Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2782: Brahma without knowledge, strange Montenegro

The old ghost said: "That woman seems to be of royal blood?"

Yun Wuji nodded and said: "Yes, she is my sister."


Everyone in the hall was surprised.

Yun Wuji said: "My sister is extremely talented, and she is not under me. Back then, after hundreds of years of retreat, she disappeared. Unexpectedly, she was in the Southern Universe, and her cultivation level fell so badly. What happened."

Yiyixi said, "Congratulations, my lord and my sister met."

Yun Wuji nodded and said: "Everyone has their own fate. In fact, she lives or die is fate. I was sad for a while, and then I looked away. There is no sadness or joy at the moment, but I feel surprised."

Yiyi smiled and said, "Then congratulations to your lord for entering the state of selflessness and emotionlessness."

Yun Wuji smiled faintly, and said, "When these boys come out of the training camp, I don't know what year and month it was. I don't plan to recognize her for the time being. I don't know if Master Yi summoned us to come. What's the matter?"

Old Ghost Abi and Dong Ion both listen with vertical ears.

Yiyi glanced at the palace and said, "Master should be about the same, the three of you will come with me."

Just about to enter, suddenly Di Yi's voice came, "No need."

There was a slight regular turbulence in space in the main hall, and Emperor Yi appeared.

"I have seen Lord Emperor Yi."

All four of Yun Wuji clasped their fists.

Yiyi also shouted: "Master." He walked over and stood behind Emperor Yi.

Emperor Yi glanced at the water curtain and said: "I heard your talk, Yang Qingxuan should have mastered a trace of power."

Several people were surprised: "How is this possible?"

Emperor Yi said: "It's nothing strange. Although it's almost impossible, as long as you live long enough, you can encounter anything with a small probability. Since the ages, he is not the only one who can master a trace of the power of the Great Dao. It’s not a good sign that the person in charge of the power of the great power has appeared."

Dong Ion said: "My lord means that something abnormal must be a demon?"

Emperor Yi nodded and said: "Exactly."

With a wave of his hand, the hall shone with brilliance, and a stone bed appeared, slowly landing.

A man in red was calm, as if he was asleep, lying inside.

Old Ghost Abi pondered: "This person is? It seems familiar..."

Emperor Yi said: "Southern Universe Alliance, the first generation of great **** Wang Hongyu."

"It's him!"

Several people were taken aback.

Yun Wu Ji said: "He seems to be incomplete."

Di Yi raised his eyes in surprise, and said, "What can you see?"

Yun Wuji stepped forward, gently placed his hand on Hong Yu's body, a circle of azure blue light spread, and soon enveloped Hong Yu's body.

Her power of release is the most peaceful force in the universe and will not cause harm to Hong Yu.

"It feels very strange. It is obvious that a complete person is here, but it gives me a sense of incompleteness, as if something is missing."

Yun Wu Ji Liu frowned, sinking into deep thought.

"The future is missing."

Di Yi said.

Several people were taken aback for a moment, and the old ghost Abi suddenly exclaimed: "The technique of three bodies?!"

Emperor Yi nodded and said, "It is the technique of the Three Body, he was forcibly dismantled from the future body."

The old ghost Abi said in shock: "Who has such a supernatural power?"

Di Yi slowly said: "I have a certain guess about the identity of this person, but it may not be accurate. It seems that the teaching is more serious than I thought. Look carefully at Hong Yu's past and present."

Dong Ion said, "Don't look at it, it's Amorous."

Yun Wu Ji said in shock: "Brahma!"

Di Yi looked solemn and said, "It is the evil Amora who knows Brahma! Now we have to clarify a few questions: 1. Is this Amora consciousness on the outside a discernment of Brahma or its body? 2. How did this Amorous Consciousness appear? Was it negligent and escaped back then, or later came out of Kunxu. 3. Now this realization has mastered how much power. I trained the geniuses of the four universes, One is to allow them to enter the Kunxu market to find out the truth, and the other is to cultivate strength for all kinds of unexpected events that may happen in the future. The first and third points just mentioned are the purpose of my calling you here."

Several people looked at each other.

The old ghost said: "Since this Brahma Wu has not fully demonstrated his power yet, it proves that he has self-knowledge and has not yet obtained the strength to compete with us. It should be fine to let Jiangchen investigate this matter?"

Emperor Yi said: "Wait for him to show it, I'm afraid it will be too late. Chen Chen already has a lot of information in his hands, and the few enemies currently known are all powerful men in the southern universe. And this name is called the master of teaching, It was Fu Zhen, the patriarch of the Fu clan at the time. I plan to use the power of thunder and thunderbolt to obliterate all the people and information that have been exposed! Then follow the clues to dig deeper, and I must use all the consciousness of Fanwu Erase and suppress!"

The old ghost said: "Understood, since it involves Brahma, it is natural not to be careless. The three of us will rush to the southern universe to cooperate with the dust.

Emperor Yi nodded and said, "I hope it's not too late."

The three immediately clasped their fists, then broke through the air.

Di Yi looked at the red feather on the stone bed, his eyes flickered, and he shot out two radiances, and he disappeared with one wave of his sleeves.

Only Xiang Wutang and Yiyi remained in the hall.

Xiang Wuxian just listened slightly to what had just happened, and now he looked at the water curtain again, with his hands folded on his chest, his eyelids half-closed, as if he was not looking.


He suddenly let out a surprise, stretched out his hand and shook in front of him, a space was rapidly enlarged, and the scene inside was fully revealed...

It was Yang Qingxuan who flew in the canyon and came to the foot of a big mountain.

The mountain was dark, exuding a deep life.

"The aura here is a bit strange, mixing the power of chaos and death, and there is a strong demon."

Yang Qingxuan looked at the mountain, showing hesitation.

In addition to the geniuses from all walks of life, the danger in this Fengyun Canyon is also the monster in the Canyon itself.

After he got out of the green area, he followed the breath of the power of chaos to search for it, and encountered various monsters and monsters along the way, and they were all terrifying.

Among them, he also encountered a five-star and thousand-world monster. After fighting a few times, he found that it was difficult to win in the short term, so he ran away in a hurry without too much entanglement.

The energy level of this Black Mountain is far superior to other places, so Yang Qingxuan was attracted.

"This mountain is not too big, let's take a look, I don't believe it will be trapped in it."

The first thing Yang Qingxuan needs to look for is the condensing point of the Qi of Chaos. This kind of energy is very likely to appear.

He swept directly into the mountain.

There are all kinds of strange plants growing along the way, which seem to be affected by the energy of the Black Mountain, which is different from other places in the canyon.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked ahead abruptly. A familiar figure was standing on a boulder, holding a gold book in his hand, as if thinking about something.

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