Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2755: Break through the sky and go for a long time

The ghost hiding body flashed forward and said coldly: "Trash, I have been arrogant in front of this seat for so long, go to hell!"

The sword directly pierced the dantian of Yu.

Those sharp ghost eyes seemed to see through everything inside, the ghost sword went straight into the body, slashing towards the palm inside to teach the will.


A tyrannical force exploded from within Yu's body, shook the ghost sword directly.

Gui Zang was horrified, half of his body holding the sword was numb, and he was shocked to recede.

In that sword mark, in addition to the burst shot-out of power, there was also an angry roar.

Yang Qingxuan's second soul was even more dazed, and his body contained the ten most powerful martial souls. Before being sealed by the master's rune, he didn't feel anything. As soon as the rune was scattered, he felt a sense of explosion.

The newly born Lingying seemed to use the second soul as its mother body, and would burst him.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, the second soul rushed out of Yuzhi's body and returned to the body at the same time as the one soul and three souls, and then became one with the soul of the deity.

Numerous golden characters flashed on the body.

It is the operation of the Celestial Art that uses the power of the Celestial God to suppress the spiritual shadow of the ten great martial souls.

At this moment, Yu Zhi's body shook, and a "bang" shook, shattering the vacuum on all sides, and everything in the world collapsed into that body.

Everyone was shocked, and they were constantly sucked in.

But just for an instant, under the shock again, the suction was completely gone, and Yu's body also disappeared in place.

"What? Shattered the vacuum and left?"

Zi Ri and Hong Gu are both big hacks.

Gui Zang frowned and said, "Have you been snatched away by the head teacher? No, my sword has already crushed the head teacher's will."

Yang Qingxuan pinched the tactics with both hands, sitting vacantly, with a solemn expression: "It is not the will of the master, but the will of Yu himself. After the ten martial arts are fused, they return to Yu's spirit and spirit. Will, separate from the fusion of the ten great martial souls. Now the spirit and spirit is still in my second soul, and because of this, I can temporarily suppress these four powers, otherwise I will add will , I'm really dead."

Guizang said: "So, it's a shame that the body of the half-step supreme, no matter in any cosmic plane, is something that makes people crazy. I don't know where the will and the body are going. The head teacher will definitely not give up."

The space became quiet, and all around was dilapidated, all kinds of chaotic energy surged.

Yang Qingxuan felt an inexplicable sorrow in his heart. Although Ning Qingyao was saved, Yang Yunjing was killed by the head teacher, and the good family went back together.

Xuan Tianji seemed to see through his mind and said, "Don't worry, Yang Yunjing, I have sent him into reincarnation, and there will be a goodbye in the future."

Yang Qingxuan said with joy: "Really?"

Xuantianji smiled faintly and said, "Of course, his travel expenses are the magic rune."

After speaking, the figure flashed and turned into a escape.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious and shouted, "Don't go!"

There is still no whereabouts of Hongyu's incident, and it's hard to see it once, but it's about to be separated.

"Who don't leave?"

A deserted voice came from the void.

Then Zi Xin, Qing Sheng, and Bai Fu emerged, all staring at everything around them in surprise.

Zi Xin raised her head and looked at the direction Xuan Tianji was leaving. She seemed to have a feeling, and said, "It's the fluctuation of the power of reincarnation. It was Xuan Tianji that just escaped?"

Seeing Yang Qingxuan nodded, Zi Xin furiously said: "Damn! Let him run away again. Is there any whereabouts about Hongyu?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "I'm about to ask."

Without saying a word, Zi Xin chased after it directly into a streamer. Although knowing that the hope of catching up was slim, she still couldn't swallow this breath.

Qing Sheng said, "I'm afraid this super mysterious space has collapsed. Let's go back first."

Immediately sacrificed the Super Space-Time Shuttle, took everyone into it, and headed towards Luofu.

Bai Fu stayed, dealt with some funeral affairs, collected useful information and so on.


A few days later, Yang Qingxuan and others returned to Luofu's Desireless City.

Zi Xin also returned in the next few days, naturally nothing.

After Ning Qingyao passed out of her faint, she was rescued by a master from the Palace of Gods. After learning that Yang Yunjing was sent into the land of reincarnation by Xuan Tianji, she calmed down a bit and began to practice in retreat to get rid of all the things left by her master. Kind of experimental imprint.

Yang Qingxuan also entered the retreat urgently after a brief arrangement.

He suppressed the ten great martial spirits and condensed the essence and spirit, has reached the limit, is in a very dangerous situation, and the second soul may fall at any time.

In the secret room, the second soul instantly merged with the deity.

The sense of explosion only slightly eased.

But this grafted the risk to the soul of the deity, and once a problem occurred, Yang Qingxuan himself would be gone.

Fortunately, he mastered the entire Tianshen Jue, pinched the seal of the Jue with his hand, and the complete Tianshen Jue text appeared in his mind. The power of the heavens flowed through the body, temporarily stabilizing half of Yu's spirit and spirit.

In the next time, he maintained a single movement, maintained the power of the gods, and digested the ten martial souls little by little.

It didn't take long for the second soul to directly break through to the peak of the three-star thousand worlds after absorbing a large amount of martial soul power.

Half a month later, the second soul once again broke through the four-star thousand realms barrier and entered the elementary stage of the four-star thousand realms.

After another half a month, the power of that martial soul merged in half, reaching the middle level of the four-star thousand realms.

After another three months, the second soul broke through again, reaching the same realm as the deity, the late four-star thousand realms.

The ten great martial spirits have not been completely absorbed and digested, and the second soul's diligence is still continuing.

Yang Qingxuan was very surprised, surprised and delighted, and didn't know whether such a breakthrough was good or bad.

But the thrill of this rapid breakthrough, like an addiction, can't stop at all.

At this time, the risk of the ten major martial arts exploding almost completely disappeared.

It is only a matter of time before being completely absorbed.

Yang Qingxuan's ontological realm, after the second soul surpassed the realm of the deity, was greatly driven and slowly climbed upward.

Ten days later, the power of the ten martial souls was completely absorbed by the second soul, and once again broke through one level, surpassed the existence of the deity, and reached the peak of the four-star thousand realms.

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed to look out, and what the second soul had gained was not only a direct improvement in his realm, but also a large number of memory fragments that poured into his mind little by little.

They are all about Yu's life memory. Although messy, upside-down, and one-sided, Yang Qingxuan has obtained a lot of information, and a lot of it is about the universe of the first generation.

Many things in it shocked him.

However, with his own strength, it is too early to travel to the Great Universe of the First Generation. You can only seal up your memory first, and open it again if you have a chance in the future.

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