Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2784: Don't have a cave

Gui Zang said: "Di Yi, these people are the pinnacles of this universe. I will naturally not stupidly run out to find death. Fortunately, the connection between me and you is not the sacred space. I am afraid that everyone is Unexpectedly."

Yang Qingxuan gave an "um" and said, "From your perspective, what do you think is the matter with Black Mountain?"

Guizang said: "It is indeed like the space of the dead world, but here is clearly the Chaos Continent, and no intersection of space has been found. You can take a closer look with your eyes and golden eyes. Especially in these black dead grass, this kind of death can be maximized. Isolate the spiritual sense and spiritual eyes."

Yang Qingxuan said: "In this case, I will overdo these things."

He took out a storage bag and collected a large amount of black dead grass. Although he couldn't use it, it was extremely precious and might be useful in the future.

Then let out a fire to burn all the remaining black dead grass into ashes.

Sure enough, many things appeared on the ground, some weapon remains and some bones.

Those bones had been in death for so many years, and they were burned by the fire of the net karma, but they have not been melted away. It can be seen that the owner of the bones was strong before his life.

Yang Qingxuan's face was dignified, and his fiery eyes kept analyzing the space and the structure of the cave in all directions. Suddenly, a black air swayed in front of him, causing slight energy fluctuations in the space seen in his eyes, and then he returned to normal.

Yang Qingxuan stepped forward, stared at the space for a while, then stretched out his hand and probed forward slightly, as if he had touched something, a powerful death energy flowed through his body like an electric current.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and was sucked in by that force.

The three major divine bodies were urged to the extreme in an instant, and the night emperor armor also covered his body for the first time.

After being squeezed by a tremendous amount of lifelessness, with a "boom", he rushed into a white space.

There is a flow of white energy all around.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and he was ecstatic, "Chaos!"

The white energy in the sky is the Qi of Chaos, extremely pure, and there is no trace of death and spiritual energy.

Gui Zang was also very surprised, and said, "What's going on? There is something in such a rich life."

Yang Qingxuan couldn't figure it out, but he thought instantly that this place must be the dot depicted on the map of Zhou Chu.

"Never mind! This place is exactly what I dream of."

Yang Qingxuan calmed his ecstatic heart, and checked all directions with his spiritual sense and spiritual eyes, and there was no problem.

Then the second soul rushed out from the body, holding two ancient treasures, sitting cross-legged not far away, protecting the deity.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand, took out the yin and yang mirror, placed it on the top of his palm, and began to use the Qi of Chaos here to sacrifice the treasure mirror.

The deity's hand pinches the Jue seal, sits cross-legged in the void, desperately absorbing the chaotic air, filling the whole body with indescribable excitement and comfort.

With the passage of time, those chaotic air still gently attached to the surface of the body, forming a layer of faint crystals.

From a distance, it looks like a beautiful white statue.

The second soul in front of him let the Yin Yang mirror levitate in front of him, constantly vomiting chaotic energy, forming fingerprints, and marking it on the mirror surface to interpret and analyze the restrictions on it.

In the palace in front of the dormitory area, looking at the water curtain silently, it only showed the cracks that were burned by Yang Qingxuan, and could no longer penetrate into it.

Xiang Wu's right hand kept stroking on the water curtain, trying to penetrate the scene into the cave, the scene quickly became blurred, and finally nothing was seen.

Yiyi said: "The death of this Black Zongshan Mountain is too heavy to block the Skylight Cloud Shadow Technique, let alone in the inner cave." She was a little worried: "Yang Qingxuan will not have an accident inside, right?"

Xiang Wuxian said: "I have been in for so long, I am afraid that I have already entered the place. There will be no accidents inside, but..."

Yiyi knew what he wanted to say, and said in surprise, "What should I do?"

Xiang Wuxian snorted: "What can I do? Life or death depends on his fate."

With a light grab with his right hand, the scene of the water curtain returned to the Black Zongshan Mountain again, as if invisible and about to look elsewhere, suddenly he found three figures flying by and straight into the mountain.

One of them was Zhou Chu, and the other two had a fierce face and a violent aura, and their faces were not good. They were the heavenly dragons and earth tigers among the geniuses in the west.

The three are extremely famous in the Western Universe, and they act arrogantly and domineeringly. They can even be said to be rampant. What they want to do makes the Western factions extremely troublesome, so they have the title of "three evils".

The three people's cultivation bases have always gone hand-in-hand, and they didn't agree with each other. After several appointments, they became friends instead. Zhou Chu was slightly stronger and was respected as the boss.

"Boss, Yang Qingxuan is afraid that he has already left, right?"

The three flew to the place where they were fighting and looked around.

Zhou Chu's face turned gloomy and black, and gritted his teeth: "Look around! If he is still there, he must be divided to avenge his previous revenge!"

The three separated instantly.

It didn't take long for the earth tiger to hear a voice, shouting: "There are traces of fire here."

The other two flew over, standing in front of the slit, looking at the deep cave inside.

Zhou Chu felt the burnt marks around him, gritted his teeth and said, "Jingye Tianhuo! It was Yang Qingxuan who burned it. Go, go in and take a look."

The three of them entered the cave separately, raised their vigilance to the maximum, and walked carefully to the end, except for the bones and weapon fragments on the ground, they found nothing.

Tianlong said: "Things may have been taken by Yang Qingxuan."

Zhou Chu had a cold face, looking at the burnt marks in the cave, and said coldly: "Yang Qingxuan! I must kill you, otherwise I will not be a man!"

Tianlong said: "Boss, what should I do now?"

Earth Tiger suddenly said: "I don't think Yang Qingxuan necessarily got the thing. You feel the death aura here, it is extremely rich, it is the core of the whole mountain. If that thing is taken away by Yang Qingxuan, the death aura should dissipate. That's right."

This sentence reminded both of them that they were both surprised and lucky.

Zhou Chu said: "Earth Tiger is right. That thing is extremely secretive. Although Yang Qingxuan has a map, he doesn't write anything on it. He doesn't know what's going on with the Black Zongshan Mountain. I am afraid that after finding this cave, he finds that there is nothing. Just set a fire on the mountain and left."

The three looked at each other and said in unison: "Look carefully!"

Then the three separated at once and searched carefully in the cave.

Yang Qingxuan clearly sensed things outside in that strange space, and the deity entered into the cultivation breakthrough with all his heart. The second soul frowned, glanced away, and saw the situation outside clearly.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart. Where did I enter? Could the treasure that these three people were looking for be this space?

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