a sensation among the higher levels of the universe. But then it disappeared. It is rumored that the strong of the gods was seriously injured that day and had fallen. The Celestial God Secret Art that was brought is also missing. Now it seems that although this statement is unsearchable, it has a certain degree of truthfulness. The scattered chapters of the Heavenly God Secret Art have reappeared in the world, enough to show that the strong man of the Heavenly God tribe has fallen. Whether the Heavenly God Art has all been passed down, or only some fragments exist, I don’t know for the time being. I will strengthen my investigation in this area. Yang Qingxuan and Xuantianji are from the heavenly stars of the 73rd realm. Recently, from this There are some people in the star field. They are all very interesting. I suspect that the place where the gods lost that day is most likely the sky star field."

When Zi Xin heard "Yang Qingxuan and Xuan Tianji", his face changed slightly. At this moment, he said: "You mean, these people are all because of the opportunity of the Heavenly God Art, so they broke through the shackles of the sky star field and came to the animal husbandry area? "

Boss Cao said: "It's very possible."

Hong Xiao said: "Then this matter is worth investigating. When does Boss Cao plan to act? I will send someone to go with you."

Boss Cao smiled and said, "Why bother with this kind of trivial matter, Master Hongxiao, my ineffective employees can still do it."

Hong Xiao glanced at him and said, "Okay, I'll wait for Boss Cao's result."

Hong Xiao wanted to send someone to intervene in this matter to obtain core intelligence and control the situation, but Boss Cao rejected it.

With just a few simple words, the two people's thoughts were exposed, and they were tacit understanding of each other.

Boss Cao said again: "As for the zombie-like martial arts, I have no clue for the time being, but his technique is a bit weird, maybe it can be used as a clue, and this person first chased and killed Xuan Tianji, and then chased Yang Qingxuan, I am afraid it is. It also has some connections with these people in the sky star field."

Hong Xiao frowned and said, "So, the problem still lies in the sky star field."

Boss Cao "haha" smiled and said, "Isn't it? These people are afraid that a huge disturbance will be set off in the near future. Master Hong Xiao knows about the Ningjia Xingluo celestial body. That Xingluo celestial body is Yang Qingxuan's mother."

Hong Xiao, Zi Xin, and Qing Sheng didn't have any expressions, they obviously knew it early on.

Zi Xin suddenly asked, "From the perspective of Boss Cao, how will the Ning family go?"

Boss Cao pondered and seemed to be thinking about this question seriously, and slowly replied: "Before today, I don't think there will be any results. After all, no matter how talented Yang Qingxuan is, even if he is the seventh king of the young generation, it will be difficult. Shaking the Ning family’s status is nothing more than the worm shaking the tree. But Yang Qingxuan went to Jiang’s house and stayed for so long, and I got some news in my hands. In addition to seeing it today, and the various opportunities in the sky star field, I feel I am afraid that the Ning family’s life is going to be difficult. But it’s just that it’s just hard. Yang Qingxuan needs a lot of conditions to truly shake the Ning family."

Zi Xin asked, "What does this'condition' mean?"

Boss Cao's eyes were burning, and he smiled lightly: "For example, Master Zixin's support. If Yang Qingxuan married a prince's daughter, he would put some pressure on the Ning family."

Zi Xin smiled and said: "This kid is not funny, my seven beautiful and beautiful daughters are all looking forward to it, and he actually looks down on none of them."

Boss Cao said seriously: "This is what makes him unique, even scary. Usually people know how to use various means to climb up, but he doesn't. He just looks at Wu Xiu this way, no matter what Whatever you do, you have to rely on your own strength. Such people are pedantic, but they are also terrifying."

Hong Xiao nodded and said, "Strong Taoist heart that goes forward."

Boss Cao said: "The direction of the Ning family has also been involved in the people of the sky star field. If the Ning family is shaken, it will affect the entire animal husbandry area, and the turbulence will be great. Although this matter is short I haven't seen it in time, but the three adults can have this psychological expectation."

Qing Sheng said: "Even if the Ning family was shaken and fell from the clan, it wouldn't matter. For hundreds of millions of years in the animal husbandry area, how many clan ups and downs have been extremely normal."

Boss Cao said: "Master Qing Sheng is standing at the top of the long river of time and looking back. Naturally. But every era when the clan rises and falls, the impact on the people of that era is still great."

Hong Xiao said: "Our Protoss will take precautions against this matter. If there is any news, I hope Boss Cao will inform us as soon as possible."

Boss Cao "haha" smiled and said: "It must be certain. A few adults are joining the business of the ancient building. I am too happy to have time." After saying that, he stood up and clasped his fists. "Today I met three adults by chance. Fortunately, it is a great honour. There is still a little important thing to do next, so don't pass it."

Hong Xiao's twin pupils shrunk slightly, and a sharp glow shot straight over, and said: "Boss Cao, what a nobleman is forgotten. It seems that there are three others who have unknown origins. You haven't solved us yet."

Boss Cao said "haha" with a dazed look, and muttered, "Three people? Are there? Why did I forget?"

Zi Xin sneered: "Don't pretend to be silly, do you have to point it out? That little girl, a human man, and a strong man with a true dragon body."

Boss Cao’s face changed slightly, revealing a dignified look that he had never had before, his eyes swept over the three of them, and slowly said: "About these three, the identity is top secret. In this ancient building, I am the only one. I know, and I have no plan to disclose it, and I will not sell it for any amount of money. But with great kindness, I reminded the three big three, do not hit the idea of ​​these three, and do not try to pull them out. His life experience. Otherwise, if you lose control, the consequences will be unbearable even for the entire Protoss!"

//Good night, everyone.

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