Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2798: Shen Yuan Pan Dao Dan, refining Yin Yang mirror

Soon, everyone paid.

Xiang Wu said indifferently: "With one hundred and twenty-three as the dividing line, those below this number, get out. The three breaths disappear in my eyes, and I don't like seeing garbage."

There was a commotion in the crowd, a large number of people breathed a sigh of relief, and a small number of people paled.

But knowing that the words like the invisible are absolutely not a joke, more than a hundred people desperately turned into escape and flew away.

Qin Xiaoyu looked at it, and it turned out that these more than one hundred people were basically robbed by them, and a very small part of it was left behind after being robbed.

Xiang Wuxian looked at them and said, "You are all very good, and you successfully passed the first test. Although there are many disgraceful things in the process, there are robberies, murderers, cheating, and M-butts. , But I don’t care what means you use to achieve your goal, it’s victory. Now I will reward you each with a Pill of Sanyuan Pandao."

After finishing speaking, he took out a big gourd, opened the lid, and suddenly the powerful chaotic energy rushed out, and the five hundred ginseng source Pandao Dan wells blow out, and the patter fell like stones.

Everyone reached out and grabbed one.

Starting with this pill, Yang Qingxuan felt the vast energy, like a small universe, and it was all composed of the power of chaos, which made his heart beat wildly.

This is the first time I have seen such a strange, complicated, and structure-like pill.

Everyone knows the preciousness of this pill, and everyone is ecstatic.

Thinking of the various hardships during this period of time, it was not in vain.

Many people have broken through the first level in the 100 days in Fengyun Canyon, and they have gained a lot.

Xiang Wuxian said: "Go back, and take this Pan Dao Dan to swallow and absorb it."

After speaking, he waved his hand and drove away with Yiyi.

Everyone felt the pressure relieved and they couldn't wait to fly to the dormitory area.

Yang Qingxuan felt a lot of icy gazes, including Jiuyuan Jialan, Baili Sword Lord, and Soul of the Child, all of which had been spotted on him, and then flew back blankly.

Out of the canyon, no one would dare to lead the war without permission.

Yang Qingxuan turned a blind eye to the hostility of the people, and after a long laugh, he turned into a escape from the people and flew to the dormitory area.

Half a day later, everyone in their dormitories swallowed the Shenyuan Pan Dao Pill to practice.

The originally crowded dormitory area was reduced by half at once and became empty. The previous situation of crowding a small courtyard with several people no longer exists.

Luo Tinglan still wanted to stick to Yang Qingxuan, but found that Yang Qingxuan hid directly, found a vacant courtyard to go in for retreat, and then sealed the courtyard to death.

According to the rules, you are not allowed to break into the yard of others.

The angry Luo Tinglan stomped and cursed, and could only return in angrily.

In the secret room, Yang Qingxuan took out the Shenyuan Pandao Dan, carefully examined it with fiery eyes, and decomposed its internal structure.

It was found that the structure of this pill was very similar to a holy artifact, and it contained the cosmic space, which carried the extremely majestic chaotic power. If ordinary people swallowed it, they might not be able to withstand the force of the explosion, and they might fall directly. .

But these do not exist for him.

With three major divine bodies, if among these five hundred geniuses, even he couldn't swallow this pill, no one else would be able to swallow it.

Yang Qingxuan adjusted his physical state to the peak, then put the Shenyuan Pandao Dan in his mouth and swallowed it directly.

The cool feeling entered the body, and in an instant, the coolness immediately turned into fiery heat, as if a universe was unsealed in the stomach, the majestic chaotic power surged out, invading the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

Yang Qingxuan had been prepared for a long time, pinched the sacred seal with his hands, and operated the Wuxiang Tathagata's original wish sutra, absorbing and digesting this force.

The muscles and bones of the whole body all made a slight noise, and the sound became louder and louder, as if the whole body was beaten.

This is only the initial stage of the unblocking of the pill, the truly violent process has not yet arrived.

Yang Qingxuan was fully absorbed, not daring to be distracted, and consumed the energy in the body as quickly as possible, lest it accumulate in the body and cause a huge hidden danger.

The three divine bodies were running at the same time in an instant, and the purple light, golden light, and blood color came out at once, shining the entire secret room with brilliant light.

It didn't take long for Yang Qingxuan's body to double its size, and the power unblocked from the Pandao Dan of the Source of the Source continued to expand his body.

This scene took place in almost every cultivation secret room, and everyone had transformed into the law of heaven and earth, bearing the terrible power to cut the hair and wash the marrow in the body.

Some warriors with lower strength and talents have passed out, letting Dan power scurry around in the body, life and death depends on the sky.

Yang Qingxuan's three major divine bodies were all operating to the extreme, still unable to fully digest the power of the pill.

As the pill was unblocked to its extreme, this sign became more obvious. Many chaotic forces penetrated from the body, scattered into the air, and were wasted directly.

Yang Qingxuan took a violent breath, and then sucked back the dissipated pill energy. He would rather expand his body a few times and hold it uncomfortably than waste it.

Then he changed the tactics in his hand, took out the Yin Yang mirror, and directly used the power of the pill to refine the mirror.

Previously, the power of Chaos was exhausted every time, so the sacrifice had to be terminated.

Right now is the perfect opportunity for sacrifice.

Yang Qingxuan turned the power of chaos into runes and penetrated into the mirror to relieve the expansion in the body.

After one month.

In the secret room, Yang Qingxuan pinched the tactics with both hands to drive the Yin Yang mirror on the void.

The black and white two colors immediately shook, transforming into a Tai Chi picture, and when it turned, there was the radiance of Yin and Yang.

The entire secret room then becomes two poles, the Tai Chi picture is enlarged in the sky, and the cover falls down, forming an endless scene.

Sitting in Tai Chi, Yang Qingxuan was directly tempered by the two qi, and the whole person became half black and half white.

But in an instant, it returned to normal.

"Kacha", a lot of cracks appeared in Yang Qingxuan's body, and then bleeding came and became bloody.

He turned a blind eye to this, pinching the yin and yang mirror into his body, revealing a pensive color.

During this month of cultivation, the chaotic power required by the Yin Yang mirror far exceeded his imagination, and most of the power transformed by the salvia was consumed on this mirror, and finally he could drive a little bit and realize the yin and yang in it.

Yang Qingxuan even discovered that the power of these two qi, forming Tai Chi, can help him refine his body. It's just that the power of the two qi is too strong. Even if his three divine bodies are in the same body, he still can't hold it for a few times. Every time he is swept by the power of the two qi, even if he and the yin and yang mirror are in harmony, his body is still destroyed and collapsed in an instant.

A few times I almost finished playing.

Constantly testing on the edge of life and death to find the best balance.

Yang Qingxuan put away the yin-yang mirror, swallowed some pills, and began to heal the wounds on his body.

The gains in this month have been tremendous. The medicinal power of Danshen has not only greatly improved his physical body and realm, but also the important thing is that he has refined the Yin Yang mirror, branded his own spiritual consciousness on it, and thoroughly removed the magical consciousness. erase.

Somewhere in the Western Universe, Miaoshang has passed out angrily.

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