Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2739: Darkness Chen Cang, synthetic monster

"Otherwise I don't have to have such a headache."

Jiang Chen patted his head, full of distress, and said, "But don't worry too much. It's not that easy for him to kill me. Now let's discuss the rescue of Qingxuan's parents."

Cao Lan said: "I don't think the noble essence is too expensive. The strongest person in the super profound space is only the peak of the six-star thousand realms. We should send five six-star thousand realms to the peak."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, and said, "Okay, then add me, there are six people in total. This way, you can avoid being stunned."

Zi Xin said: "Just in case, I, Qingsheng and Baifu, and I took people to respond in the super mysterious space."

In order to rescue the two, Jiang Chen, Cao Lan and others personally planned, and Zi Xin and other three **** kings responded. Only Yang Qingxuan can enjoy such treatment in the world.

The next day, a shocking news spread in Wuyu City, saying that Yang Qingxuan had understood the cultivation method of the immortal body of the gods, and then began to retreat and practice with all his strength.

The guards in front of Cangxuanzong and the gate of the King of God's Mansion were suddenly strengthened, and even in the void near the two places, a powerful aura could be felt from time to time.

As long as you get close to these two places, there is a sense of shock.

According to legend, the Purple Heart God King sent five seven-star thousand worlds and five six-star thousand world peaks, a total of ten people to protect Yang Qingxuan, so that he could study and cultivate the immortal body of the gods at ease.

There was a five-star thousand realm who was arguing with people not far from Cangxuanzong. He wanted to use force. Just after the real essence was activated, a terrible aura shot out from the void. Without any signs, he directly shook it out, booming. Seriously injured.

Coupled with the terrifying and bizarre visions that Yang Qingxuan's previous practice led to, so far no one doubted the truth of the matter, and the news once again flew to all parts of the animal husbandry sea area.

At this moment, a Pippi shrimp was walking inconspicuously on the street, and then disappeared into the crowd.

A few days later, Yang Qingxuan and five other six-star thousand-world powerhouses converged on a planet outside the Protoss domain, entered the teleportation array, and headed to the area where the super mysterious space was located.


Somewhere in the animal husbandry area, a dark place.

I couldn't see my fingers, and the nearest Xinghui was light years away.

Only when the meteorite struck in the dark night collides occasionally, can it explode some light.

Yang Qingxuan held the fixed astrolabe and measured the space coordinates, staring into the darkness with fiery eyes, looking for the location of the super mysterious space.

Soon, he sensed the strange spatial energy, which was huge as far as the eye could see. It was exactly the shape of an axe, quietly sinking in the darkness, silently.

Zi Ri whispered: "This super profound space has not completely burst out and merged into the universe. Most of it is still in the form of an axe. We try to suppress the breath and enter one by one to avoid unnecessary detection."

The five six-star Thousand Realms who followed Yang Qingxuan, in addition to Zi Ri, also had Hongzhou, Honggu, Qinglun, and Junqian.

Among them, Ziri, Honggu, and Qinglun are all powerhouses at the peak of the six-star thousand realms, and Hongzhou is the late six-star thousand realms.

After Jun Qian entered the first-generation Luofu realm, he broke through in retreat and has reached the elementary level of the six-star thousand realms, but with his talent as a king, even if he is on the peak of the six-star thousand realms, he will not fall behind.

And in order to keep it as confidential as possible, they are all sent out from the strongest tribes of purple, blue and red.

Hong Gu said: "Since there is energy detection, we should be careful and separate the time of entry, and enter two people every day for three days."

Yang Qingxuan's breathing was a bit short, but he soon calmed down, knowing that at this moment, he needs an unprecedented calmness, and immediately nodded and said: "It's so good."

The six people exchanged a little bit, Yang Qingxuan and Jun Qian each took out a white cloak, put a cover on their bodies, suppressed the breath as much as possible, and walked towards the super profound space, then blended into it a little bit before disappearing.

The white cloak is a treasure that hides and suppresses the breath. Although everyone's cultivation is not up to the seven-star level to be detected, they still have to be careful and prepare a lot of details.

When passing through the super profound space barrier, I clearly felt the increase in energy, and I walked a distance of hundreds of meters before passing through that barrier and entering inside.

Both of them are very novel, and inside is a dilapidated world, just like those worlds that have fallen into five declines, there is no vitality and future.

But the lean camel is bigger than a horse, and its energy is still very abundant, much richer than the central world of the sky star field.

Yang Qingxuan glanced around with fiery and golden eyes, frowned suddenly, and said, "There are monsters?"

Jun Qian also sensed some powerful auras, and smiled bitterly: "Where there is energy, it is easy to gather and give birth to monsters, but fortunately, they are not too strong."

In the gray void ahead, a group of bat-like monsters burst out and there were more than a dozen of them. They were all bat wings with exposed fangs. As soon as their wings spread, various runes appeared on them, all of them "swish". Disappeared in place.

"Wind attribute rules."

Yang Qingxuan said softly.

The two figures moved at the same time and shot to both sides.

Yang Qingxuan waved his halberd and cleaved the void with a sound of "wow," and several screams came from inside, and blood spread directly in the air.

Jun Qian also grabbed with five fingers, a mass of energy in his hand, like a long whip, directly inserted-into the void, and then walked along, directly **** all the batmen, gently shake the whip, just " With a sound, all the Batmen were crushed.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly sniffed his nose gently, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and a cloud of blood flew over. It was the blood of those bats that turned above his palm, shrinking and being refined.

Soon after, the blood was broken up into two groups, one bright and one dark, exuding different auras.

Jun Qian asked in shock: "This is human blood?"

The bright blood is human blood, while the dark blood, which emits a pungent smell and demon, is the blood of the bat demon.

After practicing "Blood Nerves", Yang Qingxuan became very sensitive to blood. After killing the bats with a halberd, he noticed that there was a problem with their blood.

Under refining, it really splits up.

Yang Qingxuan said, "These batmen are all humans and have been transformed into batmen."

Jun Qian's heart shook violently. There was such a transformation monster here. One can imagine who did it. He said in shock, "What the **** is the head teacher doing?!"

On the contrary, Yang Qingxuan looked calm, without any waves, and said: "Since we are going to refine things that enhance talents, it is not surprising to study the talents and energies of the major races. It is justified to make a few synthetic monsters easily. Up."

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