Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2735: The end of the era of chaos, directly named

Yang Qingxuan said in amazement: "That...so..."

Jiangchen's complexion became solemn, and said: "If it is really as Diyi Master speculated, the problem will be serious. Do you know anything about Nirvana Time, Space and Sea?"

Yang Qingxuan let out a "um" and said, "The ruins of the universe, an extremely dangerous place, even the Lord of the Thousand Realms can hardly cross it, and will fall into it if you are not careful."

Jiang Chen said: "Then do you know how did the time, space and sea of ​​dying appear?"

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and said, "How did it happen? Isn't it the beginning of the universe?"

Jiangchen shook his head and said, "At the beginning of the universe, the south, east, north and west were connected together without any division. And the central universe, which is now the location of the dead space-time sea, is the core of the highest potential energy of the entire universe. The battle for hegemony was the heyday of the universe. At that time, it was the era of chaos. All warriors cultivated the power of chaos."

Zi Xin asked in shock: "Could it be the Amorous Consciousness of'evil'..."

Jiangchen sighed and nodded.

The hall suddenly became silent, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Yang Qingxuan only felt a little creepy, a consciousness directly ruined an era?

The dust said: "It was the Amorous Consciousness of'evil' that annihilated the Age of Chaos. But the Age of Chaos is after all the heyday of the powerful, and there is also the existence of Amorous Consciousness of'good', and everyone is finally united. Work together to suppress the body of the'evil' Amorous Consciousness in one place."

Yang Qingxuan exclaimed: "Kunxu!"

Jiangchen said: "It's Kunxu! But I never expected that the body of the evil Amorous Consciousness was suppressed, and I actually escaped with consciousness. Now the Emperor Yi wants to figure out that this is Whether the evil Amorous consciousness outside is the main consciousness or the discriminating consciousness, it escaped when it was suppressed, or it escaped later. If it leaves later, the problem will be more serious, indicating that the seal of Kunxu is completely abolished."

Yang Qingxuan's face was a little ugly, and said: "Master Jiang Chen said just now that I will go to Nirvana Time and Space Sea soon. Wouldn't it be me to see?"

Jiang Chen said: "Exactly, but not completely."

Yang Qingxuan: "...Is your lord joking?"

The dust said: "No kidding at all. The situation in Kunxu is very similar to the situation in the universe. It cannot accommodate too strong force to pass through, otherwise it will destroy the sealing barrier. And the entrance that Master Yi can open is the most The strength of a strong passer cannot exceed the seven-star thousand realms."

Yang Qingxuan's face turned pale, and said: "I only have four stars and a thousand realms. The universe is so big. It is enough to find hundreds of six-star thousand realms peaks, all of which are more suitable than me."

Jiangchen looked at him, smiled and said: "You are the Lord Di Yi directly named."

Yang Qingxuan: "..."

Chen Jiang said: "There is indeed nothing more suitable than you, and you can rest assured that there are still many people walking with you. Emperor Yi is going to gather a hundred talented experts from the four universe planes for training, and then send them to Kunming. Ruins. And the realm of this hundred people is required to be below the six-star thousand realms."

Yang Qingxuan wondered: "Why is it under the six-star thousand realms, isn't it seven-star?"

Chen Jiang said: "Because in the training of Nirvana Time, Space and Sea, the six-star thousand realms are likely to break through the seven stars. In order to avoid doing useless work, the realm is defined under the six stars. After the training, the possibility of breaking through the seven stars is not great. ."

Yang Qingxuan said: "How can it be so easy to cross the seven-star thousand realms? Mr. Di Yi has been thinking too much."

Chen Jiang said: "No, under the tutelage of Mr. Di Yi, the possibility of stepping into the seven-star thousand realms is extremely high. So do you realize that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With your talent in the past, although it is only four-star now, but When I come back, maybe it will be six or even seven."

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Why is there such an exaggeration?"

Dust dust said: "The four universes in the southeast, northwest and northwest have each given 250 places. A total of 1,000 people participated in the training camp."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Why are there so many? Isn't it only a hundred people?"

Jiangchen grinned, showing his white teeth, and said: "Because nine hundred people may die during the training camp."

Yang Qingxuan: "...I think it's better for me to stay in the Southern League and practice steadily."

Jiangchen smiled and said: "You really don't plan to go? Being able to be trained by Master Di Yi, but it is something that countless geniuses dream of. In the other three universes, these quotas have all been broken. If Master Yi did not name you, this I want to sell a lot of money."

Yang Qingxuan sighed: "I am naturally willing to be able to increase my strength quickly. After all, my parents are still in the hands of the teacher. It's just that this matter is far more involved than I imagined, and it's a bit difficult to digest for a while."

Jiangchen also sighed and said: "Don't talk about you, even I am extremely depressed. It is not good where this head teacher appears, when it is not good, but it will appear in the southern universe, and it is when I preside over the situation. Come out, so sad."

Yang Qingxuan said, "In addition to discovering the interior of Kunxu, what do Emperor Yi and Lord Jiangchen plan to do next?"

Jiangchen said solemnly: "Mr. Di Yi will never allow the evil Amorous Consciousness to wander out. He must do everything possible to suppress it. To find out this Amorous Consciousness, Red Feather is the key. "

Zi Xin said: "And looking for Hongyu, Xuantianji is the key. Finding Xuantianji, you are the key again."

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "You guys don't hold too much hope. It is easy for him to find me, but it is really difficult for me to find him. I can only try my best."

The dust said: "This person has the talent of the heavens and the earth, the unfathomable supernatural powers. Such a person has never been discovered, which proves the terribleness of this person. If you find him, you must notify me as soon as possible. At the same time, talk about it today. Don’t spread it out so as not to cause unnecessary incidents."

Yang Qingxuan said: "I understand."

Jiang Chen said: "Next, there are some things about the Protoss. I have discussed with the Great God King for a long time. In the future, I will try my best to tilt the resources and rules of the Protoss to make the Protoss stronger."

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and couldn't help but feel weird inside. Even Zixin and the master of the deep were incomprehensible.

With the current situation of the Protoss, the Alliance should be jealous and suppressive. How could it be the opposite.

Hong Xiao smiled and said: "You don't have to guess the thoughts of Master Jiang Chen. The biggest problem in the alliance today is the external trouble of the sect, not the internal worries. In the future, my protoss will be the backbone of the sect. First, because the protoss is already strong enough. The second reason is that the Protoss technique cannot accommodate the evil Amorous Consciousness, which is not at odds with its natural power."

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