Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2430: Full suppression, the situation has changed sharply


The power of Dynasty Yin was too great, and when he smashed it into the air, a large area of ​​warriors, especially under the thousand realms, were instantly crushed and screamed again and again.

Zhan Ling was frightened and said: "Zhuzi! Relying on the power of the ancient treasure, stop trying to do what you can and die."

It turned into a escape light and rushed towards Yang Qingxuan.

A figure in a black robe swayed in the air, blocking Yang Qingxuan, raised his foot and kicked it.


The sky under the toes trembled, and time and space seemed to stagnate.

Then there was a "crash", and the sky shattered like a mirror.

Zhan Ling emerged from the escape light, and cried out in surprise, "Five-star Thousand Realms?!" He suddenly slammed his hands in front of him, forming a defensive trend.


The force of that kick exploded on his hands, kicking him away fiercely, and backing hundreds of miles before stopping.

Zhan Ling looked at the front in horror and trembled: "Who are you? Six-star, five-star, four-star, three-star, two-star, one-star... every stage has the Lord of the Thousand Realms, it must be some Zongmen, what kind of sect is it, if you dare to oppose our blood sword sect, it is tantamount to opposing the famous Ning family!"

The five-star Thousand Realms didn't bother to pay attention to him, and after locking the position of Zhan Ling, he charged over with murderous aura.

At the same time, at the same time, a five-star Thousand Realm appeared beside the deputy master Chu Han, and without any reason, he attacked him silently and flew out Chu Han severely.

It was the two Five-Star Thousand Realms who came with Zihua.

These three people restrained the three high-ranking members of the Blood Sword Sect, and the remaining Blood Sword Sect and Zhengyang Mansion disciples were the opponents of Yang Qingxuan and others.

They all let go of their hands and feet to do a big job.

After devouring the many souls of Greed Wolf Star last time, the ghost hideout has not completely digested it. Seeing that there is a powerful soul again, he hurriedly rushed out from the Supreme Profound Sky, killing and grabbing the soul to eat.

Yang Qingxuan had three four-star Thousand Realms, Guizang, Tomorrow Peak, and Luo Tinglan. He quickly killed several strong men who were resisting by the opponent, and then the remaining disciples were immediately defeated and destroyed. Crash.

Above the sky, Gu Liangzi was also suppressed and beaten by Zihua, with almost no strength to fight back. After a few moves, he vomited blood and said with horror: "You are in the middle of the six-star thousand realms!"

Zi Hua didn't answer, just sneered, stepped forward, and slapped it with a palm.

There is no fancy, just need to rely on the realm to crush, and a force of ten will be enough to clean up the opponent, it is only a matter of time.

Gu Liangzi was horrified and waved his hands in front of him, and a huge force surged up, forming a sea of ​​blood in front of his body.


The sea of ​​blood shook under the palm of his hand, and was instantly shattered by the shock.


Gu Liangzi spouted blood and flew out.

"Oh, Gu Liangzi, how come you have become so embarrassed? Without our blood rune sect, would your blood sword gate fall like this? You will all be cut to death."

In the world, a contemptuous sneer came, clearly in everyone's ears.

Gu Liangzi was surprised and happy, and shouted: "Brother Juzi, hurry, come and save me!"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. With the sound of the moment, huge pressure came from all sides of the sky, as if a large number of strong men were coming through the sky.

Countless energy ripples emerged under the fiery eyes, almost completely covering the entire battlefield.

Soon, everyone discovered this abnormality.

The people in Blood Sword Gate and Zhengyang Mansion were all ecstatic, backing desperately, resisting bravely, trying to save their lives as much as possible, waiting for rescue.

Several figures soon appeared in the sky, all exuding breathtaking power.

The head of the person with a cold face, with a goat beard, looked down coldly, and sneered: "If Lord Tianyin had not sent the message personally, let me come with a master of the blood talisman, I really don't bother to care about your life and death. Even better, Fu Jianzong can once again merge into one."

Gu Liangzi said ecstatically: "Jiuzi joked, you and I are from the same clan, regardless of each other. These people are not easy, so be careful!"

The Blood Talisman and the Blood Sword Sect were originally a huge sect called Fu Jianzong. They were one of the holy sects. Later, due to external invasion and internal strife, they broke directly. The surviving group of people formed the blood talisman. Zonghe Blood Sword Sect, there are also some scattered small sects that are not climate, only the Blood Talisman Sect and the Blood Sword Sect mix well, and they are included by the Ning Family.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed, staring at the person behind Jiezi, his eyes flashing cold, it was Tang Fenglian, the elder of the Blood Talisman who had seen him in the Purple Desert before.

A middle-aged man beside Juzi stared straight down and shouted: "Ma Yuan! How dare you collude with outsiders, and you didn't give me a quick stop, kill these outsiders and redeem your merits!"

Ma Yuan was shocked when he saw the head of Yifeng coming, and said in a trembled voice: "Head! They are going to destroy the Cambrian star and destroy the place where we live for generations!"

Yifeng said with a gloomy face and hummed: "If you want something, you have to sacrifice. We have obtained three years of incomparable huge aura to enjoy. It is natural that there will be some sacrifices. Otherwise, why would you break through to one star? Pinnacle? Do you rely on your stupid aptitude? Every one of you Zhengyang Palace disciples, who dares to say that you haven't gained huge benefits in these three years?"

Ma Yuan cried and said, "But this is killing chickens and getting eggs. The planet is gone, what should we do, what about these billions of people?"

Yifeng shouted: "The Cambrian star is gone, Zhengyang Mansion can go to a better planet. As for these billions of ants, are they your father? You care about so many? I think you are obsessed, huh, in that case. , Then go to hell!"

A large number of experts from Zhengyang Mansion and disciples of the Blood Talisman Sect began to burst out of the void in all directions.

Yang Qingxuan had a bad view and shouted: "No! There are too many enemies, let's retreat first."

The key blood talisman sect lord Junzi is also six-star thousand realms, and there are a large number of five-star thousand realms elders, and Zhengyang Palace's head Yifeng is also a five-star thousand realms cultivation base.

In addition, the number of powerful people who came out from all directions was not less than that of Thousand Realms, and almost every level was crushed.

Zihua also understood that the situation was unfavorable, and shouted: "I block them for a while, you go first!"

Both palms pushed forward sharply.

Countless purple awns bloomed out of the void, and extremely powerful forces continued to emerge from Zihua's body, immediately turning into a galaxy moat, rushing directly to Juzi and the others.

Juzi's face changed drastically, and he shouted, "Sure enough, it's the mid-six-star stage, everyone will help me!"

Both he and Gu Liangzi are only in the early six-star stage, but Juzi is only a thin line away from the middle stage, and may break through at any time.

A blood talisman was punched from the hand of Jangzi, connected into a piece in the front, turning into a huge wall of blood, lying in front of the Milky Way.

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