Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2729: Blood pupa, Tianshen Jue

The previous discomfort completely disappeared quickly, and Yang Qingxuan only felt immersed in the sea of ​​blood, still very comfortable, and even a kind of drowsy feeling.

He forcibly opened his eyes and found that Wu Qiyue and others were asleep.

Only Nan Dou Xing Jun, Gui Zang and other strong players were still practicing quietly and did not fall asleep.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly asked, "Can I sleep?"

Nan Dou Xing Jundao: "Yes, but I don't know how long I will sleep. I'm afraid that the world has a thousand years in the middle of the pond for seven days."

"Thousand years are just a thousand years. It's a good time to think about the troubles."

Yang Qingxuan slowly closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.

In a daze, I feel warm energy in all directions, turning into beads, pouring into my body, transforming my body.

This kind of transformation is very gentle and delicate. From every capillary blood hole to all flesh tissues, they are repaired, nourished, destroyed, and reorganized.

All of this is proceeding in subtle ways.

But this is only for Yang Qingxuan, because he has two divine bodies, and his flesh is already terrifying, so there are not many places where immortal blood can cut hair and cleanse the marrow.

But in other people's bodies, they are undergoing terrible transformations, even the internal organs sound, the skeletal muscles are broken every inch, and none of the blood vessels or acupoints are intact. They are completely destroyed by the immortal blood, and then reorganized and reborn.

Except for Yang Qingxuan, almost everyone was in distress, but they were wrapped in blood into a pupa, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get out of it and could only bear it helplessly.

Even Gui Zang turned into a huge blood man, stood in the blood pool, pinched the sacred mark, and entered the state of blood pupa.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Qingxuan came out of that extremely comfortable feeling, and began to regain awareness of his body little by little.

I found that my body did not know when, I had operated the Vajra Prajna Immortal Body and the Immortal Deity Body, and huge golden light and purple light poured out of the body.

In addition, there was a **** power, and a sealed formation appeared in the dantian, and then a trace of blood spread to the whole body.

"this is……"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and muttered to himself: "Immortal?"

This new force is contained in the blood and flesh, and although it is far inferior to the immortal body and the immortal body, it can indeed compete with the two. It is the prototype of the immortal body.

"Impossible! As long as you enter the blood pool and do nothing, you can condense the immortal body? If it was so simple, the immortal race would already dominate the universe."

Yang Qingxuan showed a suspicious look and slowly opened his eyes. Through the blood pupa, he saw the other people in the pool, who had already been wrapped tightly, standing one by one in the blood.

Yang Qingxuan flicked his body slightly, and the three powers of the divine body operated at the same time, each with a set of energy systems, which did not violate the harmony.

"What's the problem?"

Yang Qingxuan didn't believe that he had become immortal in such a simple way.

He pondered for a moment, and the immortal body's cultivation technique and the immortal body's nine gods technique flashed in his mind.

He took something out of the ring and held it in front of him.

It was when he left the Luofu realm that the iron scroll book Honglin gave him was the secret treasure of the Celestial Clan, the scroll brought down by Yu from the universe of the first generation.

Yang Qingxuan opened the booklet.

A strange power radiated from the inside, and the first thing that caught the eye was a few large characters: the first "Heavenly God Enlightenment".

Yang Qingxuan's heart moved, this text was full of agility, exuding a powerful force, and he was no stranger.

Yang Qingxuan gently stroked the words, feeling weird in his heart, and exclaimed: "Tianyu..."

It's a pity that Tianyu was dead and severely injured by the Shang Revolution. After Honglin killed the Shang Revolution, he directly killed Tianyu, returning to the text itself, and sucking it into the gods of this heaven.

These words are full of aura and domineering, but no one responded to him.

Tianyu, the spiritual consciousness of these words, has completely disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan sighed and began to read carefully.

A little bit of time passed, and after an unknown period of time, a blood pupa in the pool began to sway, and then with a "crash", it was torn apart by a force, and one person rushed out from the inside and flew directly ashore.

Then he sat cross-legged on the shore, pinching the tactics and practicing, holding a magic charm in his hand.

This person is Fu Ji.

Among all people, his cultivation base is the lowest, so he cuts the hair and cleans the marrow, and reshapes his body the fastest. After experiencing the pain of shattering and rebirth several times, he finally directly broke through the first level.

The endurance within the blood pupa has also reached its limit.

If he stayed any longer, he would be corrupted by the blood pond just like the undead people, turning into blood and blending into it.

Soon after, Shi Yan and others also began to pupa out one after another.

Although they haven't stayed for long, the transformation and effect on their bodies are huge. They are ecstatic, and they start practicing on the shore.

A few months later, more than half of the people came ashore from the pond.

Many people even enter the pool twice or three times.

But the effect of each entry into the pool is far worse than before.

Not only that, the energy in the blood pool was rapidly decreasing, and everyone felt it clearly.

This pool has been sealed for so many years, the energy has already flowed so much, and it has been absorbed by everyone, but there is no supplement, and it can only be consumed little by little.

After a few more months, more people came ashore.

There are only three blood pupae in the pool, Nan Dou Xing Jun, Gui Zang and Yang Qingxuan.

The three blood vortexes still revolve around the three, sending energy in continuously.

Even to the back, those who reentered the blood pool could not absorb much energy, and were all absorbed frantically by the three huge blood pupae.


Another blood chrysalis shattered, and Jun Nan Douxing rushed up and shouted: "Haha, cool!"

I saw that he was covered in blood. The moment he landed, he pinched his hand to draw all the power of blood into his body, but at the same time, he was stunned, staring at the two blood pupae in the pool, and his eyes fell. He came out and cried out, "This is impossible! Why is there someone behind me? This, who is this?"

He swept his gaze over the shore, and he knew which two people were missing, and he was stunned, feeling lost, and feeling frustrated in his heart.

He groaned and said: "Impossible. I have six drops of undead blood, and my physique has been transformed. In addition, I am still a treasure of the earth. It is already very impressive to be able to persist until now. The truth is behind me, is it possible that they are already dead inside?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was startled and worried.

Zi Yuan cursed: "You crow's mouth, don't talk nonsense! Brother Qingxuan won't die if you die, he's fine, in there."

After hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

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