Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2388: Soul power suppresses, arouses suspicion

Li Xin stopped, as if stunned, then furiously, and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, I am a four-stage star refiner, you are only a three-stage star refiner. If you want to be eliminated, you must first eliminate you, stupid, you are scolding. alone?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "The strength of the star-refining level does not explain anything. I just don't bother to evaluate the four-stage. Don't think that there is a four-stage signboard. Anyone is like you. If you are interested, let me go. No time to spend time with a silly D."

Li Xin said angrily: "So arrogant! Chi Heng, you dare to even contempt the rank of the association, I must report to the elders and deprive you of your rank!"

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "I am not a star refiner if I deprive you of the level? Secondly, I despise you, not the level of the star refiner. You need to pour dirty water on me. Your IQ is not enough."


Li Xin roared: "You dare to despise me, there is a kind of attack from the divine consciousness! Don't you say that you are too lazy to evaluate the four stages? The strength of the star refiner lies in the strength of the soul, and there are four stages. The fourth stage is the soul level, and the third stage is just the third stage scum!"

Li Xin shouted, and the divine sense immediately rushed out of the body. The invisible divine sense turned into a tangible shape at this moment, like an ancient beast, roaring down.

There was a gust of wind on all sides, and all the small vendors were shaken out.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he was frightened and said: "The association is a strong place, how can you shoot at will?"

Li Xin laughed strangely: "Haha, don’t you think it’s too late to use the Association to suppress me? In the Association, a powerful star refiner rules everything. If I am better than you, I can dominate you at will. I don’t understand the rules. Fool, dare to offend me over and over again, go to death!"


The powerful divine consciousness bombarded him, and three feet in front of Yang Qingxuan, he was blocked by a spirit power and completely intercepted.

A storm revolved in an instant and rose into the sky.

The battle between the two immediately alarmed the strong in the city. Countless lights flickered in the air. When it was clear that it was two star refiners fighting, they all stopped and did not dare to move forward.

The star refiner is the master of this black hole planet and has the highest status.

"What?! No, it's impossible!"

Li Xin's face changed drastically, showing a sense of horror. The other party just put his hands in front of him, released his soul power, and blocked his own consciousness attack.

Not only Li Xin, but many star refiners were watching around, all showing shock.

Although some star refiners don't know who these two people are, they recognize the star robe, one is a three-stage star robe and the other is a four-stage star robe.

"Huh, Chi Heng easily blocked Li Xin's consciousness attack?"

On a high tower in the city, an old man with a long white beard almost touching the ground slowly opened his eyes and looked out the window, as if he could see every corner of the city from here.

"Chi Heng? Li Xin? Are these two uncomfortable things making trouble again?"

In front of the old man with long beards, sitting in front of a man in linen, his hair is slightly gray, his eyes are energetic, he is not angry, his eyes flashed, and he hummed: "I'll grab one and lock it up. It's not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it's not wrong to catch one at random."

The old man with long beards said: "Wait, hey, it's strange, how can Chi Heng's spirit power be so strong?" His face was puzzled.

The Mai man said: "Chi Heng has been in the third stage as a star refiner for a long time, and now even if he has rushed to the fourth stage, it is not surprising that he can compete with Li Xin."

The old man with long beard closed his eyes slightly, as if he was feeling something, and shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as four segments, strong, very strong, not ordinary strong."

The Mai Yi man was stunned, and said, "Is it beyond four stages?"

The eyes of the old man with long beards suddenly opened, bursting into a brilliant light, and with a wave of his hand, a water mirror appeared in front of him, fully revealing the sight of that street.

I saw the qi flying around, and the invisible force shot indiscriminately. It was all Li Xin struggling to make a shot. He hit three feet in front of Yang Qingxuan, and was shaken by spirit power and collapsed in all directions.

Li Xin's face was pale and increasingly ugly. Fortunately, the star robe concealed everything. Everyone could not see his embarrassment, but every divine consciousness attack was obviously beginning to weaken.

However, Yang Qingxuan remained motionless, but gently pressed his hands in front to resolve all attacks with ease.

The Maid man frowned and said: "It is indeed very strong, almost reaching an attack that ignores the fourth segment."

The old man with long beards said: "Rong Ke, was there anything unusual when Chi Heng came here last time?"

The Mai Yi man groaned, and said: "I don't remember, it shouldn't, otherwise, it will have attracted our attention." After a pause, he suddenly said, "Elder, you wouldn't want to..."

The old man with long beards nodded and said: "Look at the level of his spirit power. If there are seven segments, it is arranged by heaven."

Rong Ke was shocked: "Impossible! How can I increase my spirit power from three stages to seven in a short period of time? Even special ghost cultivation can't do it. Besides, if Chi Heng follows the path of ghost cultivation, his body will definitely be. If it's scrapped, it won't help us accomplish that."

The old man with long beards said: "Look first, maybe there will be unexpected surprises that we don't know." The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, like a river of spring water, with waves, and after watching for a while, he said: "Go and bring Chi Heng come."

Rong Ke was stunned, and then said: "Yes, Great Elder."

The figure flashed and disappeared in place.


On the streets, Li Xin's divine consciousness attacks continued, turning a radius of one hundred meters into a sea of ​​divine consciousness. Everyone evaded and dared not move forward.

There were a few ordinary martial artists, before they could retreat, they were hit by the shattered divine consciousness, directly destroying the sea of ​​consciousness, turning into a fool and falling to the ground, spitting and convulsing.

Suddenly, a powerful force fell from the sky, and instantly suppressed Li Xin.

The storm of divine consciousness with a diameter of one hundred feet dissipated.

As soon as Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, he found that an old man in sackcloth appeared in a corner of the street, walking towards him.

Li Xin said in shock: "Vice President Rong Ke!"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback. He didn't expect that the person who appeared was actually the vice president of the Star Refiners Association. He just sneaked in and wanted to inquire about and arrest that Mo Sangzi. Who knew that he would meet Chi Heng's enemy. It made a lot of noise, and could not help but get a headache.

Chi Heng said: "Rong Ke is a seven-stage star refiner, and his soul power is not trivial. Your extraordinary performance just now may have caused him to doubt it, so be careful. As long as you don't let them remove your star robe, it is safe."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, converging his soul power into his body, silently.

Rong Ke walked between the two in a few steps and said, "Stop it."

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