Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2644: Three places are overshadowed

Yang Qingxuan exhaled and said: "The strength is acceptable, these crimes were not in vain."

He stared at the two relics in the second soul. Although each was in the body, it looked like two separate individuals, but as long as the power was operated, the frequency of the two relics would be completely consistent, like a whole.

The Primordial Chaos Pill obtained earlier had also been completely absorbed and digested by the second soul. Apart from the two relics, there was nothing else in his body, as transparent as colored glaze.

Moreover, after the second soul absorbing the second relic, the realm rushed upward for a while, and there was only a line of distance from breaking through again.

Yang Qingxuan asked the second soul to sit and practice alone, while he took out a jade slip, placed it in front of him and scanned it with his divine consciousness, which was exactly the divine art of unblocking the immortal monument that Xiongfang gave him.

A few months later, news came from the Purple God’s Palace, calling Yang Qingxuan to go.

The Palace of the Gods, inside a living room.

Zixia is still waiting for him.

"You came?"

Zixia looked at Yang Qingxuan, with a smile on her face, and said, "Yes, not bad. In four months, the breath has changed completely. Have you tried to break through?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "I tried it five times, but I only tried it briefly. One time I tried a deeper one and suffered a serious injury to myself, but I have not swallowed the pill for a long time. "

Zixia said: "You did the right thing. The four-star barrier didn't pass so well. Otherwise, how would it be called Tianqi? If you are swallowing the pill, there is a certain chance that you will pass, but if you don't pass it, go down. It will be extremely difficult for another impact."

Yang Qingxuan said with an "um" and said, "So I'm waiting for the opportunity. Is it because the fairy is calling me to come?"

Zixia said: "Exactly, Tongtian Ancient Battlefield is about to open in half a month. We have three places. Who do you plan to take?"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback and said, "Give me all three places?"

At the article exchange meeting that day, there were more than 30 holy clan families attending with 100 places, and basically three families were assigned to each.

Zixia said: "If you don't need it, I can divide it down."

Yang Qingxuan chuckled and said: "If it can be given to me, it is naturally the best, I am afraid that other people in the Palace of God will have opinions."

Zixia said coldly: "My surrogate mother is in charge of the entire Palace of Gods, who dares to have an opinion?" She glanced at Yang Qingxuan and smiled: "Why don't I let the third sister and the fifth sister accompany you? In the ancient battlefield, so are you? Develop it."

Yang Qingxuan got a big head, and hurriedly said, "Leave it to me."

Zixia smiled, took out a jade slip to him, and said, "Be careful yourself in the ancient battlefield of Tongtian. Here are all the materials I have collected. You can get familiar with it during this time."

Yang Qingxuan took it and said gratefully: "Thank you."

Zixia said: "There is one more thing. I have investigated Alpha Star. In the past few years, there have been frequent storms. Many people have been involved and arrived in the realm of the first generation of Louvre. Later, by coincidence, Out."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Why, do you want to explore the realm of the first generation of Luofu?"

Zixia said: "This is not only my thought, but also the will of the mother and the great king."

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "The will of the two gods? Is there anything wrong in the realm of the first Luofu?"

Zixia said: "You don't need to ask, you must not die when you go to the ancient battlefield of Tongtian. My mother plans to set up a large causal wheel formation near Alpha Star to open the channel to the first generation of Louvre. You need you The force of cause and effect and the force of reincarnation on the mother work together."

Yang Qingxuan said, "I understand. If needed, I can help now."

Zixia said: "Now is not the time, the right time will appear in the future." She pondered, and said: "This matter is not completely irrelevant to you. The Great God King wants to enter the realm of the first generation of Luofu, looking for something about red Lin’s clues."

When Yang Qingxuan heard about Guan Honglin, he became nervous and asked hurriedly: "Has the Great God King already found something?"

Zixia said: "Honglin is the ancestor of the Red Clan, and even the biological daughter of the first great **** Wang Hongyu. There must be records in the ancient books of the Red God Clan, but I don’t know how it is. You can Ask the great king directly."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay, it seems that this trip to the ancient battlefield, I really have to come back alive."

Zixia smiled and cursed: "Your life is yours, how can it seem to be for others."

Yang Qingxuan said sternly: "It doesn't matter if I die myself, but Honglin has saved me many times. I must find a way to save her, so I will come back alive."

After speaking, he left.

Zixia looked at his disappearing back, retracted her gaze, thought for a moment, and flashed away.


Half a month later, the Eastern family.

On Darius Star, a shocking aura surged, space twisted, powerful storms appeared from time to time, and terrifying energies in various universes gathered at this moment.

A huge ancient bronze door seems to have shuttled from a distant era, appearing in these energy turbulences.

Thousands of powerful figures blasted from all directions, and they all landed on a floating island on the planet, very close to the ancient bronze gate.

Among them, the large-scale people are gathered at one end of the island. They are the disciples of the Eastern aristocratic family, with strengths ranging from realm kings to thousand realms.

On the other end, there were only more than a hundred people, but the various instruments were very powerful, and the average level was obviously higher than that of the disciples of the Eastern aristocratic family. Except for a few realm kings, most were above the thousand realms.

These more than a hundred people are just the disciples who have taken the quota to experience, and they are all the elites in the family, and they have been cultivated.

"Brother Shaobai, I haven't seen him for several years, but he has managed to break through to the four-star thousand realms. I really make my little brother envious."

"It's only a realm. Nubuat's Xiahou brother defeated the three bears with one sword, and defeated three of the same rank with the Xiong family, and he was famous."

"Isn't this Brother Yannan? He has only cultivated for a hundred years, and he has broken through to the existence of the Lord of the Thousand Realms. It was once a sensation, and after a long absence, it was already a three-star Thousand Realm."

"This time the Tongtian Ancient Battlefield is open, it's really a gathering of geniuses. Both the Linghu Family and Lin Family Xing Yao have appeared. It's really a grand event."

Among the more than one hundred people, they all showed pride on their faces, touted each other, and felt extremely proud of being able to participate in such a flourishing age.

Many disciples of the Eastern aristocratic family are all talking about these top talents, showing a sense of caution and envy.

Suddenly, the noisy floating island suddenly became silent.

All the martial artists had their faces slightly changed, and the geniuses with proud faces, one by one, had reduced the sense of superiority, and showed a nervous expression, looking at the void ahead.

Yang Qingxuan brought two women, Ziyuan and Ziye, stepping in the air.

//No more today, good night everyone.

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