Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2710: The silver coffin, the memory of the past

"Oh? Why did Zi Xin say this?"

Shenzhu turned around and smiled slightly.

Zi Xin said: "Just now Honglin said that this altar can only be climbed by blood and talent, regardless of strength. Yang Qingxuan is the only glorious king since the ages, even if the talent of the deep master is the king, it should be the same as the king. It’s right to be shocked. I see that the deep master’s steps are steady, and the impact on the power of this **** has not been greatly affected, and the power that covers the whole body is the Taiyu Wordless Monument."

Shen Zhudao: "The **** king is good at observing."

He does not deny, nor admit it.

Zi Xin seemed to have thought of something, her face changed drastically, and she said in surprise, "Could it be that the strong man who had appeared in the wordless monument before was..."

Shen Zhu said: "It is possible, but I am not sure."

Zi Xin's face was full of horror, she was extremely lost, her eyes were dull.

Soon after, Ziri, Zixia and Heiyuan were also shaken out one after another.

On the altar are the Master of Deep, Purple Heart, Red Lin and Black Cat, Lu Ming and Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan stood at the bottom, still bowed there, motionless, as if he had been hung there.

Just when everyone was guessing whether he was really dead, Yang Qingxuan finally moved.

In this short period of time, he stabilized the four-star thousand realm intermediate realm, and suddenly felt that his strength had skyrocketed.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Zi Xin and others had reached the top, and they were only a few steps away from the top. He was inexplicably anxious and accelerated.

The powerful impact still struck like a waterfall, shaking his mind and washing everything on his body, but it was no longer as uncomfortable as before. He gritted his teeth and even took a few steps, and everyone who saw him was dumbfounded.

Even the black cat couldn't help but stared over and let out a "meow" cry.

Suddenly, the top of the altar burst into a silver radiance, like a canopy, forming a whirlpool, shrouded in the upper end of the altar.

A silver coffin was slowly exposed inside, and that powerful impact came from the coffin, shaking everyone's mind.

Hong Lin yelled out: "This, this is..."

Her expression suddenly became a little mad, Dou Da's cold sweat dripped from her pale face, and she stood on the steps and began to shiver, as if she was extremely afraid.


The black cat snuggled up close.

Honglin stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed the black cat's head, and pressed it down desperately. The black cat screamed sharply, his head deformed on the ground, but only struggled and did not resist.


Yang Qingxuan muttered, separated by a dozen steps, but he could clearly feel Honglin's terrible tremor and fear.

Zi Xin turned her head, and was even more stunned. Hong Lin's face was full of tears, and her lips trembled and said, "Why...why..."

His eyes were red, pitiful.


Lu Ming suddenly screamed and was illuminated by the silver light on the coffin. His body flew up a little bit, his face was full of anger, and he roared: "I am also a Protoss! The eight-star and thousands of worlds of the Protoss, why, why am Can't climb to the top either!"


After a sorrowful roar, as if being hit by a silver light, a spout of blood came out, and he flew out and fell far to the ground.

The black cat caught in Honglin's hand also yelled sadly, wrapped in the silver light, and also flew out.

Zi Xin and Yang Qingxuan both changed their expressions. At the moment, on the altar, there were only two of them, Shenzhu and Honglin.

Honglin fell into extreme fear, hugged himself with both hands, curled up and shivered there.

The colorful light flowing on the master of the deep is precisely the power of the Taiyu wordless stele, which has a strong defensive effect on the silver light in the coffin.

Yang Qingxuan took a deep breath and walked up against the silver light. He quickly came to Hong Lin's side and stretched out his hand to pat her shoulder.

Honglin screamed in fright, trembled all over, raised his head and saw Yang Qingxuan, and even more sobbing, "Why, why did you kill me, father, why did you kill me!" "

Yang Qingxuan's hand trembled, and he immediately felt the fear in Honglin's heart. Some pictures flashed inexplicably in his mind, and he couldn't help being shocked.

A **** world in the picture,

A mighty man appeared, staring at him with murderous eyes, and walked forward step by step.

Yang Qingxuan closed his breath. This is exactly the picture in Honglin's mind. I don't know why he has clearly sensed that this man is the first generation great **** Wang Hongyu, who is actually going to kill his own daughter.

Although Yang Qingxuan had heard about it for a long time, he realized why Honglin was so scared and so scared of "the memory of the past" after experiencing it personally.

"Everything has passed thousands of years. Now, no one can kill you."

Yang Qingxuan's five fingers pressed **** Honglin's shoulders, with golden light flowing on his fingers, he actually used the power of the immortal body to get Honglin out of that fear little by little.

"Yang Qingxuan..."

Honglin burst into tears. At this moment, she didn't know which she was, but originally the two Honglin were just one Honglin, just different memories.

"Let's go, let's go up and see together, what is inside this silver coffin, maybe it contains everything you want to know."

Yang Qingxuan looked at Honglin with a sincere and clear gaze in his eyes.

Honglin stopped his sorrow, took a deep breath, and said: "You can swallow the bloodstone I gave you, so that you can resist some of the power of the gods, otherwise even if you are super talented, it will be difficult to reach the top."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Okay."

Right now, he unceremoniously took out the essence and blood that Honglin had given him, took a look, then raised his head and ate it.

Blood entered his stomach, and immediately a frenzied energy spread, filling the limbs and a hundred skeletons, and his whole body seemed to burn.

Zi Xin's eyes widened, and she sighed again and again, "It's wasted! With such pure blood, you can't have the blood of the gods after eating it. Just give it to me."

Yang Qingxuan was happy in his heart. The blood was smashed and his whole body was burnt. After breaking through the four-star thousand realms, his cultivation level had steadily improved for a while.

Honglin gradually came out of the sadness and fear, and his eyes returned to the cold color, but it was no longer the kind of cold that refused to be thousands of miles away.

"Let's go!"

The two went head-to-head, walking forward at the same pace.

Zi Xin and Shen Zhu quickly reached the last step and stepped on the altar at the same time.

Both of them were shocked, as if they were greatly compressed.

"No! Impossible, the blood of my Protoss is unmatched in the world, it is impossible to exclude me!"

Zi Xin's face changed drastically, her body was wrapped in the silver light, and her feet were slightly off the ground.

She angrily said: "Damn! If even I can't get the secret source, then what else do you need to exist?"

//No more today, good night everyone.

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