Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2325: Go to Wulingyuan and have a conversation

Yang Qingxuan is distressed about the cost, and after thinking about it, he is not cultivating supernatural powers, and there is no need to be attached to the Jingye Tianhuo, and instead make the Sun Wheel of Changheng Guyan. This time the success rate is much higher, almost a dozen can be successful. One.

So all the remaining sun wheels were made into the ancient Yan of Changheng.

Finally, before the auction came, eight Sun Heng Gu Yan and two Sun Wheels of causal power were produced.

The next day, as Yang Qingxuan had just left the customs, Zi Qi came to visit.

The two were polite, and Zi Qi smiled and said: "I am on the order of the Seventh Sister to invite Master Qingxuan. If everything is ready, Master Qingxuan will follow us on the road."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "The fate of Seven Sisters?"

Ziqi said: "The big auction is held by the entire Protoss and is extremely important. My mother has already gone to Wulingyuan a few days ago to meet with several other gods and preside over the overall situation. Before leaving, let Seven Sisters preside over the affairs of the gods' mansion."

Yang Qingxuan subconsciously said: "It seems that your mother has a lot of love for Fairy Zixia."

An imperceptible color flashed across Ziqi's face, and she calmly said, "Seven Sisters are extremely talented, resourceful, and brilliant. She deserves such a great task. It is a pity that Young Master Qingxuan failed to get married with Seven Sisters. ."

Yang Qingxuan said: "As Fairy said, Fairy Zixia has a beautiful appearance and utterly witty, I really don't deserve it."

Ziqi smiled slightly, and said no more, "Master, please."

Yang Qingxuan immediately left everyone behind to guard the sect, leading Qixingsu, Wu Qiyue, and Guizang along.

Zixia's phoenix had already been waiting outside the palace of the gods. It was a ten-foot-long phoenix that was actually pulled by a nine-headed phoenix, with amazing aura.

Only Zixia, Ziyi and Ziran were in the car, but the other fairies were not seen.

Zixia smiled and said: "The third sister and the fifth sister have gone to Wulingyuan with their mother a few days ago, and the second sister and the chief steward stayed in the palace of God to preside over the situation."

The third sister and the fifth sister are Zi Yan and Zi Qing. Yang Qingxuan cut off their personal power, and at the same time fell into the extreme obsession with Yang Qingxuan.

Zi Xin was afraid that the two might have something to do with Yang Qingxuan, so she took it away first.

Ziyi Yang Qingxuan had also seen him, and simply nodded, even if he had said hello. It's just that the turmoil that Yang Qingxuan caused was so great that Zi Yi was not interested in him at first, but now she became interested and happy. She couldn't help but look at it, making Yang Qingxuan quite embarrassed.

Zixia smiled and said, "Let's go."

Feng Nian immediately turned into a flame and flooded into the void.

Yang Qingxuan discovered that the phoenix was still able to speed up the flight in the transmission channel under the guidance of Jiufeng. After more than half a day, he arrived at Wulingyuan.

Wulingyuan is within the territory of Luofu, one of the five main cities, and the residence of the King Qingsheng. Regardless of its size, heaven and earth aura, and underground spiritual veins, it is not lost to Wuyu City.

Feng Yan came out of the void, and the huge flames dyed the entire sky red. Wu Xiu in Wulingyuan all looked up in shock and saw Jiufeng passing through the sky, all shocked.

Yang Qingxuan felt the hundreds of millions of gazes coming from below through the phoenix, he felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Zixia looked at him and said with a smile: "Young Master Qingxuan, why, I sat down well before, but now I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "No, it's not Feng Nian who doesn't adapt, but is being watched by countless surprised, jealous, fiery, and looking up eyes."

Zixia smiled and said, "Isn't this normal? Protoss is born noble and respected by thousands of people. This is the honor that the strong should enjoy."


Yang Qingxuan snorted softly, and said, "This is the most miserable time of being hacked."

"Oh?" Zixia said: "I would like to hear and see."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Life is different, but they are the same. They are all bodies of the five aggregates, all have the calamity of the five decays, all can practice the avenues, and all can look up to the sky. It is really impossible to see the so-called "Protoss". Glory. Haha, with all due respect, in my opinion, the Protoss is just a little bit more in mind than ordinary people..., haha, vulgar words, inconvenient to speak, fairies understand."

Zixia's face turned cold, her eyes were like a knife, staring straight at Yang Qingxuan.

Ziqi, Ziyi, and Ziran's faces were not very good either.

After all, he has been in the top position for a long time, and he has always been proud of his identity as a Protoss. How has he ever suffered such verbal insults?

These words, even the clan of the Holy Clan, dare not say in front of them. Although Yang Qingxuan has a good talent, he is only a good talent. He is not a strong person himself, and dares to be so rebellious.

Zixia said coldly: "Yang Qingxuan, you are not afraid to say these things. Is that what your mother promised you?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "I am an agreement with the Purple Heart God King, not a charity. I exchanged three conditions for her promise, and at most it was taken care of. What, the fairy means, the noble God King, maybe halfway. Suddenly broke the contract?"

Zixia hummed: "Naturally not. Since my mother has promised you, as long as you fulfill the three conditions, my mother will naturally do it. But you don't want to say something that makes us unhappy."

Yang Qingxuan said sternly: "What I say is everything from the bottom of my heart. Humans may be unfair, but they are equal. No one can trample on others at will. If the Protoss can't inspect themselves, this'honour' will eventually be trampled down. when."

Zixia said angrily: "Presumptuous!"

Yang Qingxuan stood up, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you for the three fairies and the second steward for sending me away. Since they don't agree, they don't have to stay together."

After all, he came out of Feng Nian by himself and turned into a stream of light.

Ziyi's face was extremely ugly, and she said, "Seventh Sister, this person is too arrogant. I really don't understand how the third and fifth sisters like this kind of person."

Zixia stared at the streamer, her eyes slowly retracted, and she glanced at the three people in Nian, before suddenly asking, "What do you think of Yang Qingxuan?"

The three of them all said, "Naturally, nonsense."

Zixia sighed and said, "Yang Qingxuan's words are indeed from the bottom of the heart, and they are indeed right. The Protoss is too arrogant and self-righteous. If you don't correct it, you will one day die in this sense of superiority. And forever. Passed down, it is no different from those of the holy clan, there is really no honor at all. Even if there is, it is already countless years ago. The glory belongs to the ancestors, but it does not belong to us."

Zi Qi stunned: "Seven sisters, since you agree with what Yang Qingxuan said, why did you just now..."

Zixia snorted and said, "I just can't understand his arrogant appearance, even if he is right, I want to smash him severely. Let alone, the destination is here."

With a long cry in the air, Jiufeng dragged Feng Yan down sharply.

//No more today, good night everyone.

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