Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2791: Burial ground, possessed by the dead

Luo Tinglan said: "Unexpectedly, the death aura of tracking is emitted from them."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Continue to track the dead spirit."

A fire burned all the bodies of the Ji family disciples.

Qin Xiaoyu was silent for a while.

After all, they are all six kings, and they feel sad.

So far, three of the six kings have died, and only Qin Xiaoyu, Jun Qian and Chen Tianshu are left.

Luo Tinglan felt for a while and said: "Follow me!"

The three continued to flee forward.

I don't know how big this Fengyun Canyon is. On the road, I occasionally encounter one or two people, showing a vigilant color, deliberately keeping a distance with them to avoid conflicts or accidents.

Half a day later, a powerful death spirit came oncoming from the front.

Even Yang Qingxuan and Qin Xiaoyu clearly perceive them.

The lifelessness is even worse than the Black Zongshan Mountain.

"This is a cemetery!"

The three of them flew down in front and stepped into a gloomy aura. At first glance, one by one, the soil envelopes bulged, like tombs.

There is a tombstone in front of some soil bags, while most of them are empty and buried at will.

Moreover, there are pits and craters all over the cemetery, which are newly emerging soil.

Qin Xiaoyu said in surprise: "There is a ginseng here. It seems that many people have come in."

Yang Qingxuan swept his eyes and golden eyes all around, and said in surprise: "How big is this cemetery? You can't see it at a glance. Moreover, the dead spirit shrouded in the sky isolates both the spiritual sense and the spiritual eye. I am afraid it is dangerous. Be careful. some."

The three of them continued to fly forward, slowing down a lot.

The more you get inside, the fewer dirt pits appear. People who come in are eager to fly inside, and they don't dig so hard.

Although affected by the death energy, Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes can still see through some of the surface, especially when the power of Chaos is running, the visibility is higher.

Soon, he dug out three ginseng plants.

In addition to the celestial ginseng, there are also many strange heavenly materials and earth treasures, which contain various magical powers.

Even Luotinglan found the power of releasing in a plant.

The plant was like a yellow sponge, half-buried in the soil, thinking it was a strange stone, only to pull it out did you know that it was a plant, with the power of relief flowing inside.

"What is buried in this cemetery? There is such ample power to flow."

Qin Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes could only go deep into the shallow layer of the earth's surface, and was blocked, unable to go deep.

He pondered: "It's mostly a race from the Chaos Age."

Luo Tinglan's eyes gleamed and said, "How about digging out one?"

Yang Qingxuan said in shock: "No! This cemetery is very difficult. If it is really passed down from the Chaos Age, how many years has it gone through? Life still persists. If you dig out something terrible, you may die here. You see, these tombs are well-preserved, which proves that none of the warriors who flew past dared to move their minds."

Luo Tinglan had to give up and said: "Well, curiosity does kill people. We mainly dig Tianshen, let's go."

The three continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, someone dug up a soil pack in front, and a big hole appeared in front of him.

"Finally someone can't help but dig!"

Luo Tinglan was surprised and happy, and hurriedly flew over, looking into the pit, but screamed suddenly.

Yang Qingxuan and Qin Xiaoyu moved to the pit, and saw a warrior inserted in the pit with his head facing down, half of his body inserted in it, and the pubic area and the lower part facing the sky.

Judging from the exposed body part, it should be the warrior participating in this training camp.

Yang Qingxuan looked with fiery eyes and golden eyes, and saw some conditions below the surface. The upper body of the warrior buried in the soil had been attacked by deathly aura, and it was decaying.

Qin Xiaoyu said: "Did someone else insert him, or did he insert him himself, or something inserted him?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "The third kind."

Qin Xiaoyu exclaimed: "How do you know?"

Yang Qingxuan pointed to this person's hand, Qin Xiaoyu and Luo Tinglan reacted immediately.

The storage ring of this person is still there, a total of four rings and one bracelet on both hands have not been taken away.

The geniuses who can come here for training are all rich in resources and wealthy. Taking out one person's property is tantamount to digging a secret treasure. No one can resist this temptation.

Luo Tinglan said: "It's cheaper for us." He stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Yang Qingxuan wanted to stop, but when he thought about it, he stopped, observed carefully, and said, "Be careful."

All the storage elements on that martial artist were stripped off and flew towards Luo Tinglan.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly moved in his heart and said: "I'm coming." Reaching out and grabbing, volley shot the storage elements.

In addition, a ball of flame was formed in his hand, and all the storage elements were burned to clean the energy to avoid accidents.

Then he caught it.

After sweeping with God's consciousness and strength, after confirming that there is no problem, he threw it back to Luo Tinglan, and said, "Let's go. These strange phenomena have nothing to do with us. Just dig the ginseng, don't make extra branches."

Just after taking a step, he stopped abruptly, showing surprise.

Qin Xiaoyu asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

She also suddenly noticed something, and hurriedly turned her head back, she found that Luo Tinglan had become extremely hideous, as if possessed by an evil spirit, her clothes all over her body were torn apart, pieces of corpse-like muscle lump violently, and her face Completely deformed.

Yang Qingxuan was furious. On Luo Tinglan's palm, there were those storage elements lying there. A necromantic force overflowed from a black ring and rushed into Luo Tinglan's body, completely occupying her.

Qin Xiaoyu said in surprise: "Hidden in a ring!"

Yang Qingxuan said solemnly: "Being able to hide in the ring proves that this thing is wise and not low, it's troublesome!"

He stared at "Luo Tinglan" and said sharply: "Who are you?"

"Those who disturb my race's rest, go to death!"

The voice was thick and low, and it was a man talking. He raised his hands and turned into a giant axe, slashing at the two!


The axe drew a dark whirlwind in the air, split into two, and slashed at the two.

Yang Qingxuan and Qin Xiaoyu hurriedly resisted, and were immediately repelled by the whirlwind.

Both of them are anxious, this "Luo Tinglan" is not strong, only the appearance of a four-star Intermediate Thousand Worlds, but he is possessed by Luo Tinglan, how is this good?

Yang Qingxuan's thoughts turned, and he shouted: "Offended!"

Step forward, reach out and grab it.

The powerful aura instantly suppressed that person.

The second soul rushed out of the body and flew into "Luo Tinglan".


A hoarse and low voice came from "Luo Tinglan"'s mouth, the whole body struggled and twisted fiercely, and the blue eyes were bloodshot.

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