Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2737: The power of the gods, the whole story

The axe was in a trance, and his body seemed to be broken and broken.

Cao Lan said: "This is the original body of the super mysterious space, an ancient treasure from the Chaos Era. After being broken, the inner space is exposed little by little, forming a unique existence now."

After speaking, five fingers and one grasp.

The axe shrank rapidly, and then the entire picture shrank rapidly, and countless stars and galaxies retreated inside, and soon took on the shape of the entire animal husbandry area.

Cao Lan stretched out his hand lightly, and a red dot appeared on the graph of the animal husbandry area boundary, showing a series of numbers on it, exactly the matrix coordinates.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed, and he wrote down the series of numbers, and his eyes shot cold and severe.

Zi Xin said: "Don't be anxious, take the long view."

Yang Qingxuan's face was pale, and he said coldly: "I've been waiting for so long, and I can stand this last time."

The master of the deep said: "I have a plan."


The secret room of the Purple God Palace.

Yang Qingxuan sat cross-legged quietly, holding the iron book "Tian Shen Jue" in his hands, gently turning the pages.

Pieces of text inside flashed in my mind.

At this point, he has completed all nine of his training. Although there are signs of the immortal body of the gods, there is still no complete concept.

Yang Qingxuan carefully read the first piece of the Heavenly God Enlightenment Urn, slowly, his mind gradually melted into it, and soon reached a state of no self.

Suddenly, a strange force emerged from the iron scroll and flowed into Yang Qingxuan's body little by little.

With a blessed heart, Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes in surprise, feeling this vast force, like a vast ocean, quickly covering his whole body.

From the sea chakra, he had a similar power response, forming a small vortex, continuously spinning and unraveling, as if the power originally buried deep in the body was opened up little by little.

Then the power went upstream to the manipura chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow chakra, and crown chakra, and then rushed out of the top of the head into the Sanskrit chakra.

Since then, all the chakras have been opened, the energy has flowed through the whole body, and a force of force gushes out of the Brahma Chakra above the head, connecting the entire universe.

Yang Qingxuan's mind suddenly became clear.

The iron scroll in front of me suddenly grew bigger, and then flipped the page in the space in front of me, and as countless characters flashed, they flew out of it.

Even those chapters that have disappeared, such as "Seventy-Two Changes", "Tai Xuan Sword Chapter", etc., all reappeared, and each character flew out, merged into the void in front, and began to rearrange and combine. .

Yang Qingxuan was surprised, "This is..."

The power that inspires these characters is also the power that directly opens the chakras in one's own body and connects to the universe. Under the avenue, it is much more powerful than ordinary true essence.

"The power of the gods."

This word appeared in Yang Qingxuan's mind inexplicably, and he didn't understand why he knew it was the power of the gods, but he knew it truly.

Those characters are rearranged in the air, seeming to deduct a more mysterious road.

Soon, part of the content was deduced, hovering over the void, no longer changing.

Yang Qingxuan read it carefully, and every word contained extremely strong power, which exploded directly in his mind, the shaking nerves were numb, and his brain was aching.

"What scripture is this!"

After Yang Qingxuan read a few words, he was dripping with cold sweat, his face was pale, as if he had been emptied of his true essence.

But he gritted his teeth and continued reading.

There is a strange feeling in my heart, if I give up this time, I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to read this sutra.

Fortunately, the speed of the permutation and combination of those characters is slow enough. It seems that the appearance of every character is only after the infinite series of permutations and deductions.

Yang Qingxuan had enough time to adjust himself, and at the same time, he took out a large amount of medicine and swallowed it desperately so that he could bear the impact of this scripture.

But at this moment, a sign of auspiciousness appeared in the sky above God's Palace.

The purple qi was engulfed and turned into a thousand red mist, circling over the mansion.

From time to time, there are words manifested.

Every word flashed and disappeared immediately. The martial artist with insufficient cultivation level couldn't see what it was. Under forced identification, all the brains roared, and the viscera was shattered, and the Qi pulse was disordered.

"what is this?!"

In the Palace of the Gods, Jiang Chen and others all looked at the flashing words, one by one in amazement.

Zi Xin exclaimed: "Tian Shen Jue!"

She has mastered three Tianshen tactics. Although the words that appeared on the void were different from what she had read, the feeling was exactly the same, but the words on the void were much stronger.

"What a terrible divine tactic, it is worthy of being one of the four great divine bodies. This should be a complete divine tactic, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a power."

Hong Xiao's face was full of envy.

This is a divine art that can be cultivated to the eternal supreme realm, and it is the supreme treasure in this universe.

No one will stay unmoved.

The Master of the Deep murmured to himself: "It's too rare, too rare! Such sutras are passed down to the world, and most of them are stubbles. It doesn't matter if you start practicing, but the more the later, the more the disadvantages of the stubbles appear Even if only a few words are missing, it may lead to hopeless follow-up diligence."

Zi Xin immediately thought of the "Supreme Reincarnation Gong" she had practiced.

It was because of the incompleteness that caused the cultivation base to hesitate, not only that, but also a huge emergency sign appeared, which made him have to retreat for many years to suppress the backlash caused by incomplete cultivation.

In order to prevent his body from being completely dead if something went wrong, he tried a way to separate the clone of Zixia and save his own life.

It was not until the full version of "Supreme Reincarnation Gong" was obtained from Xuan Tianji that the stubborn illness and internal injuries accumulated in the body were resolved and started to go on the right track.

It is evident from this that with the profound cultivation of the purple heart and the extraordinary talents, it is impossible to cultivate the residual foundation.

Cao Lan smiled bitterly: "Let him make some movement, but he can't think of making such a huge movement. He won't really start to retreat, right?"

Honglin looked at the purple aura and felt the shock of the Tianshen Jue text, and said calmly: "No, even if the breakthrough is imminent, he will stop and save his parents."

Yang Qingxuan didn't know that he unintentionally revealed the entire Tianshen Jue, leading to such a huge vision, shaking the entire Wuyu City.

At this moment, I am still immersed in the study of words, digesting those words one by one in my mind.

What he didn't notice was that his body began to change, just sitting there quietly, it grew thousands of times bigger, and it continued to grow bigger.

Just when the last word appeared, and the entire Tianshen Jue appeared empty, Yang Qingxuan saw the last word.

There was a "boom" in my mind, and then the entire huge body crashed into pieces, turning into purple dust in the sky, spinning rapidly in the air.

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